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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
20:22 Thu 16 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Trust you to leave that title
For me thats just my luck
But youve left it now
So i'll try somehow
To find words that match Friar Tuck

I know a few that will rhyme
But cant be said on here
So i'll use the word duck
Or maybe say buck
Not what ur expecting dear

Posts: 19,262
03:42 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Water is the key too life
Some people, dont have it and go through strife
Water is wet and good to drink
From a glass or cup....or the tap from a sink
Posts: 38,214
03:04 Sat 18 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Pit is going away tomorrow
For a week too im full of sorrow
D'ya think he'll squash me in his case
And take me to Puerta Rico base
Ive only got such little legs
If he takes me i'll buy him 2 beer kegs!!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:33 Sat 18 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Holidays are a time to relax,
When you feel stressed out to the max,
Some people like beaches, others like sights,
Some people take boats cause they're scared of flights,
But here's one thing that you can be sure,
A lovely holiday is the perfect cure,
So if you're feeling down or you have the blues,
Why not go on a fantastic cruise

Posts: 19,262
21:04 Sun 19 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Work for me can be fun
Never feels like im been forced there with a gun
Good banter and crack
So i never slack
My hours are odd and i usually do splits
Socially it does the end of my wits
But i love my job and would never change
Unless my wage went to a lower range
Posts: 38,214
01:24 Tue 21 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Come on Fry, dont be shy
Leave us a title please
About anything
A watch or ring
Or even bout bumble bee's

Posts: 19,262
15:12 Tue 21 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
fry06 said:
Work for me can be fun
Never feels like im been forced there with a gun
Good banter and crack
So i never slack
My hours are odd and i usually do splits
Socially it does the end of my wits
But i love my job and would never change
Unless my wage went to a lower range

Hmm im sure i did leave a title ..

Posts: 13,570
01:45 Wed 22 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  

so i know its late and am slow to start,
but funky's quite simply a work of art,
it grows and grows withevery day,
as nick he brings us new features in play.

he's upped our friends, he gave us (with money lol) new cues,
he changed the rank wins, which gave some the blues,
but now arcade has hit this site,
the balls are big and yer chances are slight!

so keep err lit!! yer jobs done good,
am still lovin my funky just like we all should,
if anyone whinges or makes a complaint,
I'll back you up......our great funky saint
Posts: 19,262
01:51 Wed 22 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Brown nose
Posts: 13,570
02:16 Wed 22 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
my friend above by the name of fry,
has one thing he can neither hide nor deny,
no matter what he does or says.
he loves me dearly in many ways

but no matter how much beer i drink,
t'will never drive me near his stink!
so brown nose i shall ne'er be,
will never be one of those like thee

tho other than that he is quite cool,
he's even gettin better at pool!!!!!
with tournies comin thick and fast,
i hope his fortune long may last.

keep er lit chum luv ya xxx
Posts: 19,262
03:57 Wed 22 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems that Gaz has gone soft and gooey
More of a calamity than hong kong phooey
But twas a nice rhyme from my mate
Little bit gushy.....but i aint irate
But Gaz is from the emerald isle
never fails to make me smile
Posts: 38,214
11:41 Fri 24 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You boys keep sayin keep er lit
Whatever it means please share it
Cos i havent got a jar of glue
Ya's do know im blonde dont you?

Posts: 13,570
04:10 Sat 25 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
we've known this for quite some time,
it clearly shows in alll yer rhymes
so paula won't you work it out,
instead of yappin on what its all about!
Posts: 19,262
22:19 Sun 26 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
24 hours ago the last post
Turning into the town of ghost
Hope we are all well
Just post on here and do tell
Posts: 38,214
18:16 Mon 27 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well thanks for that dear hippesville
Please stoppin moaning and just spill
Dont keep beating around the bush
Xplain, take ya time an dont rush!

Fry my dear i am im doing good
Post on here, yes we should
I also hope that you all fine
Do as Fry says an drop us a line

Posts: 38,214
19:04 Wed 29 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Two days gone, your getting slack
Maybe this thread, we should sack

Do you guys think it would be best
If we laid the poem thread to rest?

Opinions please, if you may
Just post a line and have your say

But before you do i'd like to add
If it ends, this girl would be sad

Oh yano what, dont leave ur word
Cos for it to go would be absurd

I once vowed id not let it die
So here i am giving it another try
f the person i made this promise to
Is reading thinking of you

Get in touch, you'll find a way
You know you can read here each day

Yr after yr ive mentioned your name
Here where we met on this funky game

To all other get ur poet heads on
Keep er lit ;) bring it on!!!

~ Lara Croft ~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:49 Wed 29 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Lara flamin croft....more like bacon flaps!
Posts: 19,262
02:33 Thu 30 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Doing this on my phone
So its gunna be short don't moan
Currently no internet for the lappy
Feel like I'm a victim of a happy slappy :(
So there's my quick post on this thread
Cos I too, don't want it dead
Posts: 13,570
03:41 Thu 30 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
such happy poets,
their cheer fills my heart,
it seems that they're all,
giving up on this art!
but people fear not,
I ain't losin hope,
am free-ing this thread,
I've untied the rope.

now that they've left there's peace in this room,
talk of premature death...was all doom and gloom,
I leave you with news, they were just talkin crap,
so stick around....maybe write one...and give us a laugh

Posts: 19,262
04:41 Fri 1 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes im back with a smile
Typing on a phone was vile
I know everyone missed me
Like a sting from a bee
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