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Deleted User
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19:27 Fri 26 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
[U][B]Team Name Pts Group One Pts Team Name[/U]
The Unbeatables 0 Versus 0 Bulldogs[/B]
toptip Vs. greyhound
_kayleigh Vs. bulldog_oc
nh425 Vs. cannibals

[B]Bulldogs 0 Versus 0 FBI[/B]
relisys Vs. diamond_cut
paulshaw7 Vs. revinax
welsh_boi_13 Vs. zantetsukenz

[B]FBI 0 Versus 0 The Unbeatables[/B]
_marc _ Vs. krystal2k9
Jimmy__1878 Vs. killerblue
bloodhound Vs. super_pool

[I]Deadline Monday 3rd December, at Middnight![/I]

Please Post Here............

Table here.............
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:30 Fri 26 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Name Pts Group Two Pts Team Name
The Snipers 0 Versus 0 The Nutters
stone_henge Vs. liam__scfc
jordanwake Vs. hippesville
cmurphy Vs. spoonie

The Nutters 0 Versus 0 The Cobra's
rubber_duck Vs. crazy_greg
joker86 Vs. kev04
kimbo_xx Vs. shooter001

The Cobra's 0 Versus 0 The Snipers
podgoricanin Vs. cphaynes
hairwascurly Vs. dgeneratio
perfect_play Vs. knockout

Deadline Monday 3rd December, at Middnight!

Please Post Here............

Table here.............
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:33 Fri 26 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
[U][B]Team Name Pts Group Three Pts Team Name[/U]
Pool Sharks 0 Versus 0 The Vikings[/B]
rustybmf Vs. a_j
ben_dins91 Vs. crazzymadman
craig_afc Vs. thorstein

[B]The Sharpshooters 0 Versus 0 Pool Sharks[/B]
17_m Vs. cke1982
bumble37 Vs. dextr
doyley Vs. fallani

[B]Pool Sharks 0 Versus 0 The Firing Squad[/B]
niomi 92 Vs. red4ever
ron_jon_surf Vs. teamplayer
vippooler Vs. fade41texas

[B]The Firing squad 0 Versus 0 The Sharpshooters[/B]
cutting_edge Vs. chaulkmeup
welshdragon Vs. masenko
slimeball Vs. ranked_pro

[B]The Vikings 0 Versus 0 The Sharpshooters[/B]
tozzie Vs. doubted2
cymberline Vs. tratter
funkyskunk Vs. metterzrocks

[B]The Vikings 0 Versus 0 The Firing Squad[/B]
destroyer_16 Vs. deano
chris Vs. daveygee
death_viper Vs. mtk

[I]Deadline Monday 3rd December, at Middnight![/I]

Please Post Here............

Table here.............
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:38 Fri 26 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can you please post ALL Cup, Plate, Qwerty Quick Cup & Killer Knockout results in...........

Posts: 19,967
00:52 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
why is the qwerty cup tie breaker a game of 8 us? :S
Deleted User
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12:24 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
It was between 8UK, 8US, both are more skilled overall the 9 ball So I chose 8US.

No real reason behind it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:37 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline was over at midnight. thanks
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:43 Thu 2 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

Unfortunatly Bulldogs have decided to pull out....... Due to not having enough players!

That means UKC is only a 4 team league..... Sorry!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:50 Thu 2 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
CPL Team Sheets!

CPL Team sheets need to be in by 12pm (Midday) Friday 3rd of December!


FBI Versus The Cobra's

BYE Versus The Firing Squad

BYE Versus Nutters

The Firing Squad Versus FBI

The Cobra's Versus Nutters


Unbeatables Versus Sharpshooters

The Snipers Versus The Vikings

Pool Sharks Versus BYE

The Vikings Versus Unbeatables

Sharpshooters Versus BYE

The Snipers Versus Pool Sharks

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:36 Fri 3 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Name Pts Fixture Set 3 Pts Team Name
BYE 0 Versus 0 The Firing squad

BYE 0 Versus 0 The Nutters

FBI 0 Versus 0 The Cobra's

master_p00l 0 Vs. 0 o0o_buff_o0o
diamond_cut 0 Vs. 0 podgoricanin
revinax 0 Vs. 0 perfect_play
9onserrot 0 Vs. 0 vendetta
strobe 0 Vs. 0 fire_blazer
zantetsukenz 0 Vs. 0 shooter001
nurse 0 Vs. 0 me_again

Team Name Pts Fixture Set 4 Pts Team Name
The Firing Squad 0 Versus 0 FBI

mtk 0 Vs. 0 diamond_cut
aflumpire 0 Vs. 0 9onesrrot
slimeball 0 Vs. 0 bloodhound
eaglestrike 0 Vs. 0 colins
teamplayer 0 Vs. 0 _marc _
deano75 0 Vs. 0 zantetsukenz
psychosis 0 Vs. 0 jimmy__1878

The Cobra's 0 Versus 0 The Nutters
podgoricanin Vs. spoonie
perfect_play Vs. joker86
crazy_greg Vs. mich
fire_blazer Vs. rubber_duck
shooter001 Vs. liam__scfc
me_again Vs. kimbo_xx
o0o_buff_o0o Vs. dark_angel

Deadline: 17th December, Midnight!

