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08:54 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
Nope, Aberdeen, but I would have hoped the majority of Scotland were cheering on Rangers, I certainly was.
Shame some football supporters are as narrow minded as this, but that's Old Firm fans for you.
Edited at 13:59 Thu 15/05/08 (BST)
1_eye said:
Colins - You live in Glasgow? Are all Scottish supporters chearing Rangers on? I'd love to be up there, not even a great fan of football, but I love occasions like this!
Nope, Aberdeen, but I would have hoped the majority of Scotland were cheering on Rangers, I certainly was.
da_chump said:
1 eye gimmie what your smoking if you think all scottish people are supporting rangers.
I am proud to say if Rangers get beat i'll be over the moon!
I am proud to say if Rangers get beat i'll be over the moon!
Shame some football supporters are as narrow minded as this, but that's Old Firm fans for you.
Edited at 13:59 Thu 15/05/08 (BST)
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09:02 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
And if people around the world are watching this they must be thinking how poor the SPL is since Rangers are just sitting back in defense.
Think Rangers showed the SPL as a competitive league last night, especially when you consider that they are not even the Champions of the SPL and are in the final of a UEFA Cup that included the likes of Bayern Munich and Tottenham.
And also if you were to look at the team that they fielded a very large proportion of Scottish players, many of whom were picked from other Scottish clubs, which to me shows that there is a bit of quality can come from out with the Old Firm.
Kevin Thomson -> Hibs
Steven Whittaker -> Hibs
Kirk Broadfoot -> St. Mirren
David Weir -> Hearts and Falkirk (in the 60's or something but still)
Kris Boyd -> Kilmarnock
Lee McCulloch -> Motherwell
Not Scottish but spent loads of seasons in Scotland
Nacho Novo -> Raith Rovers and Dundee
Got to get those green and white sunglasses off.
Edited at 14:04 Thu 15/05/08 (BST)
da_chump said:
And if people around the world are watching this they must be thinking how poor the SPL is since Rangers are just sitting back in defense.
Think Rangers showed the SPL as a competitive league last night, especially when you consider that they are not even the Champions of the SPL and are in the final of a UEFA Cup that included the likes of Bayern Munich and Tottenham.
And also if you were to look at the team that they fielded a very large proportion of Scottish players, many of whom were picked from other Scottish clubs, which to me shows that there is a bit of quality can come from out with the Old Firm.
Kevin Thomson -> Hibs
Steven Whittaker -> Hibs
Kirk Broadfoot -> St. Mirren
David Weir -> Hearts and Falkirk (in the 60's or something but still)
Kris Boyd -> Kilmarnock
Lee McCulloch -> Motherwell
Not Scottish but spent loads of seasons in Scotland
Nacho Novo -> Raith Rovers and Dundee
Got to get those green and white sunglasses off.
Edited at 14:04 Thu 15/05/08 (BST)
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13:46 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
Rangers fans at Manchester, you disgust me.
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14:26 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
Yeah, got to say, that sort of behavior was appalling! All because the screens didn't turn on. Police used a lot of force on them and I support that. 50 fans attacked on police officer when he was down. That alone sums it up...
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14:44 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
But remember Josh...not ALL fans were like this and it was unfortunate that they were dealt with in such a way.
I think the cleanup costs should be sent to Rangers along with compensation to the injured officers.
Maybe a ban from Europe as well...or maybe i'm being too harsh as Rangers have never acted like this before.
Me, a Rangers fan found myself saying how much i hated the behaviour of our representitives at Manchester, the good guys don't deserve the bad reputation...
I think the cleanup costs should be sent to Rangers along with compensation to the injured officers.
Maybe a ban from Europe as well...or maybe i'm being too harsh as Rangers have never acted like this before.
Me, a Rangers fan found myself saying how much i hated the behaviour of our representitives at Manchester, the good guys don't deserve the bad reputation...
