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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 1,234
14 years ago  [Link]  
Suns in the sky and everthing great,
Aint it amazing the difference the weather can make
Your moods really lifted and a smiles on yer face
makes you think of Holidays and bringing out the suitcase
Long may if continue , but we live in UK , and you know the wee saying, dont cast nothing till May.
Ahh but, while its here we will enjoy it, make the barbys and all
and get the tissues ready for we'll all soon have the Cold!!!
Posts: 19,262
14 years ago  [Link]  
Well this is a dying thread
Soon it will end up dead

But i will do ma best
Keep it together with the rest
Keep paula happy
Dont want her giving me a slappy
Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
still no net,
no funky fun,
tv is keek,
at least we got sun,
my phone keeps me sane,
but i cannot explain!
wonder when my nets back,
will it start to rain?!
so hey funkypoets,
keep up with the lines,
am hopin I'll be back......
before the end of time!

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14 years ago  [Link]  
Four months out and now I'm back;
Firing on all cues, time to cut the slack;
I've missed you Gaz, and Smurfy too;
Let's raise a glass and drink a few.

I've had a taste of winning, now I'm hungry for more;
Things have changed that much I need a guided tour;
Can't play tournies while I'm a newbie?
Come on guys don't mock me;
I reset and deact that often I can't lose my tag;
But I always buy premium so my game doesn't lag.

Anyway that's enough of me;
Think you'll remember this name...JIMMY E F C!

Keep er lit
Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
jimmy_efc is back ya can see,
it's ok he's rubbish lol you'll all beat him easily,
but a fond welcome to ya it really is good to have you back,
jimmy_Everybody's Funky Clampit we've all missed yer craic

keep er lit m8
Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
well look who's here,
the main man is on,
he's changed his pic.....
is he wearin a thong???!!!!!
so howdy nick,
we hope yer well,
am missin my funky,
am in laptop hell
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
Rubbish? I disagree,
Inconsistency is the Key!
As I've always said,
I'm no big head,
But I beat the best,
Get battered by the rest.

Where are all the greats? They used to give me a chill,
Can they not afford their internet bill?
Gracey, Niall, Master_p00l too,
What's happened to my friends, I haven't got a clue!

Gaz, Gaz! Are you coming back too?
You used to tear up tables with your funkypool cue,
Your appearance is vital,
You're my funkypool idol,
I miss you man, and I'm missing you fast,
Get back on 'ere so we can toast the future as well as the past.

Man it's good to be back!
Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
jeeez this thread ain't lookin good,
jimmy came back but seems he's no good!
paula and fry don't seem to be around,
4 days on the thread wthout even a sound!!!!

am wrecked without funky miss the crack and the banter,
i need some new stuff, might have to dear old santa!
but have had some good company an angel from above,
she's kept me from crazy am feelin the love
Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
Posts: 38,214
14 years ago  [Link]  
2 weeks i was gone,
I came back today
This threads still goin,
So hip hip hooray
Not many posts tho
And that much is clear
But at least i can say
That it is still here
So get that mind workin
Give poetry a go
Post your words here
An i'll be happy so

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
This thread is like a desert,
Its so quiet and dry,
Hell I'm sure I saw a tumbleweed go rolling by,
We need to spicen up the thread but what can we do?
Well gather round and listen, this is what I propose to you...

We need a competition that anyone can get in,
Just one poem after another and see who can win,
Gaz will finish second and I will be the winner,
But it's just to gain experience for many of the beginners.

We need to judge all the poems to see whose got the best rhymes,
But we don't want any cheaters committing poetry crime
I know that was cheesey,
But temptation was too easy.

So how about it poolers? Let the atmosphere get tense,
All I can say is... Let the battle of the poets commence!!
Posts: 38,214
14 years ago  [Link]  
What a brill poem, dear Jimmy_efc
If you go back 5/6 yrs, you surely will see
That same suggestion was made by me
There were ppl called, Swing, Squeezy and Ste

They was three main people, who would post
Id announce the winner with a proposed toast
And not one of them would ever ever boast
But thats why i love, this thread the most

Another thing i used to do was leave a title here
So that them fabulous poets, got their minds in gear
They would sit and compose some words so sincere
Again that's another reason i hold this thread so dear

But yeah, you lot give it a go, it should be a little fun
Create a poem from anything, the moon, stars, or sun
As you lot know i'll be here, reading all banter and pun
Just dont ask me to judge cos then i'll have to run !!!

Great poem btw Jimmy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
Titles are a great idea,
Think I'll get the ball rolling right now right here.
There's too many topics to pick, so many to choose,
I don't wanna sound thick and I certainly don't wanna lose!
So it's up to Jimmy to quench your poetry thirst,
In that case without further ado I'll go first.


Music is my life and always will be,
I love going to festivals, it's my favourite hobby!
There are so many different types, some are great, some are junk,
I prefer Heavy Metal rather than Albanian Funk.

The greatest band I've ever seen,
It has to be Rage Against the Machine!
With Zack de la Rocha and Tom Morelo too,
They're up there with my favourite bands, but I do have a few.

I like Metallica, Disturbed, and Avenged Sevenfold,
Two of them I'm going to see, but tickets have now all been sold.

So there's my poem, kept short and sweet,
But you'll have to agree it's pretty neat.
I'll leave the next one to you's,
But which category shall I choose?


Good luck I hope you succeed,
If you're as good as me, luck you shall not need[:P]
Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
chinese from last night has just been zapped,
in the microwave between had a nap!
but my friends you must agree that the very next day,
is the best time to eat it what else can i say?

got distracted by biscuits, ate a packet or two,
then i looked in the cupboard for summit else to chew,
what i found was delicious it works every time,
a big bar of chocolate and its taste was sublime.

soz but sure............Flip-Flops
Posts: 38,214
14 years ago  [Link]  
Haha great stuff!!!

Clip Clop Clippity Clop
Oops there goes my flip flop
I was walking, along the beach
When a shell i tried to reach
But i had an awkward land
Cos one flip flop got stuck in the sand!

Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
it may snow or it may rain,
but summer sun is now insane,
coz global warming so they say,
is messin up our weather today.

seaons seem a thing of the past,
the weather man can't be exact,
am totally waitin for some silly news......
on how the weather man's been sued!!!

have just read over this
and think that summer has been missed
so someone else can write their own
coz hippes has lost it i hear ya moan

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
A hot summer is everything we dream,
T-shirt off but plenty of cream,
Drinking in the heat can soon get messy,
"Sobre up lad yer acting like a jessy!"
Women in bikinis being watched by guys in shades,
These sneaky antics can go on for days and days.

Sat in the beer garden drinking lager and lime,
Soaking up the rays because it's Summertime!

There yer go Gaz[;)]

Posts: 13,570
14 years ago  [Link]  
well where do ya start,
which one do ya pick?
it really just depends,
on which one makes ya tick!
so the sport that I choose,
if only i was able,
is some horizontal jogging,
with a beautiful angel

Mini Cooper's
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
The old one's are the best but I also like the new,
However these aren't British, they're BMW.
Just jump in and ride they're an amazing thrill,
Even though you'll only touch 75 downhill.
When they stop making them I'll start to sob,
These are the key factor in the Italian Job.

Posts: 19,262
14 years ago  [Link]  
Old or new?
I prefer old in dark blue
Propper little machine
To own one is my dream

Give it a good boot full
Have a random drive to Hull
Then back to Leeds
Watch great football indeed

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Write A Poem 4 :)

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