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FBL discussion (2)

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Posts: 38,097
14:08 Mon 30 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
this is after matty with his league runners head on threatens a warning
and thats acceptable is it l

just for the record i had nothing to do with this but i support whatever matty decides as i know he does best by the league carryon though and i will be asking him myself, move on its past news craig don't reply to jem, jem don't reply to craig, sorted.
Posts: 22,512
17:31 Mon 30 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Just for the record mattywellie and no other runner of the FBL has anything to do with the FCL, apart from one being on the default panel.

Being a league runner and your own person are totally different so it is quite laughable when someone says that your not acting like a league runner, why should a runner respect someone that clearly disrespects them? Players of the league have the choice to respect people or not and the same applies to any runner.
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17:37 Mon 30 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Only reason Craig got the under the rock comment was because yet again he was accusing Jay of being biased, talking about "bent rules" and "biased indeed", fed up of hearing it from him. But as usual Craig takes it too far and retaliates way beyond necessary.

Mummy Matty comment was a joke, you know, something that most people can take on here

Done bothering with you and the sooner you are removed from these leagues the better
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22:29 Mon 30 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ridiculous all of this, absolutely ridiculous
Posts: 22,512
00:05 Thu 2 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There is something i would like to bring up and it is related to the FCL and FBL leagues so i will post this in both discussion threads.

Myself and Mattywellie were talking the other day about both the leagues being run along side each other and we know people wanted it to be the way it is the now with FCL releasing games on a Sunday and then Sunday after that the FBL releases there's. The schedules were worked out to do it that way and what got us to do it the most was the possibility of less defaults and sadly we have had more this season in both leagues than we did last season, this is due to some players of course though as well. The way it is the now also means that who ever does the fixtures and other things have got a bulk of work to do every week for what ever league is being released that week.

As some know league running and being head runner is a massive job and takes up a lot of time and time to do it right so we where thinking that next season myself and pixie will work out a schedule for both leagues that has then running side by side with the same deadlines, this also means that runners are doing the bulk of the work on the same day instead of getting it every single week. Thoughts please?

A schedule could be made the now and posted soon to show a rough idea of when both leagues would start. With one or two clans that don't play in the FCL but do in the FBL it would mean FBL would be a fortnight longer or so anyway.
Posts: 38,097
01:31 Fri 10 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Im thinking of running an individual competition next season nothing too difficult but a knockout tournament (i would do signups), way it works is you play 1 frame of each game mode (8US, 9US, 8UK and Straight) since thats 4 frames i may be adding 1 frame of 8 Ball Arcade (i wouldn't do 9 ball arcade as no skill in that type) to make up the 5 frames. There will be no bonuses so only frames will count, once someone reaches 3 you can continue until all 5 are played or stop.

deadlines would be flexible too at least 2 weeks per round (unless quite a few enter but i would look at schedule and adjust).

thoughts please?
Posts: 38,097
19:38 Mon 13 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 38,097
20:11 Fri 17 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
noticed this season we haven't had a cup draw when lists have been asked for, since some clans put players forward depending on the clan, i feel a cup draw should be done after pre season friendly in a tournament tree feel this would make life easier for us and for you
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13:19 Sat 18 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I think jay has fone draw but I really don't know.
Posts: 38,097
00:54 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Done default stats for the season here so you can see whos had defaults and whose at fault :

Due to the above i have a few ideas which i have split into 2 sections:


due to quite a few defaults with no punishment system in place i believe if your at fault for 3 defaults (meaning you get 0 at default) during course of the season then that person is banned for 1 fixture set.

due to killer defaults i believe we need a set time on deadline night to play this killer if the killer is unplayed by then, since snooker is at 9 pm i am proposing either 8 or 10 pm as i would need to check who is online and invite them to play (defaults will be done normally).

a Cup tournament tree at start of season so people know who they are playing in advance.

Not so Important:

Putting Cup games into the golden cue as well as league games, i know format is shorter but few frames can make the difference

FCL an idea came up about having a plate competition alongside the Cup, this would mean even if you lose your first match you have something to play for still.

Individual League - All Round Knockout Tournament featuring 1 frame of US, UK and Straight, 2 frames of 9 Ball)

what do people think of these?
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02:35 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Suppose i agree with all ideas.. Im on mobile talk more later :P
Posts: 22,512
06:55 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It is one thing i do not agree with as you can not just tell people to be on at a certain time to play killer, may work for snooker but bare in mind their is ALOT more players on pool and time issues always start an argument.
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06:59 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Always thought defaults are clans responsibilities not players. If a player isn't getting a game done and is that inactive to get a really low score then they should have been subbed out.
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08:54 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Suppose i agree with all ideas.. Im on mobile talk more later :P
I agree with all points if you could have a schedule, then we could all know when to come on, but not all can be on same time UK time..although majority is there, it may not work.\

Banning of next fixture set, i agree Lee player should be subbed out thats why, i give 4 days prior deadline usually then sub..this case i messed up and didnt notice =/
Posts: 38,097
12:25 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Always thought defaults are clans responsibilities not players. If a player isn't getting a game done and is that inactive to get a really low score then they should have been subbed out.

yep but its the players fault for not sending in information as keep the case for most defaults, the only exception is matty where he had a pregnant girlfriend so i can't really fault him for that.

but looking at the default stats no one had 3 defaults at fault so banning for one fixture which isn't a lot may be an incentive to play games or send in information to us.
Posts: 38,097
12:31 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It is one thing i do not agree with as you can not just tell people to be on at a certain time to play killer, may work for snooker but bare in mind their is ALOT more players on pool and time issues always start an argument.

if they can't play a 3 vs 3 killer in 2 weeks then they deserve the punishment but think logically most killer defaults has been 1-0 defaults due to asking once and leaving it, say it was Untouchables vs Snooker Squad and 2 online for each team thats a 5-1 chance right there so its better to play as even if you lose you still get a point. If game was played within those 2 weeks then this wouldn't be needed so its their fault if they can't get 3 online.

as i always say its better playing the game on the tables rather than playing for defaults and this has a chance to do just that.

Edited at 10:03 Sat 08/09/12 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
21:07 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
but obviously if its not popular it won't be going ahead just think the league needs some stability especially given the defaults this season.
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21:10 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
What's the point of introducing something that is still so feeble? 3 defaults of 0 for 1 player in a season is never going to happen
Posts: 38,097
21:12 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im open to suggestions if anyone has any i agree lee but its a start if you have a better idea i would like to hear it

^ some may think thats sarcasm but its genuine
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21:23 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Message from dgeneratio

sarah told me bluejean was shadows who got banned from league for multi-using (check with Jay or Matty though), so just letting you know to keep an eye out for fake newbies etc
Sent less than a minute ago

Think this is ridiculous, sinners were happy to play someone who they knew was banned from the league then because he left them they then reported him to the league?!?!
Seriously disgusting behaviour and hardly a first, if they are owning up to blatantly cheating surely they need to be punished or will it just get ignored as always.
Sure we will get loopholes galore about how the league hasn't started yet but they intended to cheat by letting someone they knew was banned from the league play.
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FBL discussion (2)

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