Euro 2008 - Whose your money on?

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10:30 Tue 10 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Ohh - Same.

Holland looked very good and I think with that display they are main contenders. They will win the group I'm sure. I saw in the bookies yesterday that if you put a £10 bet on Holland to win - you get £120. I didn't think they would win but seeing the link up play for the 3rd goal, that was pretty special. The work Van Bronckhorst did and it was a brilliant pin-pointed pass to Kuyt and a good finish.

Still think Spain will win it. Holland vs Spain final
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11:57 Tue 10 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
the_hunter said:
Ohh - Same.

Holland looked very good and I think with that display they are main contenders. They will win the group I'm sure. I saw in the bookies yesterday that if you put a £10 bet on Holland to win - you get £120. I didn't think they would win but seeing the link up play for the 3rd goal, that was pretty special. The work Van Bronckhorst did and it was a brilliant pin-pointed pass to Kuyt and a good finish.

Still think Spain will win it. Holland vs Spain final

Aaaaah Gio, always be a blue nose. *reminisces*
Deleted User
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13:28 Tue 10 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Tournament is livening up now with Spain and Holland looking very very good after a dull first two days.
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13:36 Tue 10 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
David that man he is so good, better than Torres
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14:29 Tue 10 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
colins said:
the_hunter said:
Ohh - Same.

Holland looked very good and I think with that display they are main contenders. They will win the group I'm sure. I saw in the bookies yesterday that if you put a £10 bet on Holland to win - you get £120. I didn't think they would win but seeing the link up play for the 3rd goal, that was pretty special. The work Van Bronckhorst did and it was a brilliant pin-pointed pass to Kuyt and a good finish.

Still think Spain will win it. Holland vs Spain final

Aaaaah Gio, always be a blue nose. *reminisces*

Gio was very good for Rangers wasnt he.

hope Greece win tonight for big Sam.
Deleted User
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15:43 Tue 10 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I would like to retract that statment because Greece are playing very negative football.
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15:47 Tue 10 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
da_chump said:
I would like to retract that statment because Greece are playing very negative football.

That's how they won a tournement.................

Portugal and Germany looked good, that was until Holland and Spain played. Absolute genius football from both teams, just hope they don't fizzle out like they always seem to do at major tounements.
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13:16 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
They laughed at me when I said Sweden...

We'll prove you wrong.

<<< swedish fan
Deleted User
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13:51 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
You say Sweden - I laugh.........

Lets face it, Sweden played a team playing poor negative footy, I don't think they stand a chance, not with the likes of Holland, Spain, Portugal and Germany, let alone the other big teams like France and Italy.....
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13:57 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Sweden got no chance.

Ironically I am actually sitting in a Sweden top, but that's just coincidence.
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19:25 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i thought Ronaldo's goal was quite good tonight.

I dont really care who wins it now. Just hope the quality of football gets abit better.
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19:29 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Thought both games were very good entertainment in very different ways.
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13:54 Thu 12 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I watched Germany vs. Croatia today - not sure if it was a new game or not, cause we get them later than you do. Croatia was winning 1-0 when I stopped watching, but Germany seemed to be the one tearing up the field. They were in control most of the time when I watched, but they couldn't seem to get one in the net.

EDIT: Just saw the game results on ESPN and it was 2-1 with Croatia as the victors. I find that a little hard to believe.

Edited at 18:55 Thu 12/06/08 (BST)
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19:27 Thu 12 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I have to be up at 1 in the morning to watch France - Netherlands tomorrow! Still, it's the weekend and it should be an excellent match
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21:02 Thu 12 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
katie_bug said:
I watched Germany vs. Croatia today - not sure if it was a new game or not, cause we get them later than you do. Croatia was winning 1-0 when I stopped watching, but Germany seemed to be the one tearing up the field. They were in control most of the time when I watched, but they couldn't seem to get one in the net.

EDIT: Just saw the game results on ESPN and it was 2-1 with Croatia as the victors. I find that a little hard to believe.

Edited at 18:55 Thu 12/06/08 (BST)

Yep, finished 2-1 to Croatia, who fully deserved the win. Germany were really poor, played like they didn't really want it, which is highly unusual of a German side. Still, if you fancy Germany to pick themselves back up and go on and win the tournament now is the best time to back them - almost 6/1 on betfair now to win it. Still Spain for me, they will come good this time
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01:56 Fri 13 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Watched Poland vs. Austria after that but didn't see the results. Austria knew exactly how to get through Poland's defense! I personally saw three break-away's with a one-on-one with Poland's keeper, and Austria missed all three times! Nearly had three heart attacks there. Wanted Poland to win (simply because I'm mostly Polish, I know nothing of the team's stats!), but they were playing really rough. Not too proud of that.

EDIT: I'm not backing anyone, Niall. I don't watch it enough to know any team's stats or who I like best. I just like watching the games, when I can catch them on.

Edited at 07:06 Fri 13/06/08 (BST)
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02:12 Fri 13 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
And you're right not to Katie, gambling is baddddddd! Just wish I had as reserved an attitude when it came to events like this

(Still, back Spain!)

Edited at 07:14 Fri 13/06/08 (BST)
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05:01 Fri 13 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Who the hell is Gomez!?????? Why is he playing!???

No wonder Podolski was furious; Gomez had no heart, no skill and he looked like a fat sunday leaguer. And don't even get me started on Ballack!

Bloody let downs the lot of ya!

Anyway....... I don't know who's gonna win it, I dare not say Holland or Spain cause they've done this so many times now it's unreal. (By this I mean playing some awsome football, but it never materialising into a trophy)
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05:45 Fri 13 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I would really like Holland to win it, then if they fail all support from me will go towards the Spanish. But I still feel either Germany, Italy/France (depending on who gets out of the group) will go on to win it.
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05:52 Fri 13 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Gomez...thats the most german name I've heard for a while.

He lacked evrything. Heart, Desire, Speed, Touch he looked like he needed a poo the way he was running.

End Rant...sweden
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Euro 2008 - Whose your money on?

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