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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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13:52 Thu 11 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*stands hopeful on deck that the crew will return,gets his uniform in pristine condition and starts setting up a welcome party for those that wish to return....then suddenly he spots a vessel rapidly approaching, notices 2 people on it, tids rubs his eyes in disbelief turns ship about and starts heading towards the vision in the pale moon light skimming across the calm ocean surface*

is it? is it? *tids says to himself*
Deleted User
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03:29 Fri 12 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*waves to tids and stands up in speedboat*

Wooooooooooooooooooooooo (SI) Look who i found mate *points to his paula, who is sat calmly next to him, knitting herself a new bikini (pmsl)*

Get that flag back up the mast mate, and get BB to stoke them boilers, the BC is back on.

*takes a large swig from a bottle of rum*

Posts: 38,214
07:53 Fri 12 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
(*points to his paula, who is sat calmly next to him, knitting herself a new bikini (pmsl)* im pmsl @ that)

*Puts the knitting down stands and waves both arms*

Deleted User
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08:16 Fri 12 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Guides speedboat expertly alongside ship, picks up His paula, throws her over his shoulder fireman style, and clambers up the side of the ship*

*Shakes Tids Manly by the hand, and watches as his paula runs across the deck, waving her arms like a demented baboon shouting TIDSYYYYYYYYY*

Jeeesus woman put him down, remember the y-fronts, he stinks !!!

Go and sort yourself out *tosses key to the cabin*

Im off to so how BB is

Edited at 13:17 Fri 12/10/07 (BST)
Posts: 38,214
08:51 Fri 12 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  

*Catches the key, hugs Tids again tight....blows her Stell a kiss and heads of to the cabin banging on Stephs door as she passes and shouts HI HONEY IM HOME!!!!*
Deleted User
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11:16 Fri 12 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*climbs up on deck from the Boiler room and looks around*

*Pins notice up on cabin doors reading......

"California 3 days away" signed BB.*

Hmmmmmmmm no one around eh ? may as well grab a chheky one, while its quiet

*Grabs a cold Beer out of the Ice box and relaxes in hammock*

Deleted User
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11:47 Fri 12 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*shouts oiiiiiiiiiii* not so fast wheres mine
Deleted User
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04:25 Mon 15 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Goes back in time to last friday and throws Jill a beer*

*Fast Forwards to today*

*Wakes up and gives his Paula a kiss and cuddle, whispers sweet nothings in her ear pspspspspsps*

Thing i'll go for my jog, then grab a quick shower, then get ready for California wooooooo (SI) we land today

*Bangs on Tids door on the way past* come on acting cap'n get your act together matey, we need to be ready to storm the states

*Sets off at a brisk speed around the deck*
Posts: 38,214
06:46 Mon 15 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Wakes, showers, dresses etc etc*

*Finds the spare key for Tids cabin..checks no ones around,,sneaks to his cabin and........LOCKS HIM IN!* Ha! Your staying there matey for all the times u have called me a scouse git O FLIPPIN K! Dont worry tho ill check up on ya the time ur out u will look like a prop Capn' beard an all!

*makes a drink*

(Note to Steph, My Stell..and anyone else that feels free to post here.. we NEED to keep this going and Tids will be reading!!)
Deleted User
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07:16 Mon 15 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Jogs back to cabin.......puffs, pants*

need a drink........*goes to galley and pours a gallon af water down his neck*

*grabs towel and heads for shower*
Posts: 38,214
08:10 Mon 15 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*makes a bacon butty and a nice brew for hippy and takes it to him.........opens cabin door, slides food on floor.OI Hippy get that down ya*

*Washes the dishes and relax's*
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:57 Mon 15 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Goes off to tell BB that Paula has locked Tids in his room*

Whoops a daisy, forgot beers *runs back*

*Spots Paula snbathing and put ICY cold can on her belly*

*Chuckles at her hopping about, and runs down to the boiler room*
Posts: 38,214
12:58 Mon 15 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
stellaman said:

*Spots Paula snbathing and put ICY cold can on her belly*


*wipes he belly, after soft lad put can there*

OI TF Revenge is sweet..ill get EWE back yano!

*Lays back down*
Posts: 38,214
08:17 Wed 17 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Wakes up with the best tan ever after sunbathing for 2 days* (LMAO)


*hurries and makes hippy a big fat brekky and a brew, puts it all on a tray with a newspaper and a plastic flower in a glass(ha)...takes it to his cabin.....OOHHHHHHH Tids ya need a shave yano, that beards longer than ya hair nearly*

I'll let ya out soon ok?

Shouts down the boiler room " STELLA! OI ya losing all our money down there eh? Get back up here soon I MEAN IT"

*tidies round*
Posts: 29
08:53 Wed 17 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Major Clanger floats down on his dustbin lid taking a break form the soup dragon and his green soup. The light omitting glow buzzers and froglets, those oval,sticky legged creatures that fly around in a top hat on Planet Clanger. Major Clanger is munching on his favourite blue stringed pudding when he calmly floats onto a floating vessel thats on what appears another existence, with water??
Suddenly his whistling vocal is no longer and starts speaking in a strange strange Language, Major Clanger clears his throat ,dusts down his pink knitted outerlayer and says*


*looks around cautiousley*

Edited at 13:59 Wed 17/10/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:17 Wed 17 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*Wakes to wonder what the stange noise is* Maybe someone is dropping *clangers*. Come to think of it there is a very strange and unnpleasant smell, *thinks its probably Paula's feet*!

But whats the wooooo ooooooooo ooo ooooooo

sounds and who's making them????

*goes to investigate*
Posts: 1,190
01:51 Fri 19 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*gets ready to sink the ship*
Posts: 38,214
12:30 Fri 19 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
misterchyme said:
*gets ready to sink the ship*
(someone was bored i see!!)

*Goes to feed Tids (lol), leaves enuff food for a few days !!*

*stocks up with goodies and gets cabin ready, with candles, plenty of DVD's etc etc so her and her Stell can have some quality time alone*

See Ya soon Shipmates!

(I cant post alone, im sowwwwwi)
Posts: 29
17:25 Sun 21 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*returns after making himslf comfortable in a spare cabin*

anyone about?

*sees a mini bar and goes and pours a drink*
Deleted User
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03:51 Tue 23 Oct 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Paula, see tids is still in the naughty room,*shouts hope your having fun.right whos doin brekkie
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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)

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