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16:55 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49(8-5 Bricktricity)
Bricktricity V Bigmerv1973
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
Edited at 22:29 Sat 28/03/09 (GMT)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49(8-5 Bricktricity)
Bricktricity V Bigmerv1973
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
Edited at 22:29 Sat 28/03/09 (GMT)
17:03 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)
1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------7-----6-------0------1------57
3. bricktrikcity------8-----5-------1-------2-----56
4. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
5. bigmerv1973-----4-----2-------0-------2-----32
6. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
7. the_foxes---------4-----3-------0-------1-----30
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. josh49------------4------1------0-------3-----19
10. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0
9-7 black_widow
10-1 brick
10-4 steo
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 merv
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 brick
8-7 hipbob
5-8 brick
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 merv
10-2 r08
6-4 steo
9-5 brick
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
8-5 josh49
7-6 foxes
7-7 steo
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
4-9 foxes
5-10 brick
6-7 hipbob
2-10 merv
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 brick
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 foxes
7-6 hipbob
9-4 007jb1
8-7 merv
6-7 brick
7-7 brick
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------7-----6-------0------1------57
3. bricktrikcity------8-----5-------1-------2-----56
4. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
5. bigmerv1973-----4-----2-------0-------2-----32
6. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
7. the_foxes---------4-----3-------0-------1-----30
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. josh49------------4------1------0-------3-----19
10. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0
9-7 black_widow
10-1 brick
10-4 steo
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 merv
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 brick
8-7 hipbob
5-8 brick
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 merv
10-2 r08
6-4 steo
9-5 brick
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
8-5 josh49
7-6 foxes
7-7 steo
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
4-9 foxes
5-10 brick
6-7 hipbob
2-10 merv
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 brick
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 foxes
7-6 hipbob
9-4 007jb1
8-7 merv
6-7 brick
7-7 brick
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
17:04 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)
you have also beaten josh49 8-5 m8
and also don't forget to add in bigmerv1973
bricktricity said:
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
you have also beaten josh49 8-5 m8
and also don't forget to add in bigmerv1973
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14:08 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
not sure who i need to play. but ask me if ur online
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14:16 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
V hipbob ( foxes wins 7-6 )
V bricktricity ( bricktricity wins 7-6 )
V bigmerv ( foxes wins 8-7 )
V oo7jb1 (foxes wins 9-4 )
V bricktricity ( bricktricity wins 7-6 )
V bigmerv ( foxes wins 8-7 )
V oo7jb1 (foxes wins 9-4 )
14:32 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
Full clan list here foxes!
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18:26 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
just beat Coolhandct 4-1 3-2 3-2
V hipbob ( foxes wins 7-6 )
V bricktricity ( bricktricity wins 7-6 )
V bigmerv ( foxes wins 8-7 )
V oo7jb1 (foxes wins 9-4 )
V coolhandct ( foxes wins 10-5 )
V hipbob ( foxes wins 7-6 )
V bricktricity ( bricktricity wins 7-6 )
V bigmerv ( foxes wins 8-7 )
V oo7jb1 (foxes wins 9-4 )
V coolhandct ( foxes wins 10-5 )
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18:29 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes(5 10 foxes win)
coolhandct v steomeehan (6 4 coolhandct awarded win by default)
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv (8 - 6 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v r08 (10 2 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes(5 10 foxes win)
coolhandct v steomeehan (6 4 coolhandct awarded win by default)
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv (8 - 6 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v r08 (10 2 coolhandct win)
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18:31 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
hi just lost 10 5 to foxes
wp m8 you were solid
i was an embarrassment though
was as bad as i could play in that match
if i play like that again will prob give up
wp m8 you were solid
i was an embarrassment though
was as bad as i could play in that match
if i play like that again will prob give up
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23:53 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
why dont we add Straight pool to our games??
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08:49 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)
clan league result
8 ball - bigmerv 3 v 1 bricktricity
8 ball uk bigmerv 3 v 1 bricktricity
9 ball - bigmerv 4 v 3 bricktricity
ggs m8
8 ball - bigmerv 3 v 1 bricktricity
8 ball uk bigmerv 3 v 1 bricktricity
9 ball - bigmerv 4 v 3 bricktricity
ggs m8
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13:39 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)
bricktricity said:
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49(8-5 Bricktricity)
Bricktricity V Bigmerv1973(5-10 Bigmerv)
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
Edited at 22:29 Sat 28/03/09 (GMT)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49(8-5 Bricktricity)
Bricktricity V Bigmerv1973(5-10 Bigmerv)
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
Edited at 22:29 Sat 28/03/09 (GMT)
18:14 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)
1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------8-----6-------0------2------62
3. bricktrikcity------9-----5-------2-------2-----61
4. bigmerv1973-----5-----3-------0-------2-----42
5. the_foxes---------5-----4-------0-------1-----40
6. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
7. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. josh49------------4------1------0-------3-----19
10. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0
1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------8-----6-------0------2------62
3. bricktrikcity------9-----5-------2-------2-----61
4. bigmerv1973-----5-----3-------0-------2-----42
5. the_foxes---------5-----4-------0-------1-----40
6. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
7. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. josh49------------4------1------0-------3-----19
10. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0
18:21 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)
still a few games to be played guys, ive taken out the results as limited letters available!
but most are written up by yourselves anyway
get 'em played guys
o and b.t.w. i would love to play straight but in the clan games they dont so just to keep it like it will be...
but most are written up by yourselves anyway
get 'em played guys
o and b.t.w. i would love to play straight but in the clan games they dont so just to keep it like it will be...
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16:51 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)
steomeehan when can we play our games everytime i ask u dissapear
18:15 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)
johnny has the pic
steomeehan said:
how come bricktrikcity has no pic
johnny has the pic
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