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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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Posts: 38,214
07:53 Tue 23 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Hears Jill, so comes out of her cabin, leaving Stell asleep*

Ohhhh Yes, im wondering how long to leave him there...

I'll make Brekky, you take it to Tids..

*Throws the key to Jill*

Tum ti tum..

*makes a great big brekky for her and Jill and egg on toast for tids*

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11:35 Tue 23 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Flies over boat with her jet pack, waves cheerfully at the stunned faces of the passengers, then flies off into the horizon*
Posts: 38,214
05:36 Wed 24 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*waves to Katie as she flies past* (LMAO @ that)

*sits down and eats her brekky*

(lmao @ me posting on me own)
Deleted User
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05:46 Wed 24 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*looks around and waves at Paula*

Climbs down to a rowing boat and leaves the booze cruise. *bye all its been fun* *waves*
Posts: 38,214
06:01 Wed 24 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Runs to the side of the ship*


"OI Grae come back pleeeeeeeeeeze, Ill make ya brekky for a month"

*Slumps onto a sunlounger all teary*

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06:57 Wed 24 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
pspsps tuptuptup bababaaaaaaa oi paula get your erm of the sunlounger and get some dinner on im starving,*shouts * tids you want some lmao
Posts: 38,214
06:59 Wed 24 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*wipes her eyes*

But..But.. Grae is rowing awayyyyyyyyyyy

*SOBS* as she make some tuna pasta for her and Jill

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07:02 Wed 24 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Paula you forgot the brew*rolls eyes* oh dont forget no sugar oh and no milk if its coffee.looks out sees Grae *waves* WOooooooooohooo oi your rowing the wrong way,turn around and get back here paula doin the dinner
Posts: 38,214
07:27 Wed 24 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*makes the tea for fussy hole*

LMAOOOO *runs to edge of ship*

GRAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEE! Come on you can do it
Posts: 38,214
05:40 Thu 25 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Finishes her food, and heads back to her cabin* for a cuddle with her Stell.......
shouts into Tids on her way Past "U ok Hippy?? *Hears a ruff grumble* and thinks Yep hes fine (lol)

*Sneaks in and cuddles Stell*

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15:31 Thu 25 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*wakes up in a daze, wonders where she is, and realises she has been asleep for a LONGGGG time!*

Hellooooooooooooooooooooo everyone!

Where are ya alllllll???
Posts: 38,214
15:33 Thu 25 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Hears a very familiar voice.. kisses stell quick and legs it out on deck to find her scary mary*


*runs and hugs her*

You ok? wanna drink?? want some food? where ya benn? Ive missed yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Deleted User
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15:36 Thu 25 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*runs and Hugs Paulaaaaaaaa*


Im gooooood ty, How are you!?

Yes i would love some food and drink please, a cocktail WOOOO

I missed ya toooooooooooooooooooooo *HUGS*
Posts: 38,214
15:39 Thu 25 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Im Great now ur here OMG Ive misssed yaaaaaaaa


Oh *Looks puzzled* A cocktail?? erm... *loks around*

I dunno how make them!!

What food ya want tho? I cna cook!
Deleted User
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02:12 Fri 26 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*wakes up after a long kip and yawns,looks at his paula, smiles, and snuggles up*

Think i might go ashore today, see if i can find a few bars, and eye up some californian errrrrrrr SHops

*gets up, takes underwear of his head, puts on a pair of shorts, and sets off for his now legendary early morning jog around the deck*

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02:23 Fri 26 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*climbs back on board after going awol for a few weeks*

wonders will anyone mind if he cracks on with breakfast im sure stell will be hungry after his jog?!

So whats everyone having??
Posts: 38,214
08:58 Sat 27 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Has bacon on toast while she waits for Stell to return*
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00:26 Mon 29 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*returns from onshore patrol*

*bangs on tids door* you ok in there matey ?? dont worry we'll let ya out soon

*looks at table and sees scraps off toast and bacon rind*

Hmmmm my paula is about here somewhere !!

*goes off in search*

Ahaaaa *notices speedboat has disappeared and spots note.......*reads*

Dear Stell....blah blah blah.....gone off to secluded island for a while.....blah blah blah......OMG how rude (sorry peeps cant tell ya that bit)......blah blah blah.....Back soon, Love Paula the MF git xx


Right then im off for a spot off fishing.
*Nips off to get rod and tackle*
Deleted User
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00:14 Tue 30 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

*sings* "All by myseeeelf, dont wanna be, all by myseeeeeeeeelf, anyyyymooooore"

*grabs a cold one*

Edited at 05:15 Tue 30/10/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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08:25 Tue 30 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
stumble out of his cabin and wonders where everyone is... hello stell just the 2 of us then?

Oh well more beer for us Im sure there is plenty of pubs you can show me.. oops i mean shops !!!!
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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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