Thanks, Good luck!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:55 Fri 3 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Name Pts Fixture Set 3 Pts Team Name
Pool Sharks 0 Versus 0 BYE

Unbeatables 0 Versus 0 Sharpshooters

killerblue Vs. lexy91
loco Vs. ranked_pro
toptip Vs. chaulkmeup
kyrstal2k9 Vs. 17_m
_kayleigh_ Vs. blueberry
superpool Vs. tratter
buzzboxxuk Vs. andyw1

The Snipers 0 Versus 0 The Vikings
dgeneratio Vs. cymberline
cphaynes Vs. death_viper
_emily_ Vs. crazzymadman
knockout Vs. tozzie
9ballsniper1 Vs. funkyskunk
jordanwake Vs. thorstein
cmurphy Vs. destroyer_16

Team Name Pts Fixture Set 4 Pts Team Name
BYE 0 Versus 0 Sharpshooters

The Vikings 0 Versus 0 Unbeatables
funkyskunk Vs. nh425
tozzie Vs. loco
a_j Vs. toptip
mdj Vs. kyrstal2k9
thorstein Vs. _kayleigh_
crazzymadman Vs. superpool
death_viper Vs. buzzboxxuk

The Snipers 0 Versus 0 Pool Sharks
cphaynes Vs. cke1982
mr_pink_eyes Vs. rustybmf
mikeybboy Vs. deano
dgeneratio Vs. bart_simpson
retral Vs. hatchio83
blackcabman7 Vs. mk_lad
g0d Vs. niomi92

Deadline 17th December, Midnight!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:15 Tue 7 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Everything will be updated by Wednesday evening, the coffee shop I go to is closed for works :-( Thanks for understanding
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:56 Tue 7 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
where do you find out defaults?
Posts: 5,224
23:05 Tue 7 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
oi chris is there a free agency for this league?
Deleted User
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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:56 Tue 14 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry mate FBI have finished
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:48 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unfortunately due to a few technical problems this is running a little behind schedule. I am assisting cphaynes temporarily therefore please can team captains/reps send me team lists of seven as soon as possible for the following matches.

I will then hope to get these games published by midnight tomorrow.

UK Pool Conference

Nutters vs Cobras
The Firing Squad - no fixture

(only one game at the moment due to the withdrawals of FBI and Bulldogs making this a three team league)

World Pool Conference

Pool Sharks vs Sharpshooters
Unbeatables vs The Snipers
The Snipers vs Sharpshooters
Vikings vs Pool Sharks

Previous team lists will be used for any team not submitting a new one.

EDIT: Just to confirm all the previous scores are held - for anyone interested the standings are currently


1st Cobras
2nd Nutters
3rd TFS


1st Unbeatables
2nd Sharpshooters
3rd Vikings
4th Snipers
5th Pool Sharks

but still all to play for

Edited at 23:04 Thu 16/12/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:20 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
As I have the Nutters and Cobras team lists in here are the fixtures -

Nutters v Cobras

antione08 v podgoricanin
rubber_duck v 9onserrot
liam__scfc v diamond_cut
hippesville v me_again
top_hat_cat v fire_blazer
deejay v perfect_play
joker86 v o0o_buff_o0o

Deadline Midnight (UK) 31st December
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:51 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
The CPL website should be pretty much updated at the moment - any errors then I apologise

What hasnt been done is updated team lists with changes. To try and speed the process up please could Captains/Vices check their own team's listing and message me all the changes to be made in one go.

Thanks for your assistance and understanding
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:17 Sat 18 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Week 4 Fixtures for WPC

Pool Sharks v Sharpshooters

rustybmf v qpounder_
mk_lad v doubted2
alex_uk v bumble37
deano v 17_m
niomi92 v andyw1
bart simpson v tratter
dextr v blueberry

Unbeatables v The Snipers

nh425 v cmurphy
balany1 v 9ballsniper1
welsh_boi_13 v _emily_
chav_h8r2 v dgeneratio
chillibeef v pool_beast
loco v knockout
krystal2k9 v mr_pink_eyes

The Snipers v Sharpshooters

karatekid v qpounder_
shaunbing v doubted2
jordanwake v bumble37
cmurphy v 17_m
mikeybboy v andyw1
pool_beast v tratter
dgeneratio v blueberry

The Vikings v Pool Sharks

davybaumers v rustybmf
funkyskunk v mk-lad
death_viper v alex-uk
funky_mark v deano
warney v niomi92
cymberline v bart simpson
a_j v dextr
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