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Posts: 1,239
16:53 Sun 15 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers for the game black widdow mate you 2 good player

8ball-3-0 robbean
8uk-3-0 robbean
9ball-4-3 robbean

p and comming clan matches

The Oap's vs Team Gladiators

top_dawg vs dragon666
ronnie05 vs warney (10-4)
Only1aphex vs renroc
Robbean vs tooluser (10-3)
Mach_3 vs familyguy0 (10-3)
Dave_c vs proplayer (10-1)
andyw1 vs 2flashme2 (7-6)
ajax09 vs infernoguy (10-1)

The Oap's Vs School Of Pool
ronnie05 Vs josh49
only1aphex Vs hipbob (5-9)
mach_3 Vs andy9ball(10-3)
andyw1 Vs the_foxex(7-6)
robbean Vs r08 (7-5)
giant_16 Vs coolhandct(5-10)
dave_c Vs black_widow(10-4)
top_dawg Vs 007jb1(10-2)
Posts: 1,239
16:53 Sun 15 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry did'nt mean to post team gladiators game lol
Posts: 1,239
17:19 Sun 15 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good game school of pool we enjoyed ourselves alot and hope to see you guys in the next season with uss we have enjoyed the experiance and hope you do well in future clan matches very well played and thanks to all the guys who particapaited in the matches
Posts: 912
18:18 Sun 15 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Leauge table so far:


1. hipbob---------------6-----4-----2-----50
2. black_widdow---------4-----2-----2-----32
3. bricktrikcity--------3-----2-----1-----19
4. josh49---------------2-----1-----1-----14
5. coolhandct-----------2-----1-----1-----14
6. 007jb1---------------2-----1-----1-----13
7. ro8------------------3-----0-----3-----11
8. steomeehan-----------0-----0-----0-----0
9. the_foxes------------0-----0-----0-----0
10. johnnyno8-------------0-----0-----0-----0
11. 11andy9ball------------0-----0-----0-----0

hipbob 9-7 black_widow
hipbob 10-1 brickinicity
hipbob 7-6 007jb1
hipbob 10-2 r08
hipbob 7-9 coolhandct
hipbob 7-8 josh49
black_widow 9-4 coolhandct
black_widow 10-4 r08
black_widow 7-9 hipbob
black_widow 10-6 bricktricity
josh49 8-7 hipbob
josh49 6-7 007jb1
coolhandct 9-7 hipbob
coolhandct 5-9 black_widow
bricktricity 10-6 black_widow
bricktricity 1-10 hipbob
bricktricity 8-5 r08
007jb1 7-6 josh49
007jb1 6-7 hipbob
r08 4-10 black_widow
r08 2-10 hipbob
r08 5-8 bricktricity

Edited at 00:26 Mon 16/03/09 (GMT)
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19:24 Sun 15 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
bricktricity said:
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V josh49
bricktrikcity V the_foxes
bricktrikcity V steomeehan
bricktrikcity V 007jb1
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8
bricktrikcity V coolhandct
bricktrikcity V andy9ball
Posts: 912
19:27 Sun 15 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
it s put in brick
going well m8 wd
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10:46 Mon 16 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi guys... sorry i haven't been around. as hipbab has probably mentioned. my computer is broken so only have internet access at the library at the moment..... keep up the cracking work tho people , and hopefully i'll be back with you soon. looking at about another 10 days.

massive thanks to hipbob!!!
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10:51 Mon 16 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
and welcome to the new member
Posts: 912
10:53 Mon 16 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
sort it out johnny
no worries m8, we are bonding as a team and playing some good pool
see ya soon m8
Deleted User
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20:10 Mon 16 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
bricktricity said:
bricktricity said:
bricktrikcity v hipbob (10-1 hipbob)
bricktrikcity V black_widdow (10-6 Bricktricity)
bricktricity V r08 (8-5 Bricktricity)
bricktrikcity V coolhandct (9-5 Cool)
bricktrikcity V josh49
bricktrikcity V the_foxes
bricktrikcity V steomeehan
bricktrikcity V 007jb1
bricktrikcity V johnnyo8

bricktrikcity V andy9ball
Deleted User
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20:17 Mon 16 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct v black_widdow (5 - 9 blackwiddow)
coolhandct v hipbob (9 - 7 coolhandct)
coolhandct v rob
coolhandct v josh49
coolhandct v the_foxes
coolhandct v steomeehan
coolhandct v 007jb1
coolhandct v johnnyo8
coolhandct v bricktrikcity (9 - 5 coolhandct)
coolhandct v andy9ball
Deleted User
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20:19 Mon 16 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
coolhandct vs bricktricity


cool 3 4 brick


cool 3 0 brick

8 ball

cool 3 1 brick

cool 9 5 brick
Posts: 912
07:42 Tue 17 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
wp cool m8

