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18:18 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes it will be hard to balance both but in a number of occasions it was used in very dubious circumstances where people did have the ability to sub other players in but chose not to.

I didn't believe there was a maximum number of subs? I thought you could just sub until you were left without any further players.
Posts: 5,373
18:32 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  

You are right, that rule was amended a season or two back, allowing as many subs as the clan has available players.

I see that rule needs updating, since it mentions 4 (assuming clan size = 12 which is no longer the case). Will fix.

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 17:49 Mon 11/10/10 (BST)
Posts: 31,220
20:05 Mon 2 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Question... Can you legally swap players in fixtures
i.e. A vs X and B vs Y
A vs Y and B vs X
or do you have to sub them around, if that makes sense?
Posts: 1,410
20:37 Mon 2 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i am sure you can swap them around, and it dont count as a sub, but not sure
Posts: 5,373
04:19 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Question... Can you legally swap players in fixtures
i.e. A vs X and B vs Y
A vs Y and B vs X
or do you have to sub them around, if that makes sense?


Rule 5.7 was added couple season ago, as another way to make it more flexible for games to get played (on direct request from the clans/players I might add)

With larger clans and more subs allowed though, this rule is probably prettty obsolete anyway so I'll talk to Steph about removing it, but for now, the answer to your question is yes.

Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 19:43 Mon 11/10/10 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
07:20 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mb1 said:
Understand exactly what no_talking is trying to say.

Also, when two players in the squad are swapped for seemingly no reason as soon as the fixtures are released.

Maybe it should be against the rules.

And zante, when substitutes were first introduced into football, they were for injuries only.

Yeah and there was only less subs and less/no break at half time

know what happened?
they got better rules

Thats like whats happening here, subs can be made at any time for any reason which is better

to go backwards and undo that would be worse, as janmb was saying you cant prove why a sub was made, captains may ask their players to go offline for a day or two so they can sub that person out
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07:28 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree the "swap two players" only in time zone rule is now pretty much obsolete and could easily be done within the other rules for "regular" subs....
the only thing i dont agree with the subs soon as the fixtures are out there make subs
there should be a rule like this
if a player is off for 5 days our more with prove of that then the clan as the right 2 used a sub
there have14 days when the fixture come out to play the games so there still plenty of time for the sub to play
Posts: 5,373
07:33 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
A rule along those lines would be possible, but not sure I agree it would be a good idea....

In my opinion, if a player for some reason gets real life interfering with his/her ability to spend time on this game, that player going to their captain asking to be subbed out is a Good Thing, regardless of this being 1, 5 or 10 days into the fixture.

And there is a lot between never being online at all on one extreme, vs. being online enough to have a good shot at getting a league game played. So in short, players may have good reasons to call for a sub even if they are not completely vacant from the game.

In fact there used to be rules like this once - where a subbed out player was expected to be offline. Not a good idea in my opinion, but that's just an opinion of course - others are welcome to their own.
Posts: 19,967
07:41 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
In regards to the subbing out as soon as the fixtures are released, if they arnt online near the end of the fixtures for whatever reason and dont get to send a list in, aren't people told to make the changes to the list they want through subs?
Posts: 5,373
07:49 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
If lists for each fixture isn't received by deadline, the starting line-up from last fixture is used, aye.
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08:12 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
mb1 said:
Understand exactly what no_talking is trying to say.

Also, when two players in the squad are swapped for seemingly no reason as soon as the fixtures are released.

Maybe it should be against the rules.

And zante, when substitutes were first introduced into football, they were for injuries only.

Yeah and there was only less subs and less/no break at half time

know what happened?
they got better rules

Thats like whats happening here, subs can be made at any time for any reason which is better

to go backwards and undo that would be worse, as janmb was saying you cant prove why a sub was made, captains may ask their players to go offline for a day or two so they can sub that person out

it so easy 2 prove the player as be of for days just copy his or her profile it states how long the player been of for the captain or the vice can easy prove this or othere players can do it here is a exsample Offline since
15 days ago
Member Since: Mon 07/01/08
Posts: 5,373
08:24 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
As I said, it's no problem enforcing such a rule as long as it is based on strictly being offline from the site... I'm just not sure I agree the rule would be a good idea at all.
Posts: 5,373
17:12 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ref the news thread, rule 5.7 about swapping players have now been removed.
Deleted User
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17:16 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you Jan
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17:27 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Regarding this seasons lists an deadlines i will be inputting as soon as i recieve and no list come the deadline the first 8 listed on web will get used as i doubt i still have messages for team sheet an from wk 2 on i will use the list on the web as it stands when i input.

i saw a post about fixtures above
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17:51 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Jimmy here, former Jimmy_1878. I'd like to put forward an idea we can all debate about, regarding the 2 month playing rule.

The 2 month rule has been brought in to stop players deactivating half way through a season and re-joining other clans. However, I believe that before/after seasons, new players should only be given a 1 month restriction rule before playing FCL. During the season if a player deactivates, it is then when the 2 month rule should apply.
This way, new players can settle into clans quicker and more efficiently, yet there is no danger of unreliability during a season.

This idea has not been brought in to satisfy my own needs, I am happy waiting the allocated time, I just feel it can speed the process along without in-dangering the aspect of "traitoring".

I hope I have covered all aspects of this idea, please give me some feedback, let me know what you think.

Thanks Peeps,

Posts: 5,373
17:55 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Problem is, if I read you correctly, that you make a difference between "completely new" players and "deactivated+rolled new account" ones...

Remember that the league staff (and funkypool staff for that matter) cannot really tell whether any given account created here on funkypool is a former account owner or not... That's why the rule cannot make any difference between the two.
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17:56 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
Problem is, if I read you correctly, that you make a difference between "completely new" players and "deactivated+rolled new account" ones...

Remember that the league staff (and funkypool staff for that matter) cannot really tell whether any given account created here on funkypool is a former account owner or not... That's why the rule cannot make any difference between the two.

I mean both, Jan. Brand new and "fake newbs" so to speak lol. Give everyone a fresh start and a new leaf to turn over.
Posts: 4,195
17:57 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
What about if a person has had a account for say 6 month to a year, thats quite a long time. I know won't make a difference just a thought
Deleted User
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18:01 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Then there should not be a problem, kirky babe lol.
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