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15:00 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
Yeah I know Dave, I just commented on the fans that did let them selves down. I agree about the the cost being sent to Rangers but the ban from Europe is a tad on the harsh side. Thanks to the Rangers fans, the screens won't be up for next weeks highly anticipated match between Man Utd and Chelsea, which is a shame.
15:19 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
I think that Rangers fans should just be confined from now on...
That behaviour was atrocious, and I fully support the police doing what they did.
Since when did sport have to become that ugly??
They should have been celebrating a landmark achievement for Rangers, even if they didnt win it, they still should have commended St. Who-d'you-me-call-it for beating them in a fair game!!
If anyone loses a game, it may be luck, but St. Thingy-me-bobby deserved it! They out played Rangers, and every sports fan should recognise that, even if they dont think they should have lost.
Yes, the screen in picadilly park (Or wherever) wasnt working, and that is annoying for the fans. But (I heard) that the techies were trying their best to fix it.
I dont think it was anyones fault in that case, and that they should have just moved on. Why they get angry over a screen not working when the next one is 10 mins away, I dont know...
Maybe alcohol was to blame for the kick off...
That behaviour was atrocious, and I fully support the police doing what they did.
Since when did sport have to become that ugly??
They should have been celebrating a landmark achievement for Rangers, even if they didnt win it, they still should have commended St. Who-d'you-me-call-it for beating them in a fair game!!
If anyone loses a game, it may be luck, but St. Thingy-me-bobby deserved it! They out played Rangers, and every sports fan should recognise that, even if they dont think they should have lost.
Yes, the screen in picadilly park (Or wherever) wasnt working, and that is annoying for the fans. But (I heard) that the techies were trying their best to fix it.
I dont think it was anyones fault in that case, and that they should have just moved on. Why they get angry over a screen not working when the next one is 10 mins away, I dont know...
Maybe alcohol was to blame for the kick off...
15:25 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
... And that is understandable. A BIG night in club histroy does deserve a drink!
But their behaviour didnt reflect on the glory of the situation. The police did everything I expected them to do, and the people involved should be ashamed.
It has dented a fine clubs reputation, just by the act of a few!!
Now, dont get me wrong here, the fans that DID move away from the broken screen deserve credit. They did the right thing and stayed out of trouble.
Now, Rangers SHOULD have to pay in some way for the behaviour of their fans, but then again, Rangers dont have control over them. So maybe a fine is right, but they couldnt have forseen this.
Now, I dont know what I have just written about, but I am showing my disappointment over the sportsmanship of the fans.
They were out played. Live with it.
My personal philosophy: What is done is done, and cant be un-done.
Yes, you lost. But you acheived something the club hasnt done in 30 years! Stand proud!
But their behaviour didnt reflect on the glory of the situation. The police did everything I expected them to do, and the people involved should be ashamed.
It has dented a fine clubs reputation, just by the act of a few!!
Now, dont get me wrong here, the fans that DID move away from the broken screen deserve credit. They did the right thing and stayed out of trouble.
Now, Rangers SHOULD have to pay in some way for the behaviour of their fans, but then again, Rangers dont have control over them. So maybe a fine is right, but they couldnt have forseen this.
Now, I dont know what I have just written about, but I am showing my disappointment over the sportsmanship of the fans.
They were out played. Live with it.
My personal philosophy: What is done is done, and cant be un-done.
Yes, you lost. But you acheived something the club hasnt done in 30 years! Stand proud!
15:30 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
... And a glorious night shouldnt be ruined by the actions of a few.
I do not like bad sportsmanship, and I am taking out my anger on here...
2500 characters isnt enough to express my deep anger over poor behaviour over a loss, and I dont like to see people get hurt.
I believe the arrested people should be dealt a maximum penalty that can be given in these situations, and it should be used as a deterrent to others.
As I said. You lost. Win it next year instead! But please, do not act that way again, or this forum will suffer.
So, a summary:
I HATE bad sportsmen. And the fans showed that in poor behaviour over a loss, and a screen not showing a game...
