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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
12:39 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
Some new posters have arrived to play fun n games,
warcriminal and orchid are their new user names,
tho sometimes they are silly, other times daft!
but most of the time am admiring their craft.

we are all doing battle tryin to have a bit of craic,
just a shame that in play they don't pm back,
but i guess we will live and it's not broken hearts,
we'll just see if they can post in this poetry lark.

fry is still at it it a shot,

and paula pops in when she wants to give off!!
as for me i'll not stop and i hear you all moan,
coz for me in fun n games....this threads like my home

Hippes my dear orchid and war aint new
They were regs on here way b4 you
Posting and laughing on fun and games
Left and returned with the same names
With them you'll have some good fun
Sharing the jokes, the banter and pun
Im sure from them you'll have no trouble
Cos they are a nice friendly couple!

Keep em coming guys an gals
Posts: 13,570
12:46 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
awww ffs dear paula, orchy and graeme,
i actually did know that just my showing it was lame,
was supposed to put 'new' in italics or bold,
coz this clever irishman did not need to be told.

so give over and leave it and give my head peace,
irritation is commencing so my anger may need released!
have been speakin to the dinosaursthink they seem pretty cool,
they may even be friendly to this.....big irish fool
Posts: 38,214
12:54 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh get told Paula, is the msg ive read
How my spose to know ya need peace in ya head
Go take it out (STS lmao) on somone your own size
An stop bringing tears to this tiny girl eyes!!

No in fact come here ive changed me mind
Put em up, i'll put one hand behind
If its a fight you want then a fight you'll get
But it will be a fight that you'll regret

Cos although im small im pretty strong
To have you crying it wont take me long
Cos once you feel a kick from these feet
You'll be on the floor admitting defeat

Posts: 13,570
13:04 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bring it on justsumgirl i'd be happy to see,
if yer miniature body is a match for me,
i'll dazzle you muchly in my outfit of pink,
and soon to the floor we will all see you sink

tho there may be a problem for me in this fight,
i may meet my fate in some form of delight,
for to see you comin at me will make me chuckle,
i'd probably die laughin and end up in a buckle!

Edited at 10:15 Tue 12/07/11 (BST)
Posts: 38,214
13:12 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  

Dont be surprised with the feet of size 3
I really dont think you can handle me
Put ya money where ya mouth is lets draw a crowd
To watch me beat you then laff out loud!!!

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13:16 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator
Posts: 13,570
13:18 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
as well as the usual keep er lit that i say,
in yer wettest is another that i use day to day,
so if i don't die laughin my end will be sad,
could drown in my wee....from laughin......too bad
Posts: 38,214
13:29 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Im pmsl @ you Hippes you div!

Haha Hiya Orchy
Posts: 13,570
13:40 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
am wondrin bout paula, how much does she know?
some words and some phrases am i really that slow,
it just makes me wonder, question things in my head,
just how much of this crap can this hippesville be fed.

never mind she is pee-ing, seems at my expense!
she definitely don't seem like one to sit on the fence,
comes out all guns blazing, size 3's flailing round,
i still love her dearly for i think she is sound

Deleted User
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14:06 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
orchid said:
Post removed by forum moderator

My bad! Sowwi
Posts: 38,214
23:25 Tue 12 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
am wondrin bout paula, how much does she know?
some words and some phrases am i really that slow,
it just makes me wonder, question things in my head,
just how much of this crap can this hippesville be fed.

never mind she is pee-ing, seems at my expense!
she definitely don't seem like one to sit on the fence,
comes out all guns blazing, size 3's flailing round,
i still love her dearly for i think she is sound

Awwwwwww *hugs* :) right back atcha Gaz :)

Wondering if its now my time to go
Wondering if i'll miss people i know
Wondering if to make this my last post
Wondering if i'll miss this thread most

Knowing this is a place we let go
Of feelings or thoughts we dont show
We all wonder if that someone will suss
By reading here what they meant to us

Ive been here so long its part of me
In my heart it holds many a memory
Oh look im rambling, going on and on
I'll finish it off and then i'll be gone

I'll prob be back to post some more
But of that i cant be totally sure
For now im going to my comfy bed
I need it to rest my sleepy head

Posts: 19,262
01:55 Wed 13 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Think i musta popped some drugs
Threads gone mental with u poetry thugs
Pleased too see life in this place
Its nice too know this thread you all grace
Posts: 38,214
18:06 Fri 15 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Life in this place you say dear Fry
This was on page 2, tell me why
No one is posting, does nobody care
About this thread an poems we share

Crap i know but awwww well
Deleted User
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18:43 Fri 15 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
There are a few friends i've made on here
And lost a few as well
People who seem quite genuine
Can turn as weird as hell

My pm's I have now turned off
I used to get such grief
Even though some choose to scoff
It's now a huge relief

So take my lead and play it cool
Just come and have some fun
Pick up your stick and play some pool
And chill out everyone !!

Posts: 19,262
19:42 Fri 15 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well once again its really sunny
Watching family guy, oh its funny
Another torny, made me smile
My word i waited a while

Yes..... my mind drew a unsuprising
Posts: 13,570
13:53 Sat 16 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
am feein quite sad,
am thinkin of you,
if you go and leave,
this thread may be screwed,
so promise you'll visit,
don't leave us for ever,
or I'll start wearin tank tops.....and call myself trevor
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:06 Sat 16 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
This week it has been very bad,
Some things that made me very sad,
A weekend suffered in extreme pain,
Dammit that toothache's back again,
The swelling in my mouth grows and grows,
A lump on my face from cheek to nose,
Can't eat properly it's painful to bite,
Impossible to get a good sleep at night,
I'll be glad when the dentist takes away the pain,
With a massive injection of Novocaine
Posts: 38,214
16:01 Sun 17 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Gaz, dont feel sad when people leave
Be happy you met for a bit
Just think of the fun
The banter and pun
An always just keep er lit !!!

Smurf, great poem that even tho its about ur pain :(
Hope its better soon
Posts: 13,570
11:00 Thu 21 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
its quiet in here and seems such a shame,
to be found on page 2 of fun n games,
so poets get thinkin and spend a little time,
on makin us all smile with a quirky wee rhyme.

Posts: 19,262
13:13 Thu 21 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
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Write A Poem 4 :)

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