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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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Posts: 38,214
06:50 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
DIVING? Tell me ur messing? OMG you know i hate the deep blue sea AM SCARED. I think the last time i was in the water was when Cap'n Guevara was here..and then i was clinging to him!

Why D'ya think i always watch N wave eh?

*wipes a tear thats started to trickle*
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06:58 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*puts a reasurring arm over the narrow shoulder of paula*

Aww-haw-haw... (thats what my daughter says when she sees something cute)
....dont worry we dont need to dive if you dont want too, i know you have a phobia of water...

*thinks to himself, just like hardwork....cheesie smilie*

......i know, lets make some invites for the party tonight, and send them out on the wind current and see who turns up eh?

*gets paper and art materials out*
Posts: 38,214
07:00 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Tids *wipes her nose on his shoulder*

*Big Smiles*

Woooooooooooooo Invites....*gets stuck in(sts)*

Pmsl back in a bit Tids
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07:02 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*albatross poops on tids other shoulder*

oh well paula , dont mind me
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10:56 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Looks down from the bridge, at Paula doing her "colouring in" biting her tongue

*SHOUTS* Tids, we are ok for grog mate, stocked up when we were in the city. Found a cheap little geezer type, dahn the ol' nags 'ead. You know the type.......Gordon Bennet, bish, bash, bosh, large portion, 'avin it large, up the old frog and toad.!! kno wha i mean ? *taps side of nose, and winks*

*Puts on auto pilot, and leaps salmon like from the bridge, into the deep Blue, with the faintest of splashes*

*Surfaces and flicks, wet hair back*

"Come on in, blooming loverly in ere"


Edited at 15:56 Mon 10/03/08 (GMT)
Posts: 38,214
13:36 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
stellaman said:
*Looks down from the bridge, at Paula doing her "colouring in" biting her tongue

{pmsl @ that..SO!}

TA-DAAAAAAAAAAA *Holds ONE invite up*

Took me ages that...

*Makes a sandwich*
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13:45 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*clambers aboard* Woooo lets see then Paula...OI don't snatch it away, i just wanna see!

*grabs paula's arm from behind her back*.....lemmeee see, ya git....come on lets have it!

*Pushes Pushes his Paula against the wall*.....Aha!! now let go.......i wanna see it.

*Grabs invite*

LMAOOOOOOOO "you've gone outside the lines"

*Runs to cabin phsllllllll*
Posts: 38,214
13:56 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
(Im REALLY pmsl @ that hahahahaha)

OH Ur mean you..*sniffs* I was trying dead hard as well not to smudge (im lmaoooooooooooo)

stellaman said:

*Pushes Pushes his Paula against the wall*.....Aha!! now let go.....

You always have to go for that 2nd push dontcha!!

*grabs all the crayons and sticks them back in the box witha sulky look on her tearstained face*
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14:00 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats it........*Locks cabin door* (Iv'e gone LMAOOOOOOOOO).

*Lies on bed hyperventilating*


Edited at 19:00 Mon 10/03/08 (GMT)
Posts: 38,214
15:20 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*bangs on the cabin door*

*Shouts* "Oi, wheres me Red crayon gone?"

*boots the door*

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16:02 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
You mean this 1 paula ,,well stella said i had to hide it from you,oiii stella dont stand there looking innocent pffftttt
Posts: 38,214
16:23 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
JILL! *hugs* HIYA! Wen the heck did you get back??

*shouts @ door* " I'll sort you later Stell!

*walks on deck with Jill*

Sooooooooo come on, where ya bin?
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16:43 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Paula you know skippy,he kept me really buzy lmao,*looks round* weres me drink flipping heck paula your slipping
Posts: 38,214
16:48 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Shocked face* Dam that Skippy

*Pours 2 drinks and hands one to Jill*

I hope ya give him what for..

*Sits down, sips her drink and starts nattering away*...."Yeah wen Rodge used to keep me from me mates id go mad i wud, i mean who do they think they are eh?"


"And i member once when erm, yanno Me Stell? well, i was just getting outtta bed yeah and he grabbed me, and asked me to stay in the cabin with him for 3 days THREE! I had to tell him no way, i mean, 3 hours maybe, but not three days! what? and miss all that gawjuss sun?"


"I mean would you Jill?"

Deleted User
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16:51 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh i gave him what for alright lmao,in the end he buzzed of, chokes on me drink what the heck you put in that paula,lays back and thinks of the good old times i used to have,this is the life,as another drink,could get used to this
Posts: 38,214
16:57 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
NOTHING! I never put anything in it..i just scooped it out of the huge bowl that someone had left in the fridge! I dont even know whats it is!

*lays down next to Jill*

Ahh Yup this is good

Edited at 22:07 Mon 10/03/08 (GMT)
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17:02 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
What the heck is that floating in the bowl,gets up walks over looks, omg its tids Yfronts Im gonna give Tids what for when he gets back (sts) pulls YFronts out and hangs them over the side to dry,hes gonna need them lmao
Posts: 38,214
17:09 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
OMG *Jumps up* Jill am sooooooooooo sorry, i didnt know he out them there! thats why it tastes funny {ew} ong i bet he's put them in it so we didnt drink it the smelly git!

He bought new ones yano..

*laffs and sits back down*
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17:13 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Omg its not his birthday yet,he must of got a pay rise lol..oiiiiiiiiii wheres stella,dont tell me hes getting the recipe of your mum for the fishcakes, come on stella put paulas mum down pfftttt lmao
Posts: 38,214
17:19 Mon 10 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  

My Stell will of fell asleep by now..... OH he better of unlocked the door!..brb..

*goes to check*

*opens door and peeks in.. :O OH MY!...

*Shouts to Jill*....Hun yanno what, im soooooooooo tired im gunna stay here ok?

*Hangs DO NOT DISTURB sign on door*

(im off for a whil hun x)
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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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