Leauge table so far:


1. hipbob---------------6-----4-----2-----50
2. black_widdow---------4-----2-----2-----32
3. bricktrikcity--------4-----2-----2-----24
4. coolhandct-----------3-----2-----1-----23
5. josh49---------------2-----1-----1-----14
6. 007jb1---------------2-----1-----1-----13
7. ro8------------------3-----0-----3-----11
8. steomeehan-----------0-----0-----0-----0
9. the_foxes------------0-----0-----0-----0
10. johnnyno8-------------0-----0-----0-----0
11. andy9ball------------0-----0-----0-----0

hipbob 9-7 black_widow
hipbob 10-1 brickinicity
hipbob 7-6 007jb1
hipbob 10-2 r08
hipbob 7-9 coolhandct
hipbob 7-8 josh49
black_widow 9-4 coolhandct
black_widow 10-4 r08
black_widow 7-9 hipbob
black_widow 10-6 bricktricity
josh49 8-7 hipbob
josh49 6-7 007jb1
coolhandct 9-7 hipbob
coolhandct 9-5 bricktricity
coolhandct 5-9 black_widow
bricktricity 10-6 black_widow
bricktricity 1-10 hipbob
bricktricity 8-5 r08
bricktricity 5-9 coolhandct
007jb1 7-6 josh49
007jb1 6-7 hipbob
r08 4-10 black_widow
r08 2-10 hipbob
r08 5-8 bricktricity
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15:38 Tue 17 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
007jb1 2-2 black_widow so far
Posts: 912
17:02 Tue 17 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hipbob vs. andy9ball

9ball 4-2
8ball 3-0
8balluk 3-1 (it was 2-1 and he fouled the white with 4 balls left and i had 1 easy red and black and he just left so im taking the win!)

overall 10-3
Posts: 912
17:04 Tue 17 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Leauge table so far:


1. hipbob---------------7-----5-----2-----60
2. black_widdow---------4-----2-----2-----32
3. bricktrikcity--------4-----2-----2-----24
4. coolhandct-----------3-----2-----1-----23
5. josh49---------------2-----1-----1-----14
6. 007jb1---------------2-----1-----1-----13
7. ro8------------------3-----0-----3-----11
8. andy9ball------------1-----0-----1-----3
9. the_foxes------------0-----0-----0-----0
10. johnnyno8-------------0-----0-----0-----0
11. steomeehan-----------0-----0-----0-----0

hipbob 9-7 black_widow
hipbob 10-1 brickinicity
hipbob 7-6 007jb1
hipbob 10-2 r08
hipbob 10-3 andy9ball
hipbob 7-9 coolhandct
hipbob 7-8 josh49
black_widow 9-4 coolhandct
black_widow 10-4 r08
black_widow 7-9 hipbob
black_widow 10-6 bricktricity
josh49 8-7 hipbob
josh49 6-7 007jb1
coolhandct 9-7 hipbob
coolhandct 9-5 bricktricity
coolhandct 5-9 black_widow
bricktricity 10-6 black_widow
bricktricity 1-10 hipbob
bricktricity 8-5 r08
bricktricity 5-9 coolhandct
007jb1 7-6 josh49
007jb1 6-7 hipbob
r08 4-10 black_widow
r08 2-10 hipbob
r08 5-8 bricktricity
andy9ball 3-10 hipbob
Posts: 912
17:45 Tue 17 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok fella's andy9ball has left the clan so we are now looking for a new member! keep a sharp eye out for someone good lads and let me know!
Posts: 912
12:37 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive got us a replacment for andy9ball, bigmerv1973
very good player
add him to your friends and give him a clan friendly lads and im sure he'll make a great run at our leauge
good luck big
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08:31 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
dropping like flies i see!! cnt wait to get back!!!

keep it up lads
Deleted User
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08:37 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi all

thanks 4 lettin me in clan

please pm me 4 league matches so i can get caught up

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