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Write A Poem 4 :)

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17:31 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Last night I felt agitated
Cos I knew that he waited
So i sat and held my tum
As adam looked at me dumb
Im sorry but ive got poo pains.

Posts: 4,775
03:09 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I know this bloke called woody
Stays in bed all day in his hoody
He pretends to be innocent
The lies are magnificent
And he calls me absurd... PFFFFT how could he!?

Posts: 10
04:41 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird said:
I know this bloke called woody
Stays in bed all day in his hoody
He pretends to be innocent
The lies are magnificent
And he calls me absurd... PFFFFT how could he!?

Posts: 19,262
00:31 Mon 3 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well not being on in a day
Had to go off and partay
Got rather drunk
Danced to music with funk
But im missing little_bug
Cos she is good at givinga hug
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:11 Mon 3 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Been reading the rhymes on this Thread
In all honesty they make me wanna go to Bed
When your reading this ull probly groan
But dont come to me if use wanna moan

Im not fussed if use like this poem
There only words so leave me alone
Your all really good at doin wat u doin
If i kept writing id be here till noon

Anyway i just thought id share my beef
So be careful all its ur ranks im gonna thief
Im moving my way up the ladder
so peace out all ,Im off to empty my bladder
Posts: 19,819
04:47 Mon 3 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I really need a moan
Sick of being alone
Know where to go
My feelings i show
I know that I shouldn't
Alot here wouldn't
But I feel abit low
Maybe I should just go?
I know no one cares
Though I feel the stares
But forget about this rhyme
Maybe I will be back another time
Posts: 38,214
01:14 Wed 5 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
pitbull_pete said:
Last night I felt agitated
Cos I knew that he waited
So i sat and held my tum
As adam looked at me dumb
Im sorry but ive got poo pains.



Are we having a poem war?
If so you'll be left on the floor
Cos im better then you
An you know its true
C'mon Pit you know the score!!

Good poems and rhymes from you lot, make me smile they do

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:56 Wed 5 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Keep on tutting ya rhymes are weak
Just like your size, ya weight, ya feet
Left on the floor, Paul, what ya sayin?
You know me girl ill keep on playin
By the way my dear, I forgot to ask
Is the Blue Lagoon still up for a task?

Posts: 13,570
01:02 Thu 6 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well dear paula that is just what i need,
i need my car sorted...when will it be freed??!
been waitin for weeks it's crackin me up,
been beggin and borrowin all round's crud!

for things to pick up and just turn around,
some kind of luck, maybe win a few pounds,
i just think i'm teetering.....headin over the edge,
or could be exaggeratin and even eat veg!

this party is over and fun has to stop,
oi you don't be at it...don't go off in a strop!!!
am missin the funksters the craic and the banter,
need more morgans rum mixed in with my fanta!!!!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:56 Thu 6 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
im not me but you dont know
i hide my feeling they never show
i take the hits i take a blow
but now its time i must go

i wont do this wont put on a show
its about time i let go
let the real me show
cos doing this make me feel so low

i was there for you from the start
you where there even when i was a clart
a friend i will miss and keep close to my heart

yet i wont miss the pain
wont let it happen again
i will let this friend shop die in vain

ps ppl i know its poo and no it has nothing to do with anyone on pool just needed a place to let it all out xxxxxxx
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:12 Thu 6 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  

you had your banter now i have mine
you think we are poo well that is fine
try to read this keep in time
for you i will do it line by line

you say you'd rather be in bed to be frank we don't need you on this thread
think what you like in your tine head
but what i am saying has to be said

for all the hatters
i will say later's
from the debaters to the <edited>
i have no beef
just after some relief
you want a war we will give you grief

lol sorry darren no hard feelings xxxx

Please don't try to circumnavigate the swear filters. If you know it shouldn't be there, do not put the word in. Thanks.

Edited by forum moderator katie_bug, at 05:01 Thu 06/10/11 (BST)
Posts: 13,570
19:47 Thu 6 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
katie hit's the lil_bug i wonder did she see it,
with wondrous words like...circumnavigate!
was it just simply her word for the day?
or did she eat a dictionary.....the opposite way??!!!

well i've had my say and even tried to smile,
but unfortunately i've got work in a while,
i might pop in later and check this wee thread,
just to re-circumnavigate whatever's been stated!!
Posts: 2,185
00:19 Fri 7 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey people, Johnny's here,
These poems are poor, it's me you should fear,
Forget Tottenham riots, its ma lyrics you wanna loot,
These rhymes will get you quaking in your boots.

Been too bored and couldn't be bothered posting,
But I'm back now to give yall a roasting!
Rain's hitting my window and now there's a sheet of lightning,
Means I can't go out for a fag, that's what's frightening!
Can't do it inside, non-smokers won't let me,
"Cough cough cough, passive smoking's bad for me,"
Jeez peeps, don't believe everything ya see on TV!

Anyways, just a quickkie from me to raise the competition,
But I'll be posting more often in case you weren't listening,
So, come on people, at least try,
I mean I know I'm the best, I got no cause to lie,
But I want a challenge so up your game,
Because right now, yall lyrics are pretty lame.

Peace out........(for now)
Posts: 38,214
16:29 Sat 8 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
It doesnt matter if lyrics are lame
What matters is we keep it tame

This thread is here for one and all
To post some poems big or small

No one here is better than another
Lets be nice we need not smother

Threads been here too many years
For it to all end up in tears

Get back on here you poetry lot
Show the funky peeps what you got

Have some banter, a little fun
Draw ppl in not make them run


Just a mate yet we want a date
Asked me to work you gave a smirk
Off i flew like a crank and a loon
Headed off to The Blue Lagoon
People about cant get time alone
Like teasing a dog with a big bone
This poem is random just like me
Posted here for you to see

Posts: 4,775
14:52 Sun 9 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
its nearly morning
and i cant sleep
i had this idea
to count sheep
but they keep running away
and i need them to stay
i cant chase them
im dead on me feet
Posts: 19,262
01:44 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Cba to write a rhyme
Dont really have the time
Hangon what have i done
Looks like a wee short one
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:08 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
@ little_Bug

Hi there hun my furry friend
I think i drove u round the bend
I wanna know why you dis me
seen ur only a teeny weeny little pea

U told me im not wanted on this thread
And i also have a tiny head
Ok ok thats a classic rhyme
But please have some focus spend a little time
You cant just burst onto this page
Tryin to write poems ! cmon girl at your age!!

See i have been here for a long time
And sometimes i do wrong when i rhyme
But as days an weeks do go past
U will learn not to write these so fast
Take your time show some love hun
Its all im here for is to have some fun

I will now bow out and say no more
I will come back thru another door
Just be sweet like everyone on here
Unless u cant be and ur blaming the beer!!!
Posts: 38,214
23:51 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
WOOSI Angette done a rhyme
And its about flippin time
Too many males posting here
Leaves justsumgirl in fear

Not! But yano come on girls hahaha
Posts: 19,819
02:09 Tue 11 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
justsomegirl needs some girl power
Even if it only for one hour
she just needs to see girl ryhmes
Though they may be poetry crimes
All us guys are taking up the thread
if paula had her way we would be dead ;)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:42 Tue 11 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Alright, Paula, I will do this for you
Must show the men what us ladies can do
We are the ones that bring love to this thread
So instead of rage, bring the smiles instead.
Us women need to put men in their place
And not let their egos clutter this space
So come on, girls, must rally together,
We must learn to brave this stormy weather.
You know we can't leave the job for the men,
'Cause for our one mistake, the men make ten!
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