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New Tournament Competition, Big Update!

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02:46 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ang3l said:
Where my pro ranks gone too, was there about 10 mins ago and i havent played in rank tournys or games . Apart from straight tonight .....

The daily reduction now continues down to 750 before bottoming out.
Posts: 8,315
02:48 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
What ! so does that mean when u get to pro u go back down again pfft lol
Posts: 31,220
02:52 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
rubber_duck said:
Nick i know you have done a great job on this site but i think you have gone a step too far with making ALL tournys ranked and not being able to stick at 800 which is what most people do. 50/50 would be a better idea for ranked and unranked.

What follows is my personal opinion.

Yoink! Just looked at my stats and I am now down to 799 at the most in all game types. And there is nothing wrong with this; 800 was a nice shelf, but there should never necessarily be anything that says that a player has to have a floor below which his/her ranking will never drop. To contrast it with any other ranking system in any other sport in the world is easy; Steve Davis or Ray Reardon are not in the world's Top 16 snooker players, where they would be in all likelihood be now if they were allowed to retire on a particular high ranking score, thereby never leaving the top ranks. Or look at France's football team, 21st in the world rankings. If they had been allowed to limit their decline, they would be (perhaps) in the top 10 forever, in theory.

So, the idea of resting forever on a particular rank, common to everyone, has been done away with, which brings me on to my next point, and that is ranking tournaments - or to be specific, avoiding them to avoid losing rank. This is now going to become a thing of the past, and that's a good thing. I'm looking forward to taking part in my first tournament under the new way of things and seeing if I can make it into the points, as soon as I get time.

As for those who say that the site is getting too serious, I disagree. There will always be a competitive nature to any games website, or else that site will not thrive. If Funkypool or a similar website consisted entirely of friendly games with no opportunity to gain rank or win tournaments, or to have your name displayed in a site-wide announcement whenever you got a golden break or a run out, who would stick around? There are enough of us still here after all this time as proof that the changes have kept the site alive and full of vitality. Playing pool is one thing, but the competitive nature of the site is helped in no small part to keep us here. And let's face it, taking away all the ranked games and tournaments and everything would be the way to completely remove the "seriousness" from the site.

The site is not ruined; far from it in fact.
Posts: 2,530
03:00 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've changed my tune abit now because i was against the tournys being all ranked. I think they should all be ranked now but the points that you lose are WAYYYY above what they should. Losing 7+ points to someone who is only 30 points behind you is a little but unfair.

Apart from that i like it now
Deleted User
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03:02 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
why do you all compare this change to the FIFA rankings when football and pool are completely different sports?

no-one is saying remove tourneys most people now want to see some of the old tourneys back but i guess that aint EVER goin to happen.

soon enough the higher ranked players will stop playing ranked tourneys as they are losing 6, 7, 8 etc etc etc points and only gaining 1-3 points depending on there opponents

another thing is why change the old rank points won in normal rank games surely they should be kept same with the ranked tourneys giving you double the points
Deleted User
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03:11 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
all we want is some friendly tournys, no pressure on losing ranking points...simples..
Posts: 4,195
03:16 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Iv tried to not post on here until i seen what it was all about as there is no point making rash posts without looking into it and weighing it up.

And my opinion is this, the basis of the whole tourny points thing is a breath of fresh air i think, it's something i do like the sound of and as for them all being ranked tournies this doesnt bother me at all really. The whole newbie can't play is a excellent idea and im glad you took that idea on. So in general i think this is a great update and well done.

Ok now for the nagging although it isnt nagging just some flaws i wonder if could be fixed or looked at. Ok so some players are purposely at a low rank and there idea was to be a novice player and win tournies for a laugh, now they are in these tournies and taking rank like there is no tomorrow, now although their rank will go to the proper level it should be some people will have a lot of points for him to get there which seems a bit harsh, not sure much can be done unless you check to see his earlier results to see if they are breaking rules.

