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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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Posts: 38,214
16:27 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  

"Lies Steph all do wear them, ive saw u wear them HOW CUD YOU? HOWWWWWWWWWW Go away"

*Sobs into her pillow*


"And keep that Stella with ya, i hope u will both be happy!!!!!!!"


(im pmsl here)
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16:35 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
"Can here hear a cat crying form all the way down here in the boiler ! No wait....its paula

"Stell.....i demand we play 3 Card Brag"
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00:16 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Emerges from Boiler room....One bag of sweets and £42 Better off, chuckling*

*Quietly opens cabin door, but trips up over Wodge AGAIN!!!!*

Oi Paula, what have i told you about leaving that lying around eh?? *tuts* Oh and i believe these ARE yours as well.

*Throws the aforementioned undergarments on the floor*

Posts: 38,214
01:54 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Hears HIM(lmao) enter the cabin and lashes the pillow @ him yelling at him to get out and to take STEPHS Greys with him*


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02:40 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*hears Paula crying (AGAIN!), and decides to steer clear. Sneaks out to kitchen, makes a quick sandwich then sprints back to his room*
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10:10 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:
*Hears HIM(lmao) enter the cabin and lashes the pillow @ him yelling at him to get out and to take STEPHS Greys with him*


*spits out feathers* Bleeeaaauughhh

OIiiiiiii stop that ya crazy minx, you know they are yours its got "Paula's Panties" written on the inside label .

Now get up, ya lazy so and so!! Come on..

*Grabs hold of Paula's size 3's and drags her down the bed*

OMG *blushes*

Edited at 16:11 Wed 2/01/08 (GMT)
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15:56 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*bursts out the sails on his old ship, and see's the funky ship on the horizon*

Right, a few more knots speed and I'll be side-on.

*takes the wheel and turns 34 degrees north-east, then runs up to the bow and releases his ancestors brass telescope*

Ah-ha! All I need is a cutlass and I'd be a sir!

*finally reaches the funky ship and ties a rope to his mast (sts). Grabs the rope, runs and swings onto the funky deck, eventually tying the boats together*

Well Hello there!!!!

Posts: 38,214
16:05 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Hears a thud so goes to investigate*

GUEVARA!! *hugs* EWWWW U need a shave! (lmao)

That mermaid keep ya captive again eh eh? LMAO
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16:08 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah sorry about that, I haven't had a razor with me for months...and no, I wasn't with Ariel (unfortunately)I was with some red indians, we were smoking some of the local plants and I was high for weeks! I spent a bit of time with them, then a month with some eskimo's.

So, whats a guy gotta do for a whisky round here?
Posts: 38,214
16:19 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh wow! So u not seen Ariel at al then?

Whats a guy to do? erm... COOK! U cook some food ill fix u a drink?
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16:21 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Me? Cook?

I've just been on a voyage all alone for days and you expect me to cook!!?

I'll fix up a sandwich *tuts*
Posts: 38,214
16:31 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Hugs* Okies ill pour the drinks..

*Pours drinks and puts them on a tray*

*pulls some chairs up*

Right then.. there ya go... now tell me about ur voyage (lmao)

( oh ya tart ur going pmsl)

*Listens as Ste explains his tales of woe feeling sorry for himself*

*Finishes her drink and says Night and heads for her cabin Leaving Ste dozing off*


Edited at 22:39 Wed 2/01/08 (GMT)
Posts: 38,214
04:36 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*wakes, nudges Stell..."u getting up?"(sts) "C'mon bab" *nudges him again*

*Showers, dresses, and breezes on deck to the glare of the sun...laffs as she spots Ste still asleep...makes brekky*

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04:41 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*hears sounds of brekky-making, flies out of cabin, whizzes past Paula as she serves, "borrowing" her breakfast*

Posts: 38,214
04:47 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
What the......... BOB! Mighta known it was you ya lil erm, food stealer (lol) *TUTS* and serves herself more brekky*

*Glares over @ Bob*

"You only have to ask yano!"

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04:52 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*finishes brekky*

Please sir, I want some more

Posted Image
Posts: 38,214
05:11 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
OMG NVM the MORE bit..but sir? SIR? HUH!

*Gives Bob the evils and throws a piece of toast at him*

AM A GIRLY! ya shudda sed miss
Deleted User
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05:13 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
really? You're a GIRL? I'd never noticed *dodges toast*

Posts: 38,214
05:24 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  

*Slams her knife and fork down picks up her plate and storms over to the bin and empties and washes it*

Ur sooooooooo mean to me yano Bob, and i let u 'Borrow' my brekky!!

Anyway say what ya want, am GIRL enuff for my Stell so there!

*Sticks tongue out and lays on a sunlounger*


Deleted User
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05:38 Thu 3 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Aww, I'm sowwie Paula

*trudges back to cabin, chewing on something or other*
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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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