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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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Posts: 38,214
05:46 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

Choccyyyy You have to share yano, we all share our choccy on this ship!

Bob, am sure ur stalker will be back, tho im not sure she will stalk you if u turn into a beachball

*Laffs and sips her tea*
Deleted User
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05:49 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Ponders Paula's words*

Maybe you're right... *rises from heap of empty wrappers* I need to get myself back in shape if I want to be stalked again!

*runs 50 laps of the ship, then steals the last of Paula's bacon butty*

Posts: 38,214
05:53 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Stares open mouthed at Bob, then looks at her empty plate, then looks back @ Bob (still open mouthed)*

Well thankyou very much ya greedy git! I was enjoying that..

*Throws a tea towel @ Bob and gets up to make more bacon buttys*
Deleted User
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05:56 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*deftly avoids Paula's tea towel*

You're welcome!

*steals her tea while she's making more butties*

Edited at 11:57 Sun 30/12/07 (GMT)
Posts: 38,214
06:00 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Sings as she makes a scrumptious bacon butty*

*Sits back at the table*

*looks for her tea*

BOI!!!! You tart! make ya own will ya!

*gets back up to make tea...taking her bacon butty with her so a certain someone cant steal it*

Deleted User
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06:02 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*looks innocently at Paula, hiding the tea*

Me? I always make my own food! Never stolen any, ever!

*goes and makes a sandwich to prove his point*

Deleted User
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07:00 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll have one of those Bob, whatever your making and welcome back !!

*stumbles out of cabin, all dishevelled*
Posts: 38,214
10:15 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*finishes her tea and bacon butty and goes to relax on the hammock*
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11:01 Sun 30 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*finishes his sandwich, and trots off back to his cabin, to get his fishing gear*

OMG it smells of fish in here already, and i havent been out yet !!!!

*SHOUTS* PAULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA come and get some of this washing done please???
*kicks smelly knickers and things out of the cabin door*

Posts: 38,214
08:19 Mon 31 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

*Goes to explore what washing Stells on about, see's knickers that DONT belong to her*

OH! Well well well....

"Oi Stellaaaaaaaaaaa, i am not washing someone else knickers! No Way Jose, go and find who they belong to and tell her to wash 'em!..unless they are YOURS!"

*walks away cud he *

Deleted User
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08:33 Mon 31 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Wakes up very late*

Err dno what to say coz i cba reading all of the above
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08:07 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Paula LIES !! They are yours and you know they are, you really want me to prove it and show everyone?? do ya eh? eh?

*Strolls on deck, all refreshed after a lively shower*

Aha Ruds, me old mate, i here you have come into a few sheckles, fancy a little mosey down to meet me mate Boiler Bob??? *chuckles and rubs his hands with glee* Come on matey i'll lead the way.
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08:18 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*PHEW, jumps out of his two man dingy and waves at stell, jumps on the hammock next to paula and covers straw hat over face*
Deleted User
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08:23 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*laughs to himself as mr talented fails to spot that its not Paula in the hammock, as Paula is still asleep in Stells cabin*

Right then Ruds, this is BB ~ BB this is Ruds, give the lad a beer, and lets get this game on.

*deals cards*
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08:33 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Something funny's going on*

"Well....guys.....ermm....what game we playin?"

*Opens beer*

*Watches stella dealing cards verryyyyyyy carefully*

*sits back and relaxes and gets money out*
Deleted User
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08:43 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*opens eyes at Rudders' great big wad of smackeroonies, and winks at BB*

errrrrrr Poker
Posts: 38,214
13:40 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
stellaman said:
Paula LIES !! They are yours and you know they are, you really want me to prove it and show everyone?? do ya eh? eh?

*Marches down to thwe boiler room, where Stell and Ruds are playing cards,,taps Stell..dangles grey knickers in his face*

"OMG You so know i dont wear Grey..the only person.....hang on!! STEPH! Have you had Steph in our cabin?? Have ya eh? HAVE YA?"
Deleted User
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16:07 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Hears Paula shouting at Stell and walks our her cabin to find out whats going on*

*Notice's Paula standing there with a pair of grey knickers, which she is dangling infront of Stell's face...*

Paula hun, You ok?

Why you dangling them grey knickers infront of Stell???

Posts: 38,214
16:12 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Slowly turns towards Steph*(Fuming)


*Throws the grey knickers at a red faced Steph*


*looks at Stell, starting to blush,looks back at Steph ..lost for words*


*Runs to the cabin and flings herself onto the bed crying like a baby*

*Thinks* How cud they HOW!!!

Deleted User
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16:23 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
*nearly gets knocked over by the speed at which Paula runs past her...looks at the grey knickers then looks at Stell*

Stell who's are these and where did they come from? Did Paula think they where mine, cos they aren't i dont wear grey knickers!

*Walks to Paula's cabin*

Paula hun, let me in, those knickers aren't mine u know? i dont wear grey knickers!

( pmsl)
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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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