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Posts: 912
17:58 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
robbean said:
Your clan looking for players mate?

why you ask mate?
Posts: 912
18:02 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
let me know if everything above is right!

and i just want to say thanks to everyone, ive enjoyed the games so far which have been of a great quality! well done to everyone.

not alot of games to be played, im sure when johnny comes back he'll want to everyone and he should be back soon i hope

looks like coolhand could overtake me at the top very soon

keep it up lads

Posts: 912
18:03 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
so yee won't have to go back a page!


1. hipbob---------------9----5----0----4-----72
2. coolhandct-----------7----6----0----1-----57
3. bricktrikcity--------5----3----0----2-----34
4. black_widdow---------4----2----0----2-----32
5. bigmerv1973----------4----2----0----2-----32
6. 007jb1---------------5----1----1----3-----28
7. ro8------------------5----0----1----4-----21
8. josh49---------------3----1----0----2-----14
9. the_foxes------------2----2----0----0-----15
10. steomeehan----------2----0----0----2-----8
11. johnnyno8-----------0----0----0----0-----0

9-7 black_widow
10-1 brickinicity
10-4 steomeehan
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 the_foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 bigmerv1973
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 bricktricity
8-7 hipbob
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 bigmerv1973
10-2 r08
6-4 steomeehan
9-5 bricktricity
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
5-10 bricktricity
6-7 hipbob
2-10 bigmerv1973
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 bricktricity
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 the_foxes
7-6 hipbob
8-7 bigmerv1973
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
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18:33 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes
coolhandct v steomeehan (6 4 coolhandct awarded win by default)
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv (8 - 6 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v r08 (10 2 coolhandct win)
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18:36 Tue 24 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks hip bob i will go with your ruling unless the others object

but also dont wanna fall out with anyone so apologies to steomeehan for getting annoyed and apologies to black widow cos i took something he typed when drunk too serious. well played to hin as well cos he destroyed me in our game

im full up with eating all this humble pie
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09:29 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey coolhand sorry bout the other nigth jus had bit of a problem ye no persnal issues i wish i could have finished our games but sadly i couldnt so there for ive no problem wit u been awarded a walk over
Posts: 912
11:55 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
fair play steo

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13:15 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks steo and sorry again

its a hard life being a pool pro
Posts: 1,239
14:45 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry about the website issue cool mate have changed it for you now if you see anymore misstakes let me know
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16:46 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have a player ready if ye ever need a replacement speed2

and sor i not on much lately i have a busy week but after this week i will be on more
Posts: 912
18:47 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
good job 007 but we are full and ive gotten at least 6 people on a waiting list as it is

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19:49 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
steomeehan VS bricktrikcity
7 . . -. . . 7
Posts: 912
21:05 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

1. hipbob---------------9----5----0----4-----72
2. coolhandct-----------7----6----0----1-----57
3. bricktrikcity--------6----3----1----2-----41
4. black_widdow---------4----2----0----2-----32
5. bigmerv1973----------4----2----0----2-----32
6. 007jb1---------------5----1----1----3-----28
7. ro8------------------5----0----1----4-----21
8. the_foxes------------2----2----0----0-----15
9. steomeehan----------3----0----1----2-----15
10. josh49---------------3----1----0----2-----14
11. johnnyno8-----------0----0----0----0-----0

9-7 black_widow
10-1 brick
10-4 steo
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 merv
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 brick
8-7 hipbob
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 merv
10-2 r08
6-4 steo
9-5 brick
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
7-7 steo
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
5-10 brick
6-7 hipbob
2-10 merv
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 brick
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 foxes
7-6 hipbob
8-7 merv
7-7 brick
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
Posts: 912
21:07 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
just so everyone is clear the ruling is if it comes down to level points at the end then the person with the most wins is placed higher! if its a case of both these being equal then a deciding play-off will be played!
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07:21 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
bricktricity said:
bricktricity said:
bricktricity said:
bricktricity said:
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V josh49
bricktrikcity V the_foxes
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
Deleted User
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14:21 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
007jb1 said:
007jb1 v josh49(007jb1 7-6 josh49)
007jb1 V black_widdow
007jb1 V the_foxes(007jb1 4 v 9 the_foxes)
007jb1 V steomeehan
007jb1 V bricktrikcity(007jb1 5 v 10 brick)
007jb1 V johnnyno8
007jb1 V coolhandct
007jb1 V bigmerv1973(007jb1 3 v 10 bigmerv1973)
007jb1 v hipbob(007jb1 6 v 7 hipbob)
007jb1 v r08(007jb1 8 v 8 r08)
Posts: 912
15:04 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------7-----6-------0------1------57
3. bricktrikcity------6-----3-------1-------2-----41
4. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
5. bigmerv1973-----4-----2-------0-------2-----32
6. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
7. the_foxes---------3-----3-------0-------0-----24
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
10. josh49------------3------1------0-------2-----14
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0

9-7 black_widow
10-1 brick
10-4 steo
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 merv
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 brick
8-7 hipbob
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 merv
10-2 r08
6-4 steo
9-5 brick
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
7-7 steo
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
4-9 foxes
5-10 brick
6-7 hipbob
2-10 merv
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 brick
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 foxes
7-6 hipbob
9-4 007jb1
8-7 merv
7-7 brick
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
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16:10 Fri 27 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V josh49(8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
Posts: 912
16:18 Fri 27 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------7-----6-------0------1------57
3. bricktrikcity------7-----4-------1-------2-----49
4. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
5. bigmerv1973-----4-----2-------0-------2-----32
6. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
7. the_foxes---------3-----3-------0-------0-----24
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. josh49------------4------1------0-------3-----19
10. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0

9-7 black_widow
10-1 brick
10-4 steo
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 merv
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 brick
8-7 hipbob
5-8 brick
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 merv
10-2 r08
6-4 steo
9-5 brick
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
8-5 josh49
7-7 steo
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
4-9 foxes
5-10 brick
6-7 hipbob
2-10 merv
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 brick
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 foxes
7-6 hipbob
9-4 007jb1
8-7 merv
7-7 brick
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
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04:53 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi any1 who aint played me if im online just ask to play our clan games thanks
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