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New game layout

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Deleted User
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05:00 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Might i just say i've been a registered user for nearly three years.......

I dont like the changes at all. The loss of table area is a massive setback, and the extra boxes and buttons are just fussy.


Personally, Nick, I thought that Funkypool realised it's potential with the previous version, and the new version has only diminshed it.

Deleted User
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05:03 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree kingdjg, people are afraid to voice their opinions as they seem to be scared of upsetting nick, when in fact he would be delighted to know peoples real thoughts. I don't like it, it's smaller, slower and generally unpleasing. Sorry but thats what I think.
Posts: 230
05:23 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
The loss of table area has been decreased.

As nick has previously explained a few times in this thread. They way the game has changed is necessary for the simplicity of playing.

There have been numerous problems in the past where new users would join, and have troubles starting/playing games; the new system makes this a whole lot easier.

We all want funkypool to grow, and changes like this, believe it or not, help. Obviously for users who have been here for a while, and got very used to the old layout, it will be more difficult to get used to, but give it a chance is what I say.

Where users say it looks less professional and/or tacky... I disagree! To have the avatars at the top of the page is a great addition, especially for clan matches. If you pop over to snooker, you will notice that a lot of us have our own 'team' pic, to let others know which clan we are a part of. When this new system is introuduced over there, I think it will look great at the top.
Posts: 230
05:24 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
As for the text a the top, this is a lot more user fiendly, and intuative, in that all the information about the current game is there, and you shouldn't need to look at the chat area at all.... my only suggestion would be to add the ranks underneath the players names and/or add the amount of rank gained/lost against your current opponent (only in that session, not all time).
Deleted User
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06:14 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Everybody is making a big deal about the changes...leave it settle in and you adjust to it.
Deleted User
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06:37 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Everybody is saying the table area has decreased, I don't understand that, my table size is perfectly fine, it's the same as before, the new additions haven't changed my monitor the slightest, no lag, no slowdown, nothing
Posts: 5,373
08:03 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Table size is only a problem for those playing on wide screen monitors. For old-school 4:3 screens, the width is the limiting factor for the table size, so using the area above the table for new buttons makes no difference.

For wide screen monitors, height was the limiting factor, and thus, using some of it for those buttons made the remaining room for the table smaller.

Not a real issue anymore tho, the current size loss is close to nothing.

My only remaining concern right now (to be extremely picky) is that the buttons look a bit too colorful (looks cluttered) and the on-table buttons for starting/stopping play looks not very good at all (but I believe Nick already mentioned the latter). Only picking tho, the main things look and work great now.
Posts: 4,751
10:28 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
It shouldn't be significantly smaller (it's lost 3 pixels height in the table area for those on limited resolution monitors) as of yesterday's evening version.

It shouldn't be slower; if you're experiencing this then it's a bug. There's no new code in place that should affect gameplay.

Regarding fixing something that isn't broke - some people say this about every single change ever been made. The layout was badly flawed design that stayed in the system much too long. It wasn't intuitive at all, as you'd know if you watch someone new to the game try and understand what's going on. It's still not perfect but the layout is much better now.

Remember to try and be constructive in your comments; feedback in this thread has already changed the game. I can't work on comments like "I don't like it" without explanations.

I agree those start/stop buttons are poor, Jan.
Deleted User
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10:30 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I would like to see the choices of colour on the UK table. Any plans to update this nick?
Posts: 4,751
11:57 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
The code is there, just needs the tables to be designed.
Posts: 8,780
12:16 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
are we getting a pink one ?
Posts: 4,751
16:57 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:
Currently I'm getting a through errors related to the downloading of table and user avatars. We've had 18 in the last 4 hours. I'm working on a fix.

OK 75% of the problems are now fixed. We're down to 1 reported error every 200 playing hours. I'll try improve this further as well.
Posts: 8,780
17:05 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
am i invisible or something ?
Deleted User
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17:05 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
jooodles said:
am i invisible or something ?

OOoooooo Jo is throwing a strop lol
Posts: 8,780
17:10 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
spenny said:
jooodles said:
am i invisible or something ?

OOoooooo Jo is throwing a strop lol

no i'm not , i'm simply asking am i invisible because i have asked about 3 questions without an answer
Posts: 4,751
05:54 Sat 2 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Apologies, thought the pink table question was a joke. No plans for gimmicky tables at present!

joodles said:
would it be possible to have all the details thats at the top of the table central with the table and not central of the screen ?

It should be pretty much the same thing. Do you have a screenshot?
Deleted User
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19:50 Sat 2 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
it will take some time to get used to the new changes...i disagree with the critics because it is a total new thing and they havent given it a chance.

i like the way that you can change the colour of the practice table....any chances of choosing table colour in a game anytime soon??

and random colour in tournament...

edit: however...I think that the new dark blue table is too dark ...maybe a little brighter??

Edited at 01:00 Sun 3/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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18:19 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it is much better. It is easier on the eye imo and without a shadow of a doubt more appealing to new members. If I logged on to the older layout and this one at the same time I would choose to play on this layout everytime. The option of colours is a very nice step that is probably a very big step when you look at it in a bigger picture as it's giving people options, which is what eveyrone wants!
I think the avatars at the top look very nice, gives a little spice and sexyness to the screen along with the whole layout at the top of the page.
The big thing is obviously how much easier it is to navigate. That seems to be the main intention, and it has been done very nicely indeed to fullfil the intention.
The moans and groans about the size I think is a tad silly.In a couple of weeks when everyone has settled in and maybe looks back they will notice how much cooler it is compared to the older, simpler, boring one.
So imo, it is lose a bit of size for a much better performance.

Edited at 23:24 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 4,751
06:30 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
OK, I made quite a few changes today.

- room list dialog now shows available games before tournament games to make finding a game easier
- killer now uses the whole available space at the top to show the scores
- red table added

Quite a few fixes and optimisations. We were getting quite a few error reports related to table changing ability (client failed to download required graphics) - hopefully this is stable now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:46 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:

- room list dialog now shows available games before tournament games to make finding a game easier

On my game, I have a list of about 5 tournament games then the available games, then 5 more tournament games, which is making it more difficult to find a game.
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