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12:16 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You don't even know how to spell you know you're right let alone know it rick.
...ridiculous attack on one of the fairest people on funkypool who kept this league running for everyone and is going to carry on making it better.
Dexter handed over the head league runners job to sarah so why should she be asking for help, she doesn't need it.
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12:18 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why should he gain when he was told subs were invalid and proceeded to do so. HE took no Notice saying i do as i please.
Posts: 38,097
12:18 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i wish people would stop accusing snooker squad for stuff to be honest, im kinda getting bored of it.

for the reopened case, it should have been done a long time ago but if the sub was in fact "illegal" then i agree about the opened case (despite being a month late), if it wasn't illegal then i wouldn't have reopened
Posts: 11,062
12:20 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
q_tip said:
Why should he gain when he was told subs were invalid and proceeded to do so. HE took no Notice saying i do as i please.
He's not gaining. He made illegal subs, it happens. The correct thing to do (as happened yesterday) is to cancel the sub and not let the result stand.

And how can you give a completion bonus and say it is "to punish the captain of Fighting Eagles". How can you relate the completion bonus with punishment??? Any way you look at it a terrible decision on your part.

The only reason it worked was because there were only 3 default panelists available, including yourself. I was on vacation at the time, so under normal circumstances, this would never have stood anyway lol.
Posts: 7,164
12:20 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
reading through typical rick remark

this has to be one of the fairest dicsions ever ...... corrupt you are laughable rick
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12:21 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you knew they were invalid how can you put the result through from an invalid game and judge a default with the wrong people in it?!
Posts: 7,164
12:21 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
q_tip said:
Why should he gain when he was told subs were invalid and proceeded to do so. HE took no Notice saying i do as i please.

well id like to see who sat on the orignal default ,,,,,,,, i wont get to but somthing stinks dosnt it
Posts: 38,097
12:21 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
the easiest way to avoid all the rubbish, was captains just ask and seek permision a 2 second request and show a little common courtesy

as ive said i had no problem with them leaving they leave having had a great season

dgeneratio said:
why should you seek permission for FCL when you can name right now? so for FCL you can't name your players even during transfer window? thats not right.

FBL i agree you can't name at the moment so you would need to seek permission for that but its still grim if you can name players for 1 league but not another as you would have...

FCL players blah, *waits for FBL to finish*, *announces same players*.

what i propose is you cannot name until the final 2 fixture sets, once the league is in its final 4-5 weeks then you could name without permission, if that was the case for both leagues then you could name right now for both leagues

posted here too, not to have ago but its relevant to FBL as well as FCL so i present my post as an idea
Posts: 11,062
12:23 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
q_tip said:
Why should he gain when he was told subs were invalid and proceeded to do so. HE took no Notice saying i do as i please.

well id like to see who sat on the orignal default ,,,,,,,, i wont get to but somthing stinks dosnt it
3 people made the original decision:
dextr, diamond_jem vs anoneeemouse (against)
Posts: 11,062
12:23 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyway, good luck slugging it out. I'm off for now.
Posts: 7,164
12:24 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
james the easy way wouldve been FCL waiting a couple of weeks its never turned round so quick then no problems full stop really
Deleted User
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12:25 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bit of a mess this one. Mikee made a couple of invalid subs this fixture should really still be colpepper v slimeball.
He subbed fired out of davybaumers match 8ball put himself in then proceeded to put fired into straight v the_diamond (invalid) , he then took colpepper out of the match v slimeball put him up against the diamond (invalid) then put fired in v slimeball (again invalid). colpepper played the_diamond and got beat 0-6. So what i have did was have a word with mikee telling him what he did wrong to be hit with a volley of lets say unneeded comments. I then posted the rules of subs/swaps on his thread so he could look at that only to be pm'd with more unsavoury comments. Going to let the fixtures stand as they are and warn mikee.

