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16:55 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49(8-5 Bricktricity)
Bricktricity V Bigmerv1973
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8

Edited at 22:29 Sat 28/03/09 (GMT)
Posts: 912
17:03 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------7-----6-------0------1------57
3. bricktrikcity------8-----5-------1-------2-----56
4. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
5. bigmerv1973-----4-----2-------0-------2-----32
6. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
7. the_foxes---------4-----3-------0-------1-----30
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. josh49------------4------1------0-------3-----19
10. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0

9-7 black_widow
10-1 brick
10-4 steo
7-6 007jb1
10-2 r08
7-9 coolhandct
6-7 foxes
7-8 josh49
6-9 merv
9-4 coolhandct
10-4 r08
7-9 hipbob
10-6 brick
8-7 hipbob
5-8 brick
6-7 007jb1
0-10 coolhandct
9-7 hipbob
8-6 merv
10-2 r08
6-4 steo
9-5 brick
10-0 josh49
5-9 black_widow
10-6 black_widow
10-5 007jb1
8-5 josh49
7-6 foxes
7-7 steo
1-10 hipbob
8-5 r08
5-9 coolhandct
7-6 josh49
8-8 r08
4-9 foxes
5-10 brick
6-7 hipbob
2-10 merv
8-8 007jb1
4-10 black_widow
2-10 coolhandct
2-10 hipbob
5-8 brick
10-2 007jb1
9-6 hipbob
6-8 coolhandct
7-8 foxes
7-6 hipbob
9-4 007jb1
8-7 merv
6-7 brick
7-7 brick
4-10 hipbob
4-6 coolhandct
Posts: 912
17:04 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
bricktricity said:
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8

you have also beaten josh49 8-5 m8
and also don't forget to add in bigmerv1973
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:29 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks bob it has been fixed
Deleted User
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14:08 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
not sure who i need to play. but ask me if ur online
Deleted User
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14:16 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
V hipbob ( foxes wins 7-6 )
V bricktricity ( bricktricity wins 7-6 )
V bigmerv ( foxes wins 8-7 )
V oo7jb1 (foxes wins 9-4 )
Posts: 912
14:32 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Full clan list here foxes!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:26 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
just beat Coolhandct 4-1 3-2 3-2

V hipbob ( foxes wins 7-6 )
V bricktricity ( bricktricity wins 7-6 )
V bigmerv ( foxes wins 8-7 )
V oo7jb1 (foxes wins 9-4 )
V coolhandct ( foxes wins 10-5 )
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:29 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v josh49 (10 0 coolhand win)
coolhandct v the_foxes(5 10 foxes win)
coolhandct v steomeehan (6 4 coolhandct awarded win by default)
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v big merv (8 - 6 coolhandct win)
coolhandct v r08 (10 2 coolhandct win)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:31 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hi just lost 10 5 to foxes

wp m8 you were solid

i was an embarrassment though

was as bad as i could play in that match

if i play like that again will prob give up
Deleted User
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23:53 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
why dont we add Straight pool to our games??
Deleted User
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05:21 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ye i agree i love straigth pool
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:49 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clan league result

8 ball - bigmerv 3 v 1 bricktricity

8 ball uk bigmerv 3 v 1 bricktricity

9 ball - bigmerv 4 v 3 bricktricity




ggs m8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:39 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
bricktricity said:
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V 007jb1(10-5 Bricktricty)
bricktrikcity V the_foxes(7-6 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V steomeehan(7-7 Tie)
bricktrikcity V josh49(8-5 Bricktricity)
Bricktricity V Bigmerv1973(5-10 Bigmerv)
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8

Edited at 22:29 Sat 28/03/09 (GMT)
Posts: 912
18:14 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  

1. hipbob-------------9-----5-------0------4------72
2. coolhandct-------8-----6-------0------2------62
3. bricktrikcity------9-----5-------2-------2-----61
4. bigmerv1973-----5-----3-------0-------2-----42
5. the_foxes---------5-----4-------0-------1-----40
6. black_widdow---4-----2-------0-------2-----32
7. 007jb1--------------6-----1-------1-------4-----32
8. ro8------------------5------0------1-------4-----21
9. josh49------------4------1------0-------3-----19
10. steomeehan-----3------0------1-------2-----15
11. johnnyno8-------0-----0-------0-------0-----0
Posts: 912
18:21 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
still a few games to be played guys, ive taken out the results as limited letters available!
but most are written up by yourselves anyway
get 'em played guys
o and b.t.w. i would love to play straight but in the clan games they dont so just to keep it like it will be...
Deleted User
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13:44 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
how come bricktrikcity has no pic
Deleted User
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16:51 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
steomeehan when can we play our games everytime i ask u dissapear
Posts: 912
18:15 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
steomeehan said:
how come bricktrikcity has no pic

johnny has the pic
Deleted User
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21:01 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
^yea i was wondering the same thing lol^
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