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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
00:59 Sun 30 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why do men make us girls flip?
All because we made a blip!
Why do you men make us stress?
You all know what buttons to press!!
He was doing the shouting for sure
I should of walked out of the door
But oh no i was a stubborn mule
And now am sat in like a fool!!
Still in my clothes ready to hit the town
Instead i sit here with a frown
Well no more im being strong
Next time i'll strut my stuff, wearing.........


Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Men! I hope he loses his keys !!!
Posts: 13,570
06:16 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why do men make us girls flip?
All because we made a blip!
Why do you men make us stress?
You all know what buttons to press!!
He was doing the shouting for sure
I should of walked out of the door
But oh no i was a stubborn mule
And now am sat in like a fool!!
Still in my clothes ready to hit the town
Instead i sit here with a frown
Well no more im being strong
Am going out with my Birthday Suit on!!!!

Posts: 13,570
06:22 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
my internet is fixed and hippes is back,
so straight on to poems to see its been slack,
our paula's been on and niomi too,
but aint seen anythin from you, you or you!! *points*
so would u all sort it and post a wee rhyme,
it's shockin to think that you can't make the time,
for this thread i did find near the end of page two!!!!!
so come on funkypoolers don't make hippes blue!
Posts: 38,214
10:35 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
WOOSI Moreeeeeeeeeeeeee Moreeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Posts: 13,570
19:13 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey sexy lady sittin in da house,
dressed to impress but actin like a grouch!
ya shooda went out whether with him or not,
ya mighta had a good time and not got caught!!!!!!

Posts: 13,570
01:42 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
have gotta go got work up early,
for my brekkie have a curly-wurly,
get in the car and smoke a few,
arrive in work go to the loo.

to get the day in i keep busy,
feed the kids drinks that are fizzy!!
have some fun and play some games,
then home to funky....for a couple of frames.

Posts: 13,570
01:48 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

i wonder wot her age is,
the song is really old,
showaddy-waddy sang it,
do you think she's grown mould?

a blue rinse this is possible,
penicillin for a colour!
am sure she must be 91,
a great-great-great grandmother!!!!!!

she makes me smile, she talks some crap,
and sometimes she......goes off in a flap,
but hey she's pretty awesome,
always up for a bit of craic.

Edited at 00:00 Thu 03/02/11 (GMT)
Posts: 19,262
02:00 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats not nice
urbeing mean and u shud pay the price
but im not the one to do that to you
the main reason is
my rhymes are poo
Posts: 13,570
02:04 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

he's been around a wee while now,
he's not too bad a fella,
but when it comes to tournies here,
he plays like cinderella!!!

he'll say he's got an invite,
and off merrily he goes,
only to come back again,
telling of his woes.

so come on funky-poolers,
lets give old fry a cheer,
for gawd he loves a trier...
just not with too much beer!!! (probably)

Posts: 19,262
02:07 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
well i will have u know
i sometimes do better than giving it a go
i shud be better
but hey my eyes feel good when there wetter
and if i dnt win one soon
i may just stay in the chat room
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(IP Logged)
02:08 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
tis ok hippes i see what ure sayin
am getting old and slightly greying
but i console myself when i feel down and blue
cos at least ill never be as old as YOU

Posts: 13,570
01:43 Fri 4 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
xangeleyesx said:
tis ok hippes i see what ure sayin
am getting old and slightly greying
but i console myself when i feel down and blue
cos at least ill never be as old as YOU

am young at heart and full of zest,
on this thread i try my best,
so angel please don't give me lip,
coz i juss wanna keep er lit!

Posts: 38,214
02:51 Fri 4 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keep em coming
Posts: 38,214
22:36 Fri 4 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
This poem is all about someone, who ive known for quite a while
I dont know him in real life because i met him here online

Way back though we argued loads, he had a big gob you see
We never really saw eye to eye maybe he'd met his match in me

We had mutual online mates, where we met on a gaming site
So though we never got along we'd both still log on at night

The years rolled by and others left, our 'group' was dwindling away
So one night when almost alone we let each other have their say

It was clear we were both fiesty, and he spoke to me like trash
I gave him just as good as i got, we really just did clash

He was fairly stubborn this man, wouldnt admit he was partly to blame
Something changed that one night, hings would never be the same

We grew close and become mates,we can confide in each other
And as i am an only child, at times he's like brother!!

He's told me some personal things, knows private stuff about me
Weve both been through some similar things, i think he will agree

So as it stands with us now, its safe to say were good
We still row but soon forget like we always should

Now to name this certain man, i adore his wit
Yes, you may of guessed it, its the one an only Pit

My last verse is from the heart, and its kinda sweet
I really think the world of you, i thought id tell you Pete

~Pig ~
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:05 Sat 5 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
This has really moved me.....

I really dont know what else to say lol.
Im very lucky to have you as a friend, Thank you for everything X
Posts: 38,214
00:32 Mon 7 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm glad you liked it

Oh poets Oh poets where for art thou
This thread has begun to slip somehow
Its left me unhappy and feeling blue
I cant bear to see it on page two
So please can you post a rhyme or three
An get it back on page 1 for me

Posts: 13,570
02:35 Mon 7 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
our paula

she breezes back in,
she gives off bout thread,
she danders around,
then gets back into bed,
her feet need attention,
her cheek is immense,
and when she appears,
she makes me all tense,
but i gotta admit,
she's a good'un to me,
her rhymes make me smile,
and can reply as ya see,
coz she keeps it all goin,
never stuck for words,
that goes without sayin.....
just like most birds. (may face death penalty for that line lol)

Posts: 13,570
04:05 Mon 7 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
so nice_gal waltzes in,
and duly starts the cheek!
poor hippes has got to get up soon,
for work he's got all week,
i gotta go and get some kip,
even for just 4 hours,
so night ya loon just hold yer tongue,
or i'll use my poetic powers. (lmao)

Posts: 13,570
21:52 Mon 7 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
wot a day am glad it's done,
for i didn't enjoy it didn't have much fun,
others are poorly some are a pain,
just hope that 2mara don't turn out the same.
Posts: 38,214
00:13 Tue 8 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
our paula

she breezes back in,
she gives off bout thread,
she danders around,
then gets back into bed,
her feet need attention,
her cheek is immense,
and when she appears,
she makes me all tense,
but i gotta admit,
she's a good'un to me,
her rhymes make me smile,
and can reply as ya see,
coz she keeps it all goin,
never stuck for words,
that goes without sayin.....
just like most birds. (may face death penalty for that line lol)

Yes its true in i breeze
To keep this thread alive
Keep on postin i will too
Together we'll make it thrive (OOER!)

Theres nothin wrong with my size 3's
Cos twice a day i shower
Theyre really softly pedicured
And smell as sweet as a flower

Its not cheek ive got its called wit
Its what makes me stand out
So dont go tense when am here
Cos i will flip and shout!

Just keep on smiling when you read
You can even give us some twirls
But just one thing i ask of you
Dont compare me to other girls!


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