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Write A Poem 4 :)

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02:17 Wed 9 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:

Thorp Park cant get in your bed
It wouldnt fit with your big head

Theres only room for you an him
Yes im talking bout ur sin bin!

Cos now you are a little sinner
Swapped de bin for de mirra

That mirra, it used to be class
But you treated it like trash

You left him standin all alone
While you posed on your own

Forcing him to look at you
Singing 'got me mind set on you'!

Anyway forget the mirra and bin
Just make sure when she gets in

That when ur drunk and in a whirl
You dont shout JUSTSUMGIRL!!!!

HAHA!!!! Thats class bab!

I forgot about that mirror video!!! Lmao, nice work there bab
Posts: 38,214
02:22 Wed 9 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol i loved that mirra vid and every time i here George singing,,,i think about it and you ha!
Deleted User
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02:31 Wed 9 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha, ahh we'll have to find that thread out when we have time, Ide like to see it again...:O
Deleted User
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02:31 Wed 9 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 13,570
05:51 Fri 11 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
well i aint been on too much for work,
and fry is havin a go!!!!!
apparently our threads in need,
is falling really low.

so here i am cream-crackered,
my head is half asleep,
i'd better go and lie right down,
and dream of a decent feed!!

lol wrote this couple of hours ago and nodded off!!!

Posts: 19,262
15:53 Fri 11 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ha gaz thought u had passed out
tried waking u up i even had to shout

told you to go to bed
but you played pool instead

go to bed early tonight
make sure your next poem aint so shhhh

Posts: 13,570
16:59 Fri 11 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
fry06 said:
ha gaz thought u had passed out
tried waking u up i even had to shout

told you to go to bed
but you played pool instead

go to bed early tonight
make sure your next poem aint so shhhh......plendid????

Posts: 19,262
17:21 Fri 11 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
fry06 said:
ha gaz thought u had passed out
tried waking u up i even had to shout

told you to go to bed
but you played pool instead

go to bed early tonight
make sure your next poem aint so shhhh......plendid????

indeed xactly
Deleted User
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19:38 Fri 11 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
keep er lit gaz!!
Posts: 13,570
15:03 Sat 12 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
keep er lit's wot i intend to do,
will be celebratin my birthday wish you's could come too!
but i'll try very hard to drink one for yawl,
and by the end of the night i will probably fall,
so have a great weekend all my dear funky peeps,
for i think that i will.......... end up in a heap!!!!!!

Deleted User
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15:05 Sat 12 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
happy birthday hope it all goes swell
cause dont want it going to hell
shame i cant come there too
but not going stops me falling in the loo...
Posts: 38,214
15:13 Sat 12 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
More More!

Im in a proper silly mood, so ill do a silly poem
I'll just make up silly words tho you may not know'em
I may just sit and ramble, may not make sense to you
What am i on about, am a dizzy blonde thru N thru
Is fewn even a werd? an does the word werd exist
And how said cleching your hand had to be called a fist?
Thats all folks am going cos i cant stop laughing at me
I did warn you though that my mood it was silly!!

Deleted User
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15:17 Sat 12 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
love it paula
Deleted User
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18:55 Sun 13 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ballad of the Fat Man

As the door swung open, the head waiter's face was aghast,
It was the usual time, when the fat man walked in.
The same man who'd arrived here for ten years passed
But back then he was rather quite thin.

The signal went to the kitchen, 'Prepare the trolley' they said,
Their extra supplies would be used.
Usually the fat man spent two-hundred pounds a head,
And other customers would sit there amused.

First came the starter, a mirage of food,
That would pile up so incredibly high.
His burping and belching would spoil the mood,
But it just didn't bother this guy.

Lonely and solemn, he would sit there alone,
Tucking into food as sweat would roll down his brow.
Dressed up to the nines, his stomach would groan,
And he ate as much as his gut would allow.

The women would point, and laugh amongst themselves,
At this man that was surely obese.
By the end of the night, he would clear out the shelves,
As his eating seemed never to cease.

But the next week he was absent, and the months after too,
The manager talked of his fears with his wife.
Time would roll by, and no-one had a clue,
That the fat man was changing his life.

Two years went by, and it was a Saturday night,
When the door swung on its hinges once more.
In walked a man that was surely a sight,
One that the locals had never seen before.

Deleted User
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19:04 Sun 13 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elegant and handsome, in a tuxedo suit,
He sat down at the table alone.
He ordered some water and a small bowl of fruit,
With a voice that was seductive in tone.

The women all whispered - who was this gorgeous man,
Tonight they would aim for him and not miss.
'I will try and seduce him, as fast as I can'
'Well I'll win him over when I give him a kiss.'

So the two women tried, but he just would not play,
As he spurned all their advances that night.
'You must know something girls, I wasn't always this way'
'It's my first time back for two years tonight'.

Intrigued by the man, the girls were adamant to know,
Why they'd never noticed this man before.
'Well I noticed you two, and I did love you so'
But I was 'The Fat Man' who'd walk through that door.
Posts: 38,214
15:43 Mon 14 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brill Ste
Posts: 38,214
00:08 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Tuts* C'mon!!


Dates were set arrangements made
Txt's were sent orders obeyed

A motel room old fashioned an dusty
Flowered bedding smellin all musty

A well kept house smelling nice
Wine and Beer had been on Ice

A long walk then through club doors
Pushing through crowds on sticky floors

A lazy time waiting pampered and pure
Longing to here that knock on the door

Follwing, watching, checking each door
Yearning for what was next in store

A bite to eat and a sip of a drink
A happy smile and a cheeky wink

Mr Muscle an ashtray and a mop
The sound of ppl having a bop!

A fresh clean bedroom duvet crispy white
Topped off nicely with a dim light

A coupled snapped by a camera flash
She was pretty he had hard cash

A night spent together fullfilled, content
Following morning the next event

Two different people two different dates
A couple? Lovers? Rivals? Or Mates?

One epic tale made up from two
Just a short read from me to you

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:20 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i pretty much have 2 broken legs so all i can do is post
Deleted User
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23:20 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awesome Paula...liked that one loads!

My Bedroom

Around six feet tall and made from wood,
In the corner of the room is where the wardrobe's stood.
Clothes colour co-ordinated, dark until bright,
Bolted on the inside is a small little light.

With work clothes, gym clothes and date clothes there,
On the shelf are all my aftershaves, and stuff for my hair.
Next to them are nail trimmers, and my watches too,
There's moisturizers also, and vicks for when I'm blue.

Next there is my anti-perspirants, with shaving things also,
If you take a lowered look, you'll see all my shoes below.
With trainers and my work shoes, and football boots as well,
Since I cleaned it all out weeks ago, its looked so very swell.

Every morning I do look, at what aftershave to wear,
Without wearing it on some days, I'd feel so very bare.
Armani, Dolce, and Gabbana too, Paul Smith and 212,
Paco Rabanne and lacoste are there, so I smell nice for you.

Some may call it a puffs parlour, but if I had the choice,
I'd take a quilt into that thing, and listen to my own voice.
I haven't even started on, the organisation of my drawers,
Or the scarves that hang on the hooks, on the backside of my door.

My little library in the corner, my football trophies too,
Are all on show, to let you know, it's been organised for you.
Scented candles on the sill, to get the ambience right,
Freshly washed bedsheets on the bed, as it's your lucky night!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:20 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's a sneak peek.

I haven't even started on my bed and other things too hahaha!!!
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