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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)

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06:33 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's all, good night
Posts: 22,512
06:37 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, like i said i understand your questioning about it all and when i seen the score i knew this was going to happen, as did many others i feel.

Regardless i have re-opened it and that is all i can do, if i really wanted to hurt Team Angry just so MVP could get a few extra points i would not have even considered the re-opening at all but as soon as you posted the missed information i told Jema straight away to re-open the default.

I don't like being accused of things i have not done on purpose or anything like that and im sure you can understand that, i will apologize on behalf of the FCL for the mistake with your missed information even though Jema has fully admitted it was her mistake. There was an idea brought forward to me the other day about defaults which i was half way through reading it all and things before this happened so im going to try and get through all of that tomorrow, along with changing that log in rule (which we all forgot was there) unless admin would provide me with log in details in future. Also the idea thing i mentioned on league thread which i will try and find some point tomorrow aswell. I am for now off to sleeps.
Deleted User
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06:39 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so you can take your 'everyone is picking on my man' hat off - pick on him all you like, he a big boy, he can look after himself, just don't think its right that he is getting the blame for something he has not done.

Right ok left to the default panel again with no expectation of a fair result at all after this rubbish - just because it does not go in your favour does not make it an unfair result, ive re read the information and would still consider a 7-7 a decent result.

Also publicly slating the defaults panel that is about to re assess your default isn't exactly the cleverest of ideas

Would question the ability of yourself to run a league then as you clearly haven't got a clue how defaults even work.
If one player is offline virtually the whole fortnight they don't get a draw genius.
If a player leaves a game and doesn't come back they don't get a draw genius
If a player doesn't show up when they arrange then admit they haven't been able to get online to finish they don't get a draw genius

If a player does all those things they lose baddly genius!!
I didn't leave the game, I turned up when we arranged and I was online every evening so I should win the default massively...doesn't take a genius!

As for slating the default team publicly it shouldn't have any impact whatsoever on the resut because you aren't supposed to use personal feelings when judging
Deleted User
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08:43 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so you can take your 'everyone is picking on my man' hat off - pick on him all you like, he a big boy, he can look after himself, just don't think its right that he is getting the blame for something he has not done.

Right ok left to the default panel again with no expectation of a fair result at all after this rubbish - just because it does not go in your favour does not make it an unfair result, ive re read the information and would still consider a 7-7 a decent result.

Also publicly slating the defaults panel that is about to re assess your default isn't exactly the cleverest of ideas
so your saying that your fair and unbiased default panel will now continue to go against us because we have told them that they were wrong (which is clearly obvious) so much for fair and unbiased
Posts: 4,557
11:50 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can slimball be subbed ? was told he just came online to play killer no reply from my offline message deadline approching , if it goes default then i will win due to me trying to get it played , hoping either capt ang or vice reply's to this message or even better slimeball himself

2 fixs left in that so would be good to get it completed

Edited at 10:10 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
Posts: 9,926
12:10 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

If one player is offline virtually the whole fortnight they don't get a draw genius.

rapid_pot was online as much as you lee if not more so.

If a player leaves a game and doesn't come back they don't get a draw genius

Why not where is this in the rules? From the point that the game was abandoned at 2-1 rapid_pot was on far more than yourself to get game completed. You chose to go absent for the weekend conveniently when the game could easily have been finished.

If a player doesn't show up when they arrange then admit they haven't been able to get online to finish they don't get a draw genius

This is your word only Lee and even if he has not turned up he offered plenty of times for you to come on and finish after the game had started.

If a player does all those things they lose baddly genius!!
I didn't leave the game, I turned up when we arranged and I was online every evening so I should win the default massively...doesn't take a genius!

Lee you were not on every evening so again please do not post lies to try and make yourself look better, or are you saying you were on the last Saturday and Sunday night of the fixtures now?

If both players make efforts to get games completed 7-7 is a common scoreline to give.

Please remember that the default score was actually 6-5 in your favour so the default team did slightly lean towards you.
Deleted User
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12:10 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
For the FBL league game with shooters im online for next 40 mins so if they can sub someone in we can get it played if they dont i have no chance of playing it at all.
Posts: 7,940
12:13 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so you can take your 'everyone is picking on my man' hat off - pick on him all you like, he a big boy, he can look after himself, just don't think its right that he is getting the blame for something he has not done.

Right ok left to the default panel again with no expectation of a fair result at all after this rubbish - just because it does not go in your favour does not make it an unfair result, ive re read the information and would still consider a 7-7 a decent result.

Also publicly slating the defaults panel that is about to re assess your default isn't exactly the cleverest of ideas

Would question the ability of yourself to run a league then as you clearly haven't got a clue how defaults even work.
If one player is offline virtually the whole fortnight they don't get a draw genius.
If a player leaves a game and doesn't come back they don't get a draw genius
If a player doesn't show up when they arrange then admit they haven't been able to get online to finish they don't get a draw genius

If a player does all those things they lose baddly genius!!
I didn't leave the game, I turned up when we arranged and I was online every evening so I should win the default massively...doesn't take a genius!

