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FBL discussion (2)

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Posts: 22,512
04:15 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Forgot to mention something else you said, it was stated that in a cup tie only the players that have played in the games can play and left over players from the fixture can sub in. (It was then changed to they can't). Now that part of the rule is missing, i think it was removed by Sarah and Craig as none of us have removed it.

Letting anyone in the team sub in would mean that the other team could use another beast player they never used in the game to come in and save their butt.

Reason more time was not given to was because it was never discussed in offline message and even James was talking about default.
Posts: 11,063
04:15 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He can't post there and im a little confused as to why you would have access to the default forum that we use for the FBL as your not on the default panel.
don't want him to post here*, I snuck an extra t in there.

I don't have access to the default forum. I've sent the essay to dgen since he's on the defaults team or something.
Posts: 22,512
04:16 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He runs the defaults for the FBL.

What you mean is you have sent in your information for the game in question.
Posts: 11,063
04:17 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes lol
Posts: 22,512
04:18 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 9,926
04:18 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Forgot to mention something else you said, it was stated that in a cup tie only the players that have played in the games can play and left over players from the fixture can sub in. (It was then changed to they can't). Now that part of the rule is missing, i think it was removed by Sarah and Craig as none of us have removed it.

Letting anyone in the team sub in would mean that the other team could use another beast player they never used in the game to come in and save their butt.

Reason more time was not given to was because it was never discussed in offline message and even James was talking about default.

Not sure why this matters as if he is a member of their clan why should he not play?
Posts: 22,512
04:26 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Because he was not in the original fixture against that clan...

You know what i want this game played more than anyone, i even sat online and added mdj to see if he would come back on and had a message ready to send to him.

I'll tell James to stop the default, and inform both clans that they have until Tuesday midnight to get the game played (anyone in the original fixture can sub in to the game as long as they are not banned from the league or what ever other reasons). If the game is still not played by then, then it will go to default.

That do you Seb?
Posts: 9,926
04:27 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Because he was not in the original fixture against that clan...

You know what i want this game played more than anyone, i even sat online and added mdj to see if he would come back on and had a message ready to send to him.

I'll tell James to stop the default, and inform both clans that they have until Tuesday midnight to get the game played (anyone in the original fixture can sub in to the game as long as they are not banned from the league or what ever other reasons). If the game is still not played by then, then it will go to default.

That do you Seb?

Surely this needs changed for next season so anyone can sub in to stop this carry on and get games played?
Posts: 22,512
04:29 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You have posted it and as Jema is taking over the FBL next season i am sure she will look at it. She mentioned something about it to me earlier but im her husband it is my job not to listen much.
Deleted User
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12:15 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You have posted it and as Jema is taking over the FBL next season i am sure she will look at it. She mentioned something about it to me earlier but im her husband it is my job not to listen much.

Husband, you cheeky B!

It is something I am looking at changing but won't have a proper think about it until I sit and go through the rules
Posts: 38,097
14:26 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thinking about tie breakers for a second instead of picking one player out of 2 for each type, let both teams do a free list like normal then they have no excuse for subs etc.

at the moment if one player in a type is banned you can't sub that can cause defaults.

also you would need a fixture break between cup fixtures to aid tie breakers and schedule can remain unharmed
Posts: 5,250
14:35 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see your thinking james but the tie_breaker was always meant to be based on like a football/soccer penalty shoot out where the ones left from original fixture end result are picked. Allowing the other 4 remaining players would be a good thing to sub in (game type played only) but that in my opinion is as far as you should go as these guys were found to be the most reliable to get the games played in the first place.

Hope ya get my drift
Posts: 38,097
23:10 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
true but i think in football managers can choose any 5 players to take the penalty thats what i based my idea on and then its best team win.

we had a case last season where no one could have been chosen in one of the types so the runner allowed a sub from another type to play.
Posts: 11,063
23:48 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
true but i think in football managers can choose any 5 players to take the penalty thats what i based my idea on and then its best team win.
no, it has to be 5 players from the 11 that were on the pitch.

I like the way we did it now that you can choose from the people who played in the game and those are also the only subs allowed. They played, so should be active. We can't assume someone gets banned every season lol.
Posts: 38,097
01:39 Tue 18 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fair dues, shows i know nothing about football
Deleted User
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12:27 Tue 18 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I ain't a fudge what you lot are on, I have noooooo idea how football works, so I won't be basing my rules on it
Deleted User
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13:12 Tue 18 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right thoughts so far having skimmed through the FBL rules...

1.4 - I am removing the permission aspect of the rule. However I am leaning towards no transfers during the season but would like to introduce a mid season window for players to move freely during.

3.1 - I would like to reduce Straight to 1 point per frame, this leaves a 6 point shortfall from present points, therefore I may increase the rest of the game types to 7 frames instead of 6. Killer is to be removed from the League format.

7.5 - I will be introducing a rule that covers partially played games in the event of a player deactivating or getting banned. Scores will be reset to 0-0 and if the player has deactivated and comes back to clans, they are not allowed to rejoin the clan they left as they could deactivate to get a restart. They can however re-sign to another clan during the mid season transfer window if applicable.

8.0 - Defaults will be subject to a points system where you have to meet certain criteria to obtain the points, i.e. messaged opponent = 1 point, if you get a reasonable response that is 1 point to opposition, if they fail to respond the point goes to you. This way people cannot question the "bias" of anyone (obviously needs a tad of fine tuning).


Edited at 11:18 Tue 18/12/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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13:14 Tue 18 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
12.0 Killer - Killer will be hosted separately, it will become a side cup game and will run alongside the league so won't increase or decrease the numbers of games you have now, it will just be separate to the league so you can opt out if you do not wish to play it.

You will need a minimum of 3 players from each clan however you can play up to the maximum of 15 if you want, I think the more the merrier would be more fun

I will have a look at scoring to see what is best, obviously we want the winner to make enough points so the clan wins as a whole. Maybe 10 points for the winner, second gets 5, third gets 4 and so on.

I am open to suggestions on the scoring...
Deleted User
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13:38 Tue 18 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh also, I am adding a no subs/swaps cap on the first 5 days and on deadline day anyone can sub themselves into a game (subject to eligibility) to get games finished in an attempt to reduce defaults, as there is nothing worse than being available and not having a C or VC online to authorise sub!
Posts: 38,097
13:45 Tue 18 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
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FBL discussion (2)

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