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Posts: 912
15:26 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hipbob vs. the_foxes

9ball 1-4
8ball 3-0
8balluk 2-3 (was 2-0 up and i fouled black for his win)

overall 6-7
ggs wp on 9ball
Deleted User
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15:30 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v rob
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes
coolhandct v steomeehan
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv

i was 6 0 v josh up and he scratched and gave me 10 0

Edited at 20:34 Mon 23/03/09 (GMT)
Posts: 912
16:18 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hipbob vs. steomeehan

9ball 4-0
8ball 3-2 (was 2-0 up and he made a great come back wd!)
8balluk 3-2

overall 10-4

ggs steo wp!
Posts: 912
16:28 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

1. hipbob---------------9----5----0----4-----72
2. bricktrikcity--------5----3----0----2-----34
3. coolhandct-----------4----3----0----1-----33
4. black_widdow---------4----2----0----2-----32
5. 007jb1---------------5----1----1----3-----28
6. bigmerv1973----------2----2----0----0-----19
7. ro8------------------4----0----1----3-----19
8. josh49---------------3----1----0----2-----14
9. the_foxes------------1----1----0----0-----7
10. steomeehan----------1----0----0----1-----4
11. johnnyno8-----------0----0----0----0-----0

9-7 black_widow
10-1 brickinicity
10-4 steomeehan
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 the_foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 bigmerv1973
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 bricktricity
8-7 hipbob
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
9-5 bricktricity
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
5-10 bricktricity
6-7 hipbob
2-10 bigmerv1973
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 hipbob
5-8 bricktricity
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
7-6 hipbob
4-10 hipbob
Deleted User
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16:56 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
well played to hipbob today hope to play u again sumtime
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16:59 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hip bob i just tried to play match with steomeehan....we played 9 ball which he won 4 - 0 and i won 1st game on 8 ball then he said he had to go.

i said that was unfair as match should be completed

he then started saying he had a life and becoming cheeky

its getting annoying trying to play these games when the people are never on

the guy has only played 1 game against you

and cant manage to finish my game

you dont stop a football match halfway through etc and resume another day

i said i would get a ruling from you but he said you were not in charge

i said if he cant play games maybe he should not be in league

he said he has been busy

but we are all busy

can you clarify what the ruling is as im getting really fed up with all this
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:03 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes
coolhandct v steomeehan
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv
coolhandct v r08

Edited at 22:06 Mon 23/03/09 (GMT)
Posts: 212
17:11 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
r08 clan friendly fixtures:
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 hipbob
5-8 bricktricity
2-10 coolhandct

Edited at 01:09 Tue 24/03/09 (GMT)

Edited at 01:10 Tue 24/03/09 (GMT)

Edited at 01:13 Tue 24/03/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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18:45 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
people i still need to play:


add me if u havent already and if u see im online dont hesitate to request games.
Deleted User
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20:10 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes
coolhandct v steomeehan
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv
coolhandct v r08 (10 2 coolhandct win)

9 ball (4 1 to coolhand)
8 ball (3 1 to coolhand)
8ball uk (3 0 to coolhand)

overall 10 2 to coolhand

ggs m8 well played and unlucky...enjoyed it
Posts: 212
20:12 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
r08 vs coolhandct

9ball lost 4-1
8ball us lost 3-1
8ball uk lost 3-0
over all score lost 10-2

played utter poo, sorry cool i didnt give u mre of a game in thm 3 sessions, i was just poo today. sorry m8
Deleted User
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20:23 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi just to confirm i won 10 2 against r08 he has made a mistake and has 10 3
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08:58 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

can we have a ruling on something by whoever is in charge

just started match v big merv who i have no issue with and is a great player but he couldnt complete match and had to stop after 9 ball

this is second time this has happened

whether i was 4 0 up or 4 0 down etc i dont think its fair to start a match and not complete it

like i said before you dont play a football match over different days

sorry if im coming accross all awkward as im not trying to be but as you know we can all play great or rubbish from session to session so when you start a match it should be completed i think

i will go with ruling though so can we please have some input about this
Deleted User
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12:06 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct said:

can we have a ruling on something by whoever is in charge

just started match v big merv who i have no issue with and is a great player but he couldnt complete match and had to stop after 9 ball

this is second time this has happened

whether i was 4 0 up or 4 0 down etc i dont think its fair to start a match and not complete it

like i said before you dont play a football match over different days

sorry if im coming accross all awkward as im not trying to be but as you know we can all play great or rubbish from session to session so when you start a match it should be completed i think

i will go with ruling though so can we please have some input about this
Totally agree with this comment mate and apologies - I really thought we would have the time.......normally I do but the boss was in the office today lol...

As I said, I would gladly forfeit the 8 ball, however I think a fairer alternative would be for us to start the whole match again.......we are the only ones who know what the score is!!!!!

In fact, because of the luck issue - I would prefer this.

Reply please mate
Deleted User
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14:00 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi big merv

dont think it would be fair on you to forfeit anything

if im being honest i would feel a bit like a cheat if we restarted as you were 4 2 up after 9 ball but then again if you thump me on the rest i could argue i was playing better earlier....

i guess i dont really mind...its only a pool game after all....

im getting my lawyer ready just in

not sure who is in charge of league or clan...maybe they could give a ruling and i will go along with it
Deleted User
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14:43 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
clan league

9 ball

the_foxes 4 v 1 bigmerv

8 ball

the_foxes 2 v 3 bigmerv

8 ball UK

the_foxes 2 v 3 bigmerv


the_foxes 8 v 7 bigmerv

ggs m8 - off to practice my 9 ball now
Deleted User
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15:59 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes
coolhandct v steomeehan
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv (8 - 6 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v r08 (10 2 coolhandct win)

finally finished game with big merv
really enjoyed it

ggs m8
Posts: 912
17:46 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct said:

can you clarify what the ruling is as im getting really fed up with all this

its my opinion that if your start a game and aware it entails quite a few games then you should be ready and willing to play! often something may come up unforseen obviously that is understandable, as in your case with bigmerv! and im clad to see yee could sort it like gentlemen and get it finished, but in terms of steo i do agree with you that it is unfair! did he give you a reason for leaving? if not and it was just a case of 'im going' then in my opinion you should recieve a walk-over of 6-4 (as he was 4-1 up).
but seen as i am not in charge and am only keeping track of scores i feel oppinions from the other clan members should be heard! bigmerv agrees with me and obviously you do too! so if unless anyone objects (other then steo obviously) award yourself a 6-4 victory!
Posts: 1,239
17:47 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your clan looking for players mate?
Posts: 912
17:57 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

1. hipbob---------------9----5----0----4-----72
2. coolhandct-----------7----6----0----1-----57
3. bricktrikcity--------5----3----0----2-----34
4. black_widdow---------4----2----0----2-----32
5. bigmerv1973----------4----2----0----2-----32
6. 007jb1---------------5----1----1----3-----28
7. ro8------------------5----0----1----4-----21
8. josh49---------------3----1----0----2-----14
9. the_foxes------------2----2----0----0-----15
10. steomeehan----------2----0----0----2-----8
11. johnnyno8-----------0----0----0----0-----0

9-7 black_widow
10-1 brickinicity
10-4 steomeehan
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 the_foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 bigmerv1973
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 bricktricity
8-7 hipbob
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 bigmerv1973
10-2 r08
6-4 steomeehan
9-5 bricktricity
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
5-10 bricktricity
6-7 hipbob
2-10 bigmerv1973
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 bricktricity
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 the_foxes
7-6 hipbob
8-7 bigmerv1973
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
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