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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
00:35 Thu 24 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
yer full of great lyrics
i love what you write
i love how you tell us
in the way that you write.

yer more than a poet
yer someone who cares
justsumgirl gives no justice
to such a lady so fair.

Posts: 38,214
11:05 Thu 24 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
A quick one for mental case Ste, (only cos he'll know what am on about haha)

The was an old lady named Mavis
There was a plan she was hatchin'
Wanted her own way
With poor old Mr J
Tried enticing him with a prok scratchin'

Mr Johnson he was just too clever
He wanted everydody to see,
How Mavis would squint
Suckin a Murray Mint
And he wanted a young JSG!

Yet JSG she knew this
Kept hiding behind the door
She stayed well alert
By holding her skirt
When she dropped her pen on the floor!

Posts: 38,214
17:23 Thu 24 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I woke up this morning was feeling great
That was until, i heard from me mate

God! Her mind it was so twisted
I wanted to flip, but i just resisted

Sometimes to me, she can be cruel
I find myself asking if im just her fool

Yet other times she's lovely and kind
When she doesnt push, people aside

Today for example it was a pure waste
Im hoping things said where in haste..

Cos if she doesnt give me a 2nd thought
Thats one hell of a lesson ive been taught

Theres only so much i can really take
Before my temper, it does start to break

Then once we've both had our say
Ive simply learnt to walk away

But as weve known each other so long
I brush comments aside and stay strong

Tho she drives me around the bend,
What can i do? She's a special Friend

So alas we both just let the tiff go
Me? I have to, because i luv her so

She cant read this so i have to say
I might just tell her straight today

You better stop messin with my head
Or I'll be the twisted mate instead


Deleted User
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19:33 Thu 24 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
AW ! The Mavis one was GREAT. Sounds like you had a bit of a narky day with your pal though lass. :-o
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19:40 Thu 24 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mavis was a woman, who worked in a shop,
She was a veteran of her old street.
Kids, on a morning, would skip and then hop,
To her business to pick up some sweets.

At 64 years old, she was all on her own,
Her fella had died years ago.
But she's met a fella, where interest has grown,
A fella that Paula does know.

Paula looks after this man, throughout the work hours,
Mr Johnson with a smile on his face.
She feeds him and bathes him, in the living home showers,
Soothingly washing him, to make his heart race.

But one fine day, as Mavis went for a walk,
She went past the old peoples home.
Through an open window, she heard Johnson talk
And knew she had to make herself known.

As Mavis walked into the main mess hall,
Paula was picking up a pen.
Mavis noticed Johnson staring at the bum that was small,
Clucking to himself like a hen.

Posts: 38,214
01:20 Fri 25 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
L M A O !!!! I swear to god ur mental!

Great poem tho Ste
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01:33 Fri 25 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
So goodlove em...
Posts: 38,214
11:18 Fri 25 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
So good Cymberine loves 'em
But wont even give it a go
I think that ya should
Prob be rather good
But i guess we will never know!

Never slept well at all last night
My head it was all in a spin
So i need a quick kip
Or theres a chance i'll flip
Then someone will do me right in!

Posts: 38,214
18:14 Sat 26 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bump Bump Bumpity Bump
Do a poem or get a thump!!

DunDunDun! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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20:27 Sat 26 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Better leave a poem then !!!

Funny how things change
One minute friends the next refrains,
I thought i had a really good buddy
But all of a sudden they left in a hurry
The reason as yet is still unknown??
But i suppose they have their reasons alone
Life is full of ups and downs
Joy and happiness but sometimes frowns
Maybe someday they will let me know why
But to guess at the cause i'm not gonna try !
Posts: 38,214
23:03 Sat 26 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
a_j said:
Better leave a poem then !!!

Funny how things change
One minute friends the next refrains,
I thought i had a really good buddy
But all of a sudden they left in a hurry
The reason as yet is still unknown??
But i suppose they have their reasons alone
Life is full of ups and downs
Joy and happiness but sometimes frowns
Maybe someday they will let me know why
But to guess at the cause i'm not gonna try !

Awwww sowwy aj lol

Great poem...ummm if its a true one, i hope ur ok :)
Posts: 38,214
23:03 Sat 26 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
To Smurf

This poem is for cmurphy, who ive nicknamed Smurf
May not be much of a verse, its done for what its worth

See i have known Smurfy yrs, through visiting this site
And many a time weve posted, right throughout the nite

One particular game we played, having loads of fun
Was on Guevara's booze cruise all basking in the sun!

Though we chat on forums, weve never played a game
It doesnt really matter tho, cos i play rather lame!

Enough now of the pun, at which you lot might smile
I want to end this seriously, in just a little while

Cos the reason for this poem, is to let him know
Though we hardly ever converse, i am still here so

Smurf i want to tell you, that you only have to say
That you may need a chat, anytime or anyday

Im thinking of your grandad, my fellow forum friend
So dont hesitate to ask, if my shoulder u need to lend


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00:20 Sun 27 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Aww that's a lovely poem. Thanks alot Paula
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00:30 Sun 27 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
aww pauladiniho thats amazing, hope ur grandad is alright s well smurf
Posts: 38,214
02:07 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thankyou both

C'mon ppl's post here! ! ! !
Posts: 13,570
02:30 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
why the hell should i?
and what's it to you,
this internet crap,
well none of it's true.
that man's really twelve,
that girls really a guy,
am startin to think,
it's all one big bleedin lie!
so take what ya want,
outta places like pool,
coz there'll always be someone,
to make you feel a fool,
so listen to paula.....
or paul or whatever,
justsumeejit yer cool,
and i'll love ya forever

Posts: 38,214
02:42 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
OMG i love it
I sure really do
And bout what a sayin
Is all so very true
Its why of me no piccy
No clues just my name
Cos it is my business
Thats how it shall remain
Only few ever recieve
My MSN address
People who i trust
And dont need to impress
I could even be a man
The it could be twelve
Just pretending otherwise
So into your life i delve
But alas dear buddies
Dont get in a whirl
Cos the simple truth is
Im really just some girl
Me dad's name is Paul
So your partly right
Listen to him people
Cos he is totally right
Although i aint no 'eejit'
I aint no pretty sight!
You can luv me anyway
Loads not just a bit
An i say right back atch
Hippesville lets keep er lit

Posts: 19,262
02:54 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well its nearly done
i hope for you all the weekends been fun
whether u got drunk and merry
or had to be the drunken ferry
just remember now
its work time again
soo quickly wow

although i worked all weekend
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02:55 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I have this friend you see
I'd say she was like a sister to me
Always there when times are bad
To make me laugh when im sad.

But just lately i think she's forgot
And im begining to miss her alot
I try to text and even call
But i get nothing back at all

So when this morning she wrote to say
How are ya Kayles? Having a nice day?
I decided to tell her exactly what i thought
She made excuses and so we fought

But after an hour for us to cool down
She text me back saying she'd come round
After an silent 10 mins we started to say
How we felt and started sorting a way..

For us to see more of each other
And also time for that dude she calls lover
So after this we shall see
If she keeps this promise to me

If she doesnt.. I probs wont do a thing
She always has a way to get out of everything
But after all this you can all see
She's a sister from another mister to me!

(Isnt the greatest But worth a shot )
Posts: 19,262
02:56 Mon 28 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
fry06 said:
well its nearly done
i hope for you all the weekends been fun
whether u got drunk and merry
or had to be the drunken ferry
just remember now
its work time again
soo quickly wow

although i worked all weekend
ish but thought i best put one down its been a while

couldnt really follow the ones above

i know its rubb
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