Feel free to argue with me, or question what I have just said, I am feeling really angry at that.
Rant definately over for now in 2814 characters.
I do not like bad sportsmanship, and I am taking out my anger on here...
2500 characters isnt enough to express my deep anger over poor behaviour over a loss, and I dont like to see people get hurt.
I believe the arrested people should be dealt a maximum penalty that can be given in these situations, and it should be used as a deterrent to others.
As I said. You lost. Win it next year instead! But please, do not act that way again, or this forum will suffer.
So, a summary:
I HATE bad sportsmen. And the fans showed that in poor behaviour over a loss, and a screen not showing a game...
Feel free to argue with me, or question what I have just said, I am feeling really angry at that.
Rant definately over for now in 2814 characters.
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17:41 Thu 15 May 08 (BST)
Well, i see what you're saying.
But i have every right to reply to this and stick up for what i believe in, and my club.
Firstly, yes it was a disgraceful way to end what was a great European run for the club. We should be proud of our acheivements and not be too down about the loss.
Zenit played better and got the reward, i can live with that (i was expecting a loss) and at the end of the day, the main reason for the violence was the bad side.
The MAJORITY of Rangers supporters were very well behaved and didn't cause any problems. It was the fans that just go down looking for problems.
I can only describe the shame, the anger and the sadness that those no good yobs have brought to me, the club and the rest of the support.
I would openly apologize to Manchester and it's workers, Citizens and police force for the disgraceful acts on Wednesday, but it's not my job to.
I feel ashamed to be a Rangers supporter and i've never said that in my life. Our reputation has been shattered and i didn't do a thing.
But i have every right to reply to this and stick up for what i believe in, and my club.
Firstly, yes it was a disgraceful way to end what was a great European run for the club. We should be proud of our acheivements and not be too down about the loss.
Zenit played better and got the reward, i can live with that (i was expecting a loss) and at the end of the day, the main reason for the violence was the bad side.
The MAJORITY of Rangers supporters were very well behaved and didn't cause any problems. It was the fans that just go down looking for problems.
I can only describe the shame, the anger and the sadness that those no good yobs have brought to me, the club and the rest of the support.
I would openly apologize to Manchester and it's workers, Citizens and police force for the disgraceful acts on Wednesday, but it's not my job to.
I feel ashamed to be a Rangers supporter and i've never said that in my life. Our reputation has been shattered and i didn't do a thing.
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06:24 Fri 16 May 08 (BST)
I read today that the general feeling is that alot of the supporters were not in fact the usual Rangers supporters. Which would fit with the fact that Rangers don't usually have problems with this type of behaviour.
Personally I feel that if fans can travel to Ialty, Turkey and Portugal, get stabbed and killed without consequence for that of the Club or Country then I think Rangers should just be given a tap on the hand and told not to do it again. However, we'll probley lose the World Cup, Britain banned from all competitions and a dark cloud spread over us from the rest of Europe, which seems to be the trend!!
I'm sure the real Rangers supporters are just as agaust as the rest of us.
Personally I feel that if fans can travel to Ialty, Turkey and Portugal, get stabbed and killed without consequence for that of the Club or Country then I think Rangers should just be given a tap on the hand and told not to do it again. However, we'll probley lose the World Cup, Britain banned from all competitions and a dark cloud spread over us from the rest of Europe, which seems to be the trend!!
I'm sure the real Rangers supporters are just as agaust as the rest of us.
11:09 Fri 16 May 08 (BST)
I fully support what you say, but Im sure its just because the English leaugue is the most competetive in the world!!
Every payer would like to play in the English premier Division, and seeing behaviour of any bad kind will only deter people from playing.
Maybe the harsh bans are the way to go to show that we are on top of our teams and fans.
Just an idea, I dont know...
1_eye said:
However, we'll probley lose the World Cup, Britain banned from all competitions and a dark cloud spread over us from the rest of Europe, which seems to be the trend!!
