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Tournaments revisited - friendly and micro tournaments

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Posts: 5,201
06:46 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
~~ Micro Tournaments
A tournament which is aimed to take 20-25 minutes including the reduced (2 minute) signup time. Games per round, shot time, and number of entrants will be strictly controlled for this aim. Like friendly tournaments a tournament win is not credited, however TournaPoints and tournament double rankings still occur. ~~

Nice idea Nick ! Can i ask why if TournaPoints and tournament double rankings still occur, why isnt there not a tournament win credited ? Just trying to work out what takes priority here , tourna points , rank or tournament wins ?

Cheers : )

Edited at 05:01 Sun 23/01/11 (GMT)

Edited at 05:03 Sun 23/01/11 (GMT)
Posts: 5,201
06:59 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
double post sry
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11:28 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes well put chaos.
tourny win for me.
Deleted User
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13:45 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
why not a separate stat for micro tourny wins?

using k1rk as an example:

8 Ball Billiards Professional
Ranking 861.2 (7th)
Maximum 886.1
Wins 711 (72.0%)
Losses 276 (28.0%)
Seven Ballings 32
Run Outs 15
Tournament Wins 17
Micro tournament wins 4

something like that?
Posts: 4,195
14:10 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
If that was me would be more like 100

But all in all nice stats
Posts: 8,149
15:48 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice idea but this would be clogging each discipline, how much more stuff do we need on each disciplines on our profile page?

If I had a choice though, I would say a separate section like the "Random Tournaments" section we currently have? or better still, just add them to the tournaments we currently have under each disciplines?
Posts: 38,097
16:00 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
since micro might be continuous tournaments, how about some friendly ones in the 30 minutes slot, doesn't have to be all day but something to suit each timezone.
Posts: 8,149
16:21 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
since micro might be continuous tournaments, how about some friendly ones in the 30 minutes slot, doesn't have to be all day but something to suit each timezone.

Not at all a bad idea, but the friendly tournaments implemented along with the micro tournaments covers this in my opinion.

Posts: 8,939
18:35 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
Nice idea Nick ! Can i ask why if TournaPoints and tournament double rankings still occur, why isnt there not a tournament win credited ? Just trying to work out what takes priority here , tourna points , rank or tournament wins ?

I may be wrong, but logically, in a tournament with only 8 people and one game per round, winning isn't a comparible achievement to winning a normal tourney with 100+ entrants, so shouldnt gain the same stat.

However, rank is independant of tournament position, and tournapoints are based on the number of entrants, so these can carry on as normal.
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21:22 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I love you Nick.

I think the continuous Micro-tournaments would be a great idea, it means that it can open it up to those who aren't the best at the game. I think an individual stat should be brought in on the profile for the winners of them, as it is still an achievement, despite not being as difficult as proper tournaments and can give those 'lesser' players something more achievable to strive towards.

Also, have there been any Friendly tournaments yet, or are they not featured on the Tournament page?
Posts: 19,967
22:34 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Would it be possible to run more than one at the same time, as 8 players means a lot of people may miss out on playing (and have to wait another hour for the next one, with it being a different game type, and still not have a place guaranteed)
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22:39 Sun 23 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i just did my first micro tourney, they are brilliant idea
Posts: 9,926
02:05 Mon 24 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Micro tourneys should not go on overall stats as a tourney win, but it would be nice to have something with a total number of micro tourneys won which was completely separate.
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06:58 Mon 24 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can the time limit for the micro tournys be set so that they are guaranteed to finish in time for the next "main" tournament?

At the minute the time limit is 18 minutes for 3 rounds which, if the tourny starts at say 06.30, the latest it could finish is 06.24.

Can it be set to finish at 06.12 at the latest, so 14 minutes a round?
Posts: 4,751
18:59 Mon 24 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've just had a quick look at the last 5 micro tournaments and they have all finished before the next hour. I'm going to shorten the invite expiry time for micro tournaments to 90 seconds too, so that's 6 minutes (2 minutes * 3 rounds) off the maximum time.
Posts: 31,220
02:55 Tue 25 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sounds good. Will the second (and final) reminder still be with 1 minute left before the invitation expires, or will it be 30 seconds, or will it still exist?
Posts: 8,149
03:07 Tue 25 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one Nick!


I have noticed on several occasions that the announcement for the tournament win does not pop up when it is won, I understand that no win is credited for the micro tournament but maybe just a simple "Congratulations to joker86 who won the 9 Ball micro tournament" ?

clooneman said:
Sounds good. Will the second (and final) reminder still be with 1 minute left before the invitation expires, or will it be 30 seconds, or will it still exist?

It doesn't exist currently, but a great idea!
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14:11 Tue 25 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just an idea, if we are looking at putting continuous micro-tournaments in, would it be worth making a few rank-specific run side by side? So every fourth could have a 5-700, 7-800 and an 800+ running at the same time. Since they don't add to tournaments on your profile, there is no point for people to keep their ranks low to enter the lower ones, but it gives others a chance to win something they usually wouldn't have a chance in...

I know on both sites people have wanted rank-specific tournaments, this is kind'f a compromise. Peoples' thoughts?

My question before never got answered :
Me. said:
Also, have there been any Friendly tournaments yet, or are they not featured on the Tournament page?
Posts: 38,097
18:29 Tue 25 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
no friendly tournies yet
Posts: 1,728
01:41 Wed 26 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I got a fair few points on this subject.

- great updates, liking the reincarnation of friendly tournaments

- The idea of micro tournaments with rank barriers i think would be a great idea,

- For the profiles, using kirk's as an example, why not use a "spoiler" on the profile page for stats other than rankings, e.g. run outs, GB's, tournament wins, so that the profile page can be expanded to show things like Micro tournament wins etc?

- Friendly tournaments have been re-introduced over on funkysnooker, so it shouldn't be long before they are brought back into action here
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Tournaments revisited - friendly and micro tournaments

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