On that basis i say 1-5 + bonus awarded (mikee has also been warned didn't go down too well as expected).
q_tipSite Admin Posts: 114Joined: 11 Sep 2011 23:03

Re: S3 Set 3 fired_up_cue v slimeball FE v PYTH 8ball

by anoneeemouse 22 Dec 2011 13:50

agree on the 1-5 , neither should have bonus though. the subs should have been checked beforehand by both teams
anoneeemouse Posts: 37Joined: 30 Nov 2011 18:24

Deleted User
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12:26 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
by bluenose1872 22 Dec 2011 16:31

I ckecked the subs at first, i also took Mikes word on them as he said what he was doing could be done.

I don't see why we should lose out on bonus though as this was Mike's fault not mine, i worked my butt of to help him out with games and i also got alot of unneeded comments. Im happy with or without the bonus points though.
bluenose1872 Posts: 19Joined: 21 Oct 2011 23:57


Re: S3 Set 3 fired_up_cue v slimeball FE v PYTH 8ball

by diamond_jem 22 Dec 2011 16:50

I agree with Dextr, 1-5 + bonus, Jay spent hours on the computer trying to sort things out with Mike and he was not the most pleasant of people. Bonus should be awarded.
Posts: 11,062
12:28 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You forgot to add this sentence:

q_tip said:
locking this down at 5-1 +bonus reasons for doing the bonus it is part punishment to Eagles for the Capts Misdemeanor's.
Posts: 7,164
12:29 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
doubted2 said:
q_tip said:
Why should he gain when he was told subs were invalid and proceeded to do so. HE took no Notice saying i do as i please.

well id like to see who sat on the orignal default ,,,,,,,, i wont get to but somthing stinks dosnt it
3 people made the original decision:
dextr, diamond_jem vs anoneeemouse (against)

well well seb ,,,, i gave you enough in the beginning of the season ,,,,,,,,,, for the exact same thing hardly an unbaised panel ,,,,,,,,,,, i will read into that whats needed too hardly right

nd you have ricks comments

well done all of you on this
its great to see ppl doing the job right and i mean that,,,,

dextr who ever you are now.... this is why i go off it,, and you defending yourself this league is in safe hands now, i might not see eye to eye with either lee or seb but hey credit its needed
Posts: 1,594
12:33 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
to q_tip ......why are you posting this, the new and correct decision has been made now you can stop.
Posts: 7,164
12:36 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dextr ,, white_noise,, q_tip

hmmmmmm nd you could still be a league runner ,,,, say no more the default panel speaks volumes on this,,, sarah has chosen the right people to look at this

how can a python sit on his own default and with all due respect diamond_jem and im not questioning her its just not right at all

its been stated no evidence from either manager so i guess comments were made again to bias the dicision so was mikee allowed a voice i bet not

dextr think you should continue your life with crazzy eights nd the less said the better on this subject because you messed up bigtime... just look at what these people are saying its correct open your eyes ... how can you even comment
Posts: 22,512
12:36 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sarah was against the completion bonus going Python's way on the default predictions, but she agreed with the 1 - 5 to Pythons.

I have messaged Sarah about this by offline message, but i will say here right now, your post was to do with the completion bonus and i agree it should be removed but why then remove defaults that went Python way and make them in favour of Fighting Eagles when they were actually in the wrong in the first place. The problem was with the bonus not the actual defaults but they get changed to.

In reply to the above what Craig said, i never once posted on a Python default? Don't know where you got that from, and Jema does her own thing on defaults i don't take anything to do with it, like you said your not questioning it but thought i would say it anyway mate.
Deleted User
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12:37 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who give's a monkeys who u suck upto craig..u have done it in the past and and will do it again could not care less tbh u have more faces than a coin and thats one of the reasons i gave up running stuff as most people are just turn coats.
Deleted User
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12:39 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dextr if people queried your decision as a league runner what would you have said to someone posting pages from the defaults forum onto here?!
People's comments on there aren't supposed to be public and it's not right you making them public.
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