demo available (fully playable beta)
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05:43 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Over the last few months I've been working on a joint venture to create a demo of a new site called Killerpool. As the name suggests the site is centred around killer pool and gambling, and is based on the funkypool game.
The site is currently a demo (there is no real cash gambling) and in beta (so please report any problems to this thread ).
We'd like to hear feedback so please comment on this thread.
Over the last few months I've been working on a joint venture to create a demo of a new site called Killerpool. As the name suggests the site is centred around killer pool and gambling, and is based on the funkypool game.
The site is currently a demo (there is no real cash gambling) and in beta (so please report any problems to this thread ).
We'd like to hear feedback so please comment on this thread.
11:09 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Note you can (and are allowed to) use multiple games at the same time.
11:14 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
I Don't like the ghost ball, there should be an option to change the cursor.
EDIT: On the real version will you get your demo money?
Edited at 16:17 Mon 13/07/09 (BST)
EDIT: On the real version will you get your demo money?
Edited at 16:17 Mon 13/07/09 (BST)
11:16 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Nick, nice looking game!
Question - have you put any restrictions 18+ even on the demo as this will end up a gambling site?
Question - have you put any restrictions 18+ even on the demo as this will end up a gambling site?
11:21 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Thanks crazzy, no restrictions on players at the moment, but obviously proof of age will be required for cash gambling.
bunrzybhoy - this is a subset of the full game - play for fun, play for money are 2 different options and coexist.
bunrzybhoy - this is a subset of the full game - play for fun, play for money are 2 different options and coexist.
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11:28 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
When you realise the cash version, you should do it on the 12th february next year, its when im 18
Oh and the table looks great aswell.
Oh and the table looks great aswell.
11:40 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Table looks great, just wish we get a version with flat lighting, as the old-school tables here on FP.
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11:43 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
EDIT: Just realised there is a thread for bugs, never mind
12:43 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Query: if 2-player killer is available at why isn't it available at
14:23 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
A few queries-
Is this going to be killer pool only? The name suggests so I guess but I wondered if there are any plans to bring the normal games over there and be able to play for cash......
If mich gets banned on funkypool, is he banned on killerpool as well.....and vice versa
How will the cash side of it work......paypal?
Will our names on here be saved over there? Will there be a profile section etc for that site?
How long until we can play for cash, my boss needs time to find a replacement for me Will there be a limit on bets, or could me and Dave play for £100, £1000 etc....
Overall, I love the idea, I have been a big supporter of something like this for ages.......just hope it involves all the games in the long run
Is this going to be killer pool only? The name suggests so I guess but I wondered if there are any plans to bring the normal games over there and be able to play for cash......
If mich gets banned on funkypool, is he banned on killerpool as well.....and vice versa
How will the cash side of it work......paypal?
Will our names on here be saved over there? Will there be a profile section etc for that site?
How long until we can play for cash, my boss needs time to find a replacement for me Will there be a limit on bets, or could me and Dave play for £100, £1000 etc....
Overall, I love the idea, I have been a big supporter of something like this for ages.......just hope it involves all the games in the long run
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14:27 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Why me?
madmiketyson said:
A few queries-
If mich gets banned on funkypool, is he banned on killerpool as well.....and vice versa
How long until we can play for cash, my boss needs time to find a replacement for me Will there be a limit on bets, or could me and Dave play for £100, £1000 etc....
If mich gets banned on funkypool, is he banned on killerpool as well.....and vice versa
How long until we can play for cash, my boss needs time to find a replacement for me Will there be a limit on bets, or could me and Dave play for £100, £1000 etc....
Why me?
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14:52 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
To be serious for a short while (dont worry not too long). The dangerous thing about this concept is that new players take part, and gamble money, in the belief that they immediately have a chance of winning. That may be in true in online poker. If you know how to play the game you have every chance of being successful if the luck goes with you. Clearly in a game like this the same is not true. It could be a very hard and expensive lesson for a lot of people - in fact bordering on some people being taken advantage of.
I like the look of the table though - would be a welcome addition over here in due course.
I like the look of the table though - would be a welcome addition over here in due course.
15:42 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Well, the stakes for each game will probably be kept more or less in check, so most new players will settle in and learn what expectations to have pretty quick.
The fact that we wont have a ranking system to illustrate which players are good and which are not complicates this, but oh well. For that to be any use anyway, people would most definitely need to be prevented from resetting or making new accounts - which is pretty hard.
Another interesting query: How large cut will the site be grabbing?
The fact that we wont have a ranking system to illustrate which players are good and which are not complicates this, but oh well. For that to be any use anyway, people would most definitely need to be prevented from resetting or making new accounts - which is pretty hard.
Another interesting query: How large cut will the site be grabbing?
16:15 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
One of the things I really like is the lack of any kind of ranking system, as it eliminates people from being able to pick and choose opponents.
You play your best, all the time, and if you win, you win.
I also notice a few posts asking for various options like cursors etc, I may be well off track here, but in a cash game scenario it is vitally important IMO that everyone is on a level playing field.
for that reason I would be all for keeping options and stats to a minimum on killerpool, as there are plenty here for people who like such things.
You play your best, all the time, and if you win, you win.
I also notice a few posts asking for various options like cursors etc, I may be well off track here, but in a cash game scenario it is vitally important IMO that everyone is on a level playing field.
for that reason I would be all for keeping options and stats to a minimum on killerpool, as there are plenty here for people who like such things.
16:18 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Are you in a position to answer any of my queries Dave? Or is it Nick only, who knows the answers?
I'd love this to be available over all game types but Im worried the name suggests it wont be.....either way is a step forward in my eyes though
I'd love this to be available over all game types but Im worried the name suggests it wont be.....either way is a step forward in my eyes though
16:37 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
Might dust off my cue for this one
Btw looks great Nick, very slick
Btw looks great Nick, very slick
17:12 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
I agree, but couple steps needed before this is really the case...
Currently, once a game is filled, you choose whether or not to pay in and start the game. You *can* back out after you see who your opponents are. Besides, you even see who is in a game before entering it.
When it goes live, I really hope that possibility is gone.
On killerpool more than anything, we need a system that prevents people from choosing who to play and who not to. Otherwise, players which are already known and/or earn themselves a name over there will simply be shunned and unable to get any games at all.
It's already hard enough here on funkypool - add cash to the equation and people will be even more evasive.
spinner said:
One of the things I really like is the lack of any kind of ranking system, as it eliminates people from being able to pick and choose opponents.
I agree, but couple steps needed before this is really the case...
Currently, once a game is filled, you choose whether or not to pay in and start the game. You *can* back out after you see who your opponents are. Besides, you even see who is in a game before entering it.
When it goes live, I really hope that possibility is gone.
On killerpool more than anything, we need a system that prevents people from choosing who to play and who not to. Otherwise, players which are already known and/or earn themselves a name over there will simply be shunned and unable to get any games at all.
It's already hard enough here on funkypool - add cash to the equation and people will be even more evasive.
17:13 Mon 13 Jul 09 (BST)
A level playing field is necessary yes, but that doesn't conflict with having options. As long as those options are open to everyone of course.
spinner said:
I also notice a few posts asking for various options like cursors etc, I may be well off track here, but in a cash game scenario it is vitally important IMO that everyone is on a level playing field.
for that reason I would be all for keeping options and stats to a minimum on killerpool, as there are plenty here for people who like such things.
for that reason I would be all for keeping options and stats to a minimum on killerpool, as there are plenty here for people who like such things.
A level playing field is necessary yes, but that doesn't conflict with having options. As long as those options are open to everyone of course.
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