As for slating the default team publicly it shouldn't have any impact whatsoever on the resut because you aren't supposed to use personal feelings when judging

He wasn't off for virtually the whole fortnight.
He just didn't return straightaway, he did return other days and tried to get it played but you were not available the last weekend.
He admitted he couldnt get on at the arranged time but theres no doubting that he did get back online during the fortnight.
You couldnt be on the last couple of evenings so hows that every evening.
I agree if a player does all those things they deserve to lose badly but he didn't do all those things and maybe you should stick to facts instead of making it sound good to suit you.

Win the default massively lol, you really are desperate
Deleted User
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12:14 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If both players make efforts to get games completed 7-7 is a common scoreline to give.

Please remember that the default score was actually 6-5 in your favour so the default team did slightly lean towards you.

from the information i have received 7-7 is no where near a fair scoreline the vast majority of your players would admit that the default is very kind to you guys unless they are being extremely blinkered like it seems that you are to be honest

and Alan in your honest opinion do you think that the scoreline was what you expected??
Posts: 7,940
12:24 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll be honest and say no its not, but theres noway Lee deserves to win by the massive scoreline he thinks he deserves, hes making out our player basically did nothing and was never on yet hes the one that wasnt available the last weekend and also spent alot of time browsing. We monitored his activity as we had a feeling he would avoid playing and try for the big default, I want results to be as fare as possible, we won't be cheated out of points by someone posting a load of lies to make himself look good and opponents look bad because hes desperate to win massively.
Deleted User
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12:53 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Personally I think the result should have been 9-6 Lee 10-5 at a push, however I am not part of the defaults panel.

I know if it was the other way round MVP would have been a bit peed off as we would have felt we were cheated out of points so I can see where Lee is coming from. Hope this gets resolved soon.
Deleted User
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12:56 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alan you are talking crap, that's twice you have made those lies about me on the forum!
I did exactly what I said i did that weekend, I was online on the saturday morning on the off chance that your player would show then I was browsing watching matty's scores as I was getting ready to go out saturday night.
Your player didn't message me till saturday evening when I was out as I had told him I would be.
I didn't get back to mine till midday on the sunday and was home for about 20 minutes before I had a mothers day meal and drinks with family to go to and pool presentation to go to.
I was unavailable for 2 evenings and I told your player well in advance I would be that's why we arranged to play before but your player didn't show up!
You accuse me of dodging the game?! I didn't leave the room rapid_pot did, he then didn't come back for 2 and a half days and when I messaged him he said he had forgotten!
If I wanted to avoid him why would I wait for him every evening and arrange the game again then be on here when we arranged?
Yes your player was offline the whole time! He came on and browsed at 1am a couple of times hence why he apologised in his last message to me that he hadn't been able to get on to finish the game!
Stop focusing on the one day I was unavailable and concentrate on the 13 your player wasn't!
Posts: 7,940
13:04 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If he wasn't available 13 how did it get started, you really will say anything to get what you want, I've read enough dribble for one day and wont be replying to anymore, you type away until your hearts content.
Deleted User
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13:13 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
I agree if a player does all those things they deserve to lose badly but he didn't do all those things and maybe you should stick to facts instead of making it sound good to suit you.

Can't see which one you are denying or which one rapid_pot is?

Left the game and didn't come back (all in messages provided)
I said to him 2 days later when he eventually came back online
'you didn't come back' he said 'Yeah i've been a touch disorganised lately . Keep forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing.'

He admitted to not showing up when arranged and to not being available to finish the games.
'I've had a nightmare of a week, I would have come on on Thursday as arranged but I got home and found my mum had been attacked by a kid at work who had a knife and was checking everything was ok (which is why the comments about falling down the stairs wound me up a bit). Friday I was intending to come on and then I was nearly responsible for a 4 year old lad being killed at cricket training and was a wreck when I got home.
Sometimes life just falls like that and sorry I couldn't get on to finish the games.
All the best for future games.

From the horses mouth Alan so I suppose your player is lying too lol only thing I am desperate for is a fair result
Posts: 7,940
13:14 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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13:16 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If he wasn't available 13 how did it get started, you really will say anything to get what you want, I've read enough dribble for one day and wont be replying to anymore, you type away until your hearts content.

Told the default team that was the first time he had become available then he left saying he was going because his food had arrived...well I tried to tell the default team that but it was deleted.
Try again know you have no argument so you make up crap...great stuff from holier than thou moderator eh?
Posts: 7,940
13:18 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
you really will say anything to get what you want, I've read enough dribble for one day and wont be replying to anymore, you type away until your hearts content.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:26 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can slimball be subbed ? was told he just came online to play killer no reply from my offline message deadline approching , if it goes default then i will win due to me trying to get it played , hoping either capt ang or vice reply's to this message or even better slimeball himself

2 fixs left in that so would be good to get it completed

Message me the times you are available and I will play it
Posts: 11,063
13:32 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't you all wish that every clan was as reliable as Snooker Squad
Posts: 7,940
13:52 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)

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