Now for this double points thing. I dont really like it lol. mainly because some players lose to the biggest flukes ever or whatever and then they lose 7 or so points for turning up to a game, just seems a bit harsh. See when rank was normal you could lose the odd frame to flukes but still not see a major drop in rank and if the other player was actually better then they would still get some decent points.
Posts: 4,195
03:17 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
All i can see with this is people up and down like a yoyo dya not think.

Anyway thats my opinion so far have a good ganda lol.
Posts: 2,530
03:49 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your one of the people that is below the rank they should be at

And i see your point because people could win the tourny then just lose the ranking points again on purpose.
Posts: 4,195
04:17 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also it would be a good idea to say the pot points thing on the tourny homepage aswel. Just an idea though.
Posts: 292
04:41 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great update nick

I think people moan too much as they cant have things their own way on the site, i think the changes are for the best, it will reflect peoples overall skill to maintain rank.

One thing i'd change is reduce rank down to 675 rather than 750, i dont see the point in it stopping at 750.
Deleted User
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04:45 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
don't think it should go all the way down to 675, atleast make it stay at 700 if your gonna to change it again.
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05:01 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
welshdragon said:
all we want is some friendly tournys, no pressure on losing ranking points...simples..

i totally agree !! ive lost 20 points from uk today all the tough games against top players to raise my ranking points lost in 2 games because a 780 beats me in a tourny ???
its silly and a waste of time !!
Deleted User
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11:07 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Try playing some tournaments to base your opinion on not just 1 or 2, give it some time to work dont hate it just yet. And the ones that are saying it is too serious now are the people that are taking it serious mostly, just get on with it, it is here for fun dont cry about a free game.

And again with the ranking going below 800, it will only give a true reflection of your rank in the long run nothing worse than being in a ranked tournament and playing a 800 rank with the ability of a 880 so I think it will all even out

Deleted User
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11:35 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just a question...

You know on the tournament page (the tournament in progress)... Would it be possible to have tournapoints availablefor winner runner up and the 2 semi finalists?


9 am 8 ball tournament

TournaPointas available 100

Winner : 70
runner up: 20
Semi finalists 5 each
Posts: 38,097
11:42 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
nick said:
Winner takes 70%, runner-up 20% and semi-finalists 5% each.

There's your answer ginomanx - only for winner, runner-up and semi-finalists.

there you go apple
Deleted User
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11:51 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Noooo I mean like say a tornament has 60 entrants how many points will you gain from each position, I know it is easy to work out but if it was on the page like winner would take (if it was 60 entrants) 840 points I think just for winning that tournament.

But instead of sitting here and working it out would it be possible to have the amounts per tournament on the tournament page.
Posts: 38,097
11:53 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ahh right, good idea
Deleted User
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11:55 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
For say 60 entrants it may look something like this:

Winner: 840
Runner up: 240
Semi finalists: 60 each

Not too sure on the maths was done off the top of my head but I think that is right.
Deleted User
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12:04 Tue 23 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
nickh87 said:
One thing i'd change is reduce rank down to 675 rather than 750, i dont see the point in it stopping at 750.

Problem with that would be your very good player that has been inactive for a while comes back at 675 plays a tournament and bang, takes huge points of people. I can imagine some of the posts now

I believe that ideally, in terms of the points spread across the whole of the player base, you want it to be the smallest it can reasonably be so as to reduce the instances of wild gains and losses.

Having 750 as your base line figure might be a good place to try starting from, ie new players come straight in at 750 allowing them to go up or down quite easily to find their true rank and inactive players also reduce down to that same 750 par line.

But to be honest any discussions on wins, losses, daily reductions, double points for tournaments, reduced points for ranked games is fairly meaningless at the moment until there has been a proper period of evaluation to see how it is working, and after some of the problems caused by the previous system disappear. I am sure after that proper period all input and ideas would be welcome, based on facts, and if it needs adjusting I am pretty confident that it will be.
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