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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
02:58 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Short an sweet that was Fry
Just one question i ask why
Couldnt you make it long?
Make us burst out into song

Posts: 19,262
03:03 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:
Short an sweet that was Fry
Just one question i ask why
Couldnt you make it long?
Make us burst out into song

cos im rubbish
Posts: 13,570
04:45 Tue 29 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
rubbish ya say i must disagree,
thats the team u support and definitely not thee,
so keep er lit and givus anuva,
yer not half bad is wot i have discovered!

Posts: 19,262
05:09 Tue 29 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Mr hippesville sir
dont diss my team is what i av to declare
this is ur first warning
so dont dis this in the morning
ffs ur team is silly
support a real team or soon u will be a billy
Posts: 38,214
01:49 Wed 30 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Rubbish or not i want ya rhymes
Even if its only a few lines
Keep on posting on this thread
I dont want it ending up dead ! ! ! !
Posts: 19,262
01:57 Wed 30 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i cant think of what to write
all i know is the thread shines bright
especially when some twit
always says...keep er lit

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04:30 Wed 30 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Today i have been in such a mess
Cried many tears if i confess
Seems the one person i wanna see
Ain't here anymore to answer me.

But she's watching over me
Proud of me i hope
Knowing she's happy now
Is how each day i cope.

Then one person changes all this
He's a diamond..He truely is
Sometimes he a plonka bit of a dude
But always in a jolly mood.

So a huge thank you for being able to sit
Listening, ..I truely appreciate it.

Thanks fry xXx
Posts: 13,570
12:07 Wed 30 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Awwwwwww poor kay i hope yer well,
ya don't sound good it's easy to tell,
i wish you all the best my dear,
hippes is here so never fear!!
Posts: 509
19:00 Wed 30 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
wcfa2011 said:
hippesville said:

well billy boy?????

no responce to it

hmm, only just saw this post
Posts: 509
19:04 Wed 30 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
A challenge a challenge

what should i do

i know i should ignore him

i really ought too

but hey what the hell

i didn't start this right?

i only made a comment

its him wants to fight

the reason i commented on your poem

is because it was so very bad

it was violent and unfunny

and really quite sad

I have seen some bad poems

but never quite bad as that

you should consider a trip to the doctors

and have a good chat

so anyway pal

i would take up another hobby

your poems are dreadful

and your a little bit gobby

so i'm gunna go now

i will expect a reply

i hope its better than your last effort

cheerio bye bye
Posts: 19,262
01:24 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Tomorrows my day off
so a few beers i think i will scoff
Currently watching the news
nothing better for me to choose
guess i will go to pool
try not be the funky fool
a player already fits that bill
goes by the name of hippesville

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02:44 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive never really known, this chap too well
He's always kind, and always swell
He says hello, on general chat
Polite and sound, he's no rat

This lad has recently had bad news
Shattering his world, blowing his fuse
Hurt and anger, Im sure he'll feel
But with his family, I hope they heal

Im sorry to hear about your loss
You have people here that give a toss
Stay strong Smurf, your a good lad you see
He's with him up there now, So R.I.P

Posts: 38,214
02:58 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Kayles ~ I really hope your alright
Billmore ~ Please dont start a fight
Fry ~ Keep on trying, dont you quit
Hippes ~ You know the score, keep er lit
Pit ~ Thats lovely please do some more
Everyone ~ Post verses galore!!!

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04:14 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
pitbull_pete said:
Ive never really known, this chap too well
He's always kind, and always swell
He says hello, on general chat
Polite and sound, he's no rat

This lad has recently had bad news
Shattering his world, blowing his fuse
Hurt and anger, Im sure he'll feel
But with his family, I hope they heal

Im sorry to hear about your loss
You have people here that give a toss
Stay strong Smurf, your a good lad you see
He's with him up there now, So R.I.P


Aww that's lovely. Thanks Pete
Posts: 5,201
04:34 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
billmore said:
A challenge a challenge

what should i do

i know i should ignore him

i really ought too

but hey what the hell

i didn't start this right?

i only made a comment

its him wants to fight

the reason i commented on your poem

is because it was so very bad

it was violent and unfunny

and really quite sad

I have seen some bad poems

but never quite bad as that

you should consider a trip to the doctors

and have a good chat

so anyway pal

i would take up another hobby

your poems are dreadful

and your a little bit gobby

so i'm gunna go now

i will expect a reply

i hope its better than your last effort

cheerio bye bye

Posts: 19,262
04:55 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
billmore said:
A challenge a challenge

what should i do

i know i should ignore him

i really ought too

but hey what the hell

i didn't start this right?

i only made a comment

its him wants to fight

the reason i commented on your poem

is because it was so very bad

it was violent and unfunny

and really quite sad

I have seen some bad poems

but never quite bad as that

you should consider a trip to the doctors

and have a good chat

so anyway pal

i would take up another hobby

your poems are dreadful

and your a little bit gobby

so i'm gunna go now

i will expect a reply

i hope its better than your last effort

cheerio bye bye

Pmsl at this
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:04 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well im back and pleased to say
Im feeling so much better today
Just a little poem for tonight..
I shall be back tomorrow and more i shall write.

Posts: 19,262
14:40 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Currnetly waiting on a invite
have to say im playing shhh
why am playing so bad i dont know
heres my inv...... gotta go
Posts: 19,262
14:46 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i lost
tbh was completely bossed
ah well form will ruturn
then the pool table i shall burn
Posts: 13,570
19:28 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Chill Bill

am totally lost as to how this did start,
i really don't know what i've done,
i come to this thread post some things that i've said,
but no winding or slaggin..........just some fun!

so if you take offence to what i did say,
i reckon that you must be highly strung!
so just sit back and relax and loosen yer slacks,
and please Chill Bill....and stop talkin dung!

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