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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 19,262
23:57 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well a month on the same page
Have all the poets bin locked in a cage?
Im a post,, as for one
Keep the thread going strong
Posts: 2,608
02:27 Mon 16 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I lay down here into the night
Wondering how to make it right
The same old thoughts ive been having for a while
Trying to figure how to leap that mile
All my friends are moving on
But i seem to be stuck like a helpless pawn
Why cant i decide what i want
Im being left behind with nothing to flaunt
Come on i say, give yourself a shake
Your better than this for goodness sake
But in my soul i can feel something change
And now im ready to expand my range
So as 2012 hits first gear
I say to myself "this will be my year!"
Posts: 19,262
18:56 Tue 17 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Playing a game of straight
Admittedly am not that good
Havent got a good run
But its all a lil fun
Posts: 13,570
19:39 Tue 17 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
something different, something bad,
something in my life....drivin me mad,
people all round me, not all that i want,
some i miss terribly, but it's all my own fault.

so tread very carefully when you've got summit great,
don't throw it all away and leave yourself in a state,
think long and think hard, for life's choices can be tough,
and don't ever think, that you haven't got enough.

some wisdom's required, in the land of hippes,
advice that will cure me, from someone sensible's lips,
but until i see sense, and that knowledge is found,
i'd better keep my head down...and my feet on the ground.

Posts: 13,570
19:41 Tue 17 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
.....and on a much more serious note,
i need food, and i also need a boat!
so sort me out now, with some cheese and a cow,
or gaz'll be havin an almighty row!!!!!
Posts: 19,262
23:31 Wed 18 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well i cant poeticlly think
Unlike the man in pink
So for now this will do
churning out a big poo
Posts: 13,570
00:04 Sun 22 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sounds like yer in trouble........
are you sat on the bog??!!!
many times i have said.........
hope the next one's......a hedgehog!!!!!

luv ya fry xxx
Posts: 19,819
00:20 Sun 22 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can't think of any rhymes.
For my poetic crimes.
gaz made me do one
And then I will be gone
In the tourney I got a bye
I let out a little sigh
Now I am waiting and I need a pee
whilst listening to tenaucious d
Might try and have a quick one now
I will leave you with a k-pow

There you go Gaz now no more death threats lol.
Posts: 13,570
00:24 Sun 22 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lmao zac its all just a joke,
some poems are happy and others show i'm broke,
but together with our friends we can lift ourselves up,
get back up on our feet.....and kick some butt!!!!

keeeeeep errrrrrrrr LIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 13,570
00:27 Sun 22 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
A scouse one could be scary,
No forgiveness or
Evil from all that wine,
Laughing and scarily grinning!
Posts: 19,262
03:14 Mon 23 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see the man in pink
Looks like he was on the drink
Slurring n dribbling his words
Running in around sheep herds
With his trousers by his socks
Within his hand some rock

lost track
Posts: 13,570
22:45 Tue 24 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
within my hand, my life i hold,
sometimes i think am gettin toooo old,
decisions still trouble and petrify me,
decisions of life and my family.

some people you know are trusting and kind,
those genuine and loving are so hard to find,
it's easy to be conned and led up the garden path,
then you'll find it's at you......that everyone laughs.

so try and make choices that totally make sense,
don't waste too much time just sitting on the fence,
i'm lost at the minute.......not too sure where to turn,
at my grand old age i still need to learn.
Posts: 19,262
04:57 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Once again i cant sleep
Guess i shall have a lil weep
Posts: 13,570
20:18 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
come on dear fry, no need to cry,
sleep for beauty you've clearly been denied!!!
but there's always hope, have no fear,
plastic surgery shall make you cheer!!!!!

Posts: 19,262
01:45 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Gaz Gaz what can i say
Your special in a window licking way
Your cheek earns you a slap
A proper 1 not a lil tap
Good job iv a sense of humour
Otherwise id start a rumour
About u in your pink gown
And how u sell urself around the town
Posts: 19,262
05:33 Fri 27 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
How can 1 4 letter word cause so much trouble
Comes along and bursts ma bubble
Really makes me rack my brain
And drives me slightly insane
Some1 needs to help me show em
That 4 letter word is poem
Posts: 13,570
04:00 Sun 29 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
when i eventually see the light,
and sense prevails telling me whats right,
somebody slap me and buy me a beer,
whispering softly...there's nothing to fear.

Posts: 38,214
16:01 Sun 29 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Here i am on this poem thread,
Though i'm troubled with strife
Thoughts run amock in my head
All about this time in my life
I dont want share with you,
Who and what it entails
Nor do i wish to bore you,
With any of the details
I'd like to share the reason,
Its i can never find the time
To converse as much as i want to
With a certain good friend of mine
I'll make it up to him for sure
Cos he is such a good man
The only thing he needs to do
Is bear with me if he can

Posts: 19,262
12:27 Tue 31 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well i thought i best post
Seen as am on here the most
Hope your ok Paula and nothings to bad
Could be worse....
Could look like hippes.. now thats just sad

Posts: 13,570
23:04 Tue 31 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
have you looked in the mirror,
i can't think it's true,
unless yer a vampire,
scarin peeps....makin 'em poo!!
the cheek of yer rhyme,
will incur hippes wrath,
I'll make a deadly threat.........of givin fry a bath!!!!!
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Write A Poem 4 :)

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