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Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Yeah i don't want to make big deal out of it, if hes allowed great, if not its no biggie and we move on.
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
true, no harm in asking though. i asked him thinking he had an account but then when he said he hadn't then i wondered the status of the month rule. If its still a factor then he won't join or play Pool and thats no loss for him. would be nice if it isn't a factor but if it is still a thing then thats fine, i will respect his decision and he won't play on Pool.

He isn't a new player but has been around the scene but doesn't play clans much so part of me fails to see how i'm trying to use a loophole to my advantage as there is no advantage if he joins and if he isn't allowed then will go back to real life without a second though.

Will admit hes rarely active and has been known to move clans so i am taking a calculated risk but one i'm prepared to take

Psssst, sometimes the added extra information isn't always necessary

He's pretty well known on snooker and doesn't play pool so I wouldn't imagine Keith would have a problem allowing it since it's clearly not a clan-hopper or somebody using a loop hole to exploit a rule that's there for a reason.

I suppose it's down to Keiths discretion.

Exactly. I really couldnt give a monkeys myself where the players come from as long as they arnt exisiting clan memebers enticed from one team to another and using that scenario as a way to do it.Neither would anyone else im sure
Posts: 9,926
9 years ago  [Link]  
dgeneratio the month rule was removed a while ago, any player can create an account and join clans for this season.

The only thing that is not tolerated is multi accounts / using.

We have even had instances when a player has advised he will deactivate an account and come back on a new name mid season which has been allowed as long as it is done openly so it can be monitored.
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks mate, ironically its that player i was talking about
Posts: 9,926
9 years ago  [Link]  
Reading back through the thread, the issue of inactive players has been mentioned. I will stress again that no clan should feel obliged to sub out an active player on deadline week / weekend just to get a game completed against a player who has mad no effort until deadline day. I am more than happy that in this situation that the game would go to default, in current scoring system this will punish clans who prefer to keep players in who are inactive as opposed to substituting.

I would also like to point out that we had several games that went to default last season where both players were active yet when it came to default information there was no messages sent in three weeks (No messages or effort in 3 weeks is unacceptable and i question why did you join a clan in the first place). The minimum i would expect all players to do would be to message after the fixtures were released and even if opponent is inactive or chooses not to respond a follow up message at the start of each of the following weeks, this would be three messages but it shows that you have made effort and your opponent hasn't. For the same three week period your opponent that you have messaged could be on 10 hours per day seven days a week but if he doesn't reply or make effort he will get punished heavily in default.

The only thing that can be used is actual messages and posts to establish a default, time spent on line can mean nothing if you are not attempting to arrange to play your game.

By messaging and replying you should be able to establish suitable times / dates that you can play and if you cannot manage to match it gives plenty of time to ask for a swap to match an opponent who can.
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Yeah i see a lot of this and feel its wrong but the player not subbing gets accused of playing for defaults but the opponent doesn't sub for 90% of the fixture.

Really dislike those matches as a runner.
Posts: 9,926
9 years ago  [Link]  
I don't mind them, i notice more and more that clans who have inactive players then expect a sub for there player at the end of the fixture set as there player comes online for deadline weekend, in my opinion it should be up to the clan who has had the inactive player to find an active player to sub in and accommodate the player who has been active throughout, no clan should feel that they have to sub an active player out just to get the game completed if the other clan has made no effort prior to deadline weekend.

But it stems back to if you put effort in by messages throughout the 3 week fixture the game will be played easily and the scenario above will never happen.

I never played any games of snooker apart from clan games for a good few seasons yet i have messaged and managed to play everyone who has responded easily.
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
Well i'll go to the foot of my stairs
Posts: 14,736
9 years ago  [Link]  
Lol it does sound like being spoken down too tbh, isn't clans meant to be fun?
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Lol it does sound like being spoken down too tbh, isn't clans meant to be fun?

It is but if you saw the argument last set on Snooker you will understand it.

I see it all the time and glad Keith is letting clans know now so if a clan does the chasing, then they shouldn't feel forced to sub out. No excuses from any clan this season.

whats the situation on two weeks to sub Keith, still same?
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
Lol it does sound like being spoken down too tbh, isn't clans meant to be fun?

The reason for my post was in amazement that this has now been acknowledged by the league runner as something that goes on. Captains waiting till deadline day and dictating that weaker players should be subbed in to play games that should have been played days before by the original players.

There was a post made by admin that said that games should be played whatever, and when ever as it was just a game. Totally incorrect when we are dealing with people that orchastrate the problem in the first place to their own ends.
Posts: 3,846
9 years ago  [Link]  
Hypothetically, what would happen if a player can play pool but is incapable of sending messages, for example my dog Brucey ,hes an absolute demon at nine ball, but try as he might he just can't type
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
Hypothetically, what would happen if a player can play pool but is incapable of sending messages, for example my dog Brucey ,hes an absolute demon at nine ball, but try as he might he just can't type

He would be offered a place at FPD. Does he have an account?
Posts: 9,926
9 years ago  [Link]  
Lol it does sound like being spoken down too tbh, isn't clans meant to be fun?

The reason for my post was in amazement that this has now been acknowledged by the league runner as something that goes on. Captains waiting till deadline day and dictating that weaker players should be subbed in to play games that should have been played days before by the original players.

There was a post made by admin that said that games should be played whatever, and when ever as it was just a game. Totally incorrect when we are dealing with people that orchastrate the problem in the first place to their own ends.

Not sure what you mean by a post by admin as they have nothing to do with running the leagues. In an ideal world both players make effort and games get played, no need for subs etc. I have always been pro games being played but never at the expense of an active player if opponent has been inactive, I firmly believe the clan who has been inactive should work round that player and arrange a sub to suit. If both players have made effort the default will show it anyway even when a sub is not used. But as I stated above if your active player has not sent any messages or made any effort posts etc. he will look as bad as the inactive player for actual effort in getting game played and again the default would show it.
Posts: 3,846
9 years ago  [Link]  
Hypothetically, what would happen if a player can play pool but is incapable of sending messages, for example my dog Brucey ,hes an absolute demon at nine ball, but try as he might he just can't type

He would be offered a place at FPD. Does he have an account?

Sorry mate he's playing an fcl with cabbie tomorrow for a place at phoenix nights, I've told him he's stupid, but he says he dent mind stopping in Sunday nights once every three week
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Not sure what you mean by a post by admin as they have nothing to do with running the leagues.

When arguing happens, Admin post saying, play the game etc and post good advice but at the same time, sometimes arguments or discussions feel justified but only a small part like last set on Snooker for instance was justified.
Posts: 9,926
9 years ago  [Link]  
Not sure what you mean by a post by admin as they have nothing to do with running the leagues.

When arguing happens, Admin post saying, play the game etc and post good advice but at the same time, sometimes arguments or discussions feel justified but only a small part like last set on Snooker for instance was justified.

Admin would post asking for people to behave and 'just play the game' both which are statements for members to listen to generally. They would never post saying to play a clan game unless requested to do so as it is of no interest to them and extra above the work load they already have.
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Ah cool, hows the subs rule any changes?
Posts: 9,926
9 years ago  [Link]  
They will remain the same for now even though I do have have an idea which I am still thinking over.
Posts: 14,736
9 years ago  [Link]  
Can we have all the rules posted or at least proposed so we actually are aware what we are signing up too?

They seem to be changed when you feel like it and I'd personally prefer knowing beforehand than actually during the season itself.

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