I'm sure the real Rangers supporters are just as agaust as the rest of us.
I'm sure the real Rangers supporters are just as agaust as the rest of us.
I fully support what you say, but Im sure its just because the English leaugue is the most competetive in the world!!
Every payer would like to play in the English premier Division, and seeing behaviour of any bad kind will only deter people from playing.
Maybe the harsh bans are the way to go to show that we are on top of our teams and fans.
Just an idea, I dont know...
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11:19 Fri 16 May 08 (BST)
I'll get some grief about this but I don't think that any major football tournaments should be in England for a wee while.
Not just England but also Italy, Turkey etc.
I realise that 2002 and 2004 the English fans were very well behaved, but it was only Euro 2000 where England were threatened with expulsion of the tournament due to the poor behaviour of the "fans".
Hopefully the Olympics in 2012 will change the view on England hosting sports tournaments, but I could imagine a month of rioting if the World Cup came to England.
Be one way to make sure you qualify though
I like the idea of sending it to countries where football is developing as a sport as is the case for South Africa 2010. Would may be an ideal time for USA to host another World Cup. Europe shouldn't host one for a wee while.
Edited at 16:22 Fri 16/05/08 (BST)
1_eye said:
However, we'll probley lose the World Cup, ...
I'll get some grief about this but I don't think that any major football tournaments should be in England for a wee while.
Not just England but also Italy, Turkey etc.
I realise that 2002 and 2004 the English fans were very well behaved, but it was only Euro 2000 where England were threatened with expulsion of the tournament due to the poor behaviour of the "fans".
Hopefully the Olympics in 2012 will change the view on England hosting sports tournaments, but I could imagine a month of rioting if the World Cup came to England.
Be one way to make sure you qualify though
I like the idea of sending it to countries where football is developing as a sport as is the case for South Africa 2010. Would may be an ideal time for USA to host another World Cup. Europe shouldn't host one for a wee while.
Edited at 16:22 Fri 16/05/08 (BST)
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14:04 Fri 16 May 08 (BST)
I agree with you there Mr.Mcquiston they cleanup cost should go to Rangers.
But they won't get banned from Europe someone needs to get killed before that happens.
Look at the Italians and the Turkish now there fans are proper mental and they still get allowed in.
Just think it should get dropped now because UEFA say that there will no action takin becuase Rangers cant accept the blame for a small group of fans.
But they won't get banned from Europe someone needs to get killed before that happens.
Look at the Italians and the Turkish now there fans are proper mental and they still get allowed in.
Just think it should get dropped now because UEFA say that there will no action takin becuase Rangers cant accept the blame for a small group of fans.
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10:24 Sat 17 May 08 (BST)
Good point chump.
The so called fans don't follow rangers and just looking for trouble.
Or so a Gers official stated kind of.
The so called fans don't follow rangers and just looking for trouble.
Or so a Gers official stated kind of.
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14:16 Sun 18 May 08 (BST)
Oh dear.
Me thinking Rangers have messed it up.
One thing's for sure, considering I live on same street as Pittodrie I'm not planning on leaving the house.
Me thinking Rangers have messed it up.
One thing's for sure, considering I live on same street as Pittodrie I'm not planning on leaving the house.
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15:12 Mon 19 May 08 (BST)
Drawing with Motherwell didn't help...
But St.Mirren are looking weak, we have 2 goals already. 27 minutes gone.
If we can get 5, it'll be a lot better.
But St.Mirren are looking weak, we have 2 goals already. 27 minutes gone.
If we can get 5, it'll be a lot better.
15:47 Mon 19 May 08 (BST)
hope u beat them 7-0 so the last day is all about attack!
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16:00 Mon 19 May 08 (BST)
As an non-Red Army Aberdeen resident I'd find it absolutely hilarious if Rangers stuck 9 past Aberdeen to win the league.
However those hooligans from Manchester better not plan on doing anything to my windows!!!
However those hooligans from Manchester better not plan on doing anything to my windows!!!
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