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05:01 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The parts that have been missed out are just your version in writing. Their is nothing to back them up it is your word against rapid_pot for that. All your messages between both of you were included for default.
Posts: 22,512
05:04 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The parts that have been missed out are just your version in writing. Their is nothing to back them up it is your word against rapid_pot for that. All your messages between both of you were included for default.

Some of MVP information was also just written if i am correct, none the less mate it was part of his information and it was missed so i feel that it is only fair that the panel see the missed information and have another look. I hope after this that the matter will be dropped when the panel re-do there votes as it won't be changed after this (if it changes)
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05:15 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exactly horse, your player was allowed to spout rubbish about us missing each other and I didn't come on snooker to get him to the default panel(whilst his mum was being attacked by crazy knife kid and cricket balls were causing havoc)
Yet all my additional information was missed off.

8.9.2 Logins
Logins will be just as important as Rule 8.9.3, browsing times will not count as much however.

Was also assumed that these would be available due to the fact that they are also in the rules. Quite obvious that rapid_pot was told they weren't and to continue fabrication.
Posts: 22,512
05:20 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quite obvious? the rule should have been changed but was missed, will be changed in the next few days as we have no way of telling how many times you logged into game server for or how long you where browsing for throughout the fixture. So it is made harder for default because of that i think.

I could and possibly will have another talk to admin about receiving log in information on certain default players in the future, as a few seasons back when we could get that information defaults were more easier to vote on and things.
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05:39 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quite obvious yes Jay otherwise someone that wasn't online the whole fortnight wouldn't have bothered pretending he was.
Posts: 22,512
05:42 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well im not one to judge someone when they say something like they have been online or not, not really my place to not believe them. If you know what i mean. I wasn't involved in the default and never really paid much attention to the division one default.
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05:44 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
As head league runner , maybe you should have paid attention !!
Posts: 22,512
05:47 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm sorry? who are you to tell me what to do exactly, you see that is the kind of comment that will start an arguement and then get me accused of starting it. Why all the butting in from people this does not involve is a good question.

I'll say again like it was posted ages ago, Jema deals with the division one defaults and i do the division two defaults. My post above was meant in a way that no runners where involved in the decision and i don't control that panel of default members.
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05:53 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seem to remember you questioning a couple of pythons defaults and I had no problem explaining the full reasons for the scores and you saw how in depth I had looked into them Jay and left satisfied that the right decision was made.
Nobody has even tried explaining how somebody can leave the game, not be online, fail to show for arranged games and admit to not being able to finish the game in messages and get the same points as the guy who sat online waiting for them every evening!
Maybe you would want to look into that because nobody running FBL would let that rubbish pass regardless of the teams or players involved.
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05:55 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
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05:55 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
No point trying to blame Jay, the information was sent to and saved by me. Jay ONLY uploaded it for me because I was not well.

Jeez what is so hard to understand about that. Maybe that part of Lee's default information was missed because I wasnt thinking properly due to being ill or just it got lost amongst everything he sent in, i dont know, i cant tell you.

But you got what you wanted, a reopening of the default with the information, let the panel just decide now as they have all been messaged and just wait for the result.

Talking about it and accusing Jay of things he hasnt done isnt going to make the situation any better, especially if there is to be any blame, it would lie with me.

Edited at 03:59 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
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05:57 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh and remember... FCL is not FBL... you getting as bad as the Snooker vs Pool lot!
Posts: 22,512
06:10 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
True i questioned it so i could understand it, also true you have a right to question this one as it is your default. Can i be the one to give an explanation into why the default panel voted for a 7 - 7 though? No because i don't know there reasons as i never asked and as i never looked at the default after posting the information and then explaining to a certain member on how to get the image bigger so they could read the information.

This is not about FBL, which has no meaning here considering you are a part of league runners in that league along with most of Sarah and her full of helpers. No offence intended there but from someone who was adamant that doubted2 would not be associated with the league then names him as site admin (fight it all you want, still associated ) and not actually having a go either but you are basically doubting me and the running of the FCL when in fact i have sat here for ages now stating i was not involved in the actual decision and what not else, also see you never posted in response to my reply to you. You can do that in offline now if you wish chances are i wont get it as i am going now like i was meant to be 20 odd minutes ago.

I have done all i can now and re-opened the default, nothing more i can do mate and i hope you understand that because im not going to tell the panel who to give a vote to.
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06:11 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right well an MVP player posting the other teams default information in a game against MVP is going to lead to accusations when it is found that their opponent's information was missed off and a ridiculous result is given Jem so you can take your 'everyone is picking on my man' hat off.
You posted on everyone's clan pages that the divisions would be kept seperate and Jay wouldn't have any access to first division at all so you obviously knew the potential for mistrust was there yet first default you go against what you have said.
Posts: 22,512
06:16 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Again do i really need to explain the above? I and Jema have on several occasions now, getting rather sick of it now. I understand that i can be accused of what you accused me of but simple fact is i actually done nothing wrong. She was ill so was either i post what she had saved on laptop or defaults would have been way off schedule.

The default is now re-open (10 times repeated and not once have you said anything about it) regardless of that there will be another decision made and it will NOT be changed again after this if indeed the panel make a new re-vote. If you don't accept that then you can go and mumble in your corner if you must but i won't be replying to your posts on it if it happens.
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06:20 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:

No offence intended there but from someone who was adamant that doubted2 would not be associated with the league then names him as site admin

Okay Jay put the shoe on the other foot as you brought it up.

Shooters v MVP FBL game you send your default information to sarah, craig posts it on the website and you find a lot of information missed off...all your players explanations are gone but their players are there.
Pretty sure the accusations would be flying thick and fast there not that it would ever happen in FBL.
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06:22 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right ok left to the default panel again with no expectation of a fair result at all after this rubbish.
Posts: 22,512
06:23 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You can't say it would not happen, but as your example has stated MVP then i most likely would not get involved as im not a captain or vice for MVP. I can see your point though that some would question it straight away mate. If it was me and i was captain though i would most likely message the runners on offline message, like i did with Sarah when i captained the Pythons on several occasions.
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06:30 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've always been the same way mate, rather things be done so everyone can see them. Everything I have said regarding this default or any I have judged I don't mind being questioned because it is all spot on.
Plus i'd rather my own team see that we didn't lose our perfect record for defaults because of me although i'm sure most if not all of them know that having been one of the ones that subs in to any game to get them done if needed for all the time I have been here.
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06:31 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so you can take your 'everyone is picking on my man' hat off - pick on him all you like, he a big boy, he can look after himself, just don't think its right that he is getting the blame for something he has not done.

Right ok left to the default panel again with no expectation of a fair result at all after this rubbish - just because it does not go in your favour does not make it an unfair result, ive re read the information and would still consider a 7-7 a decent result.

Also publicly slating the defaults panel that is about to re assess your default isn't exactly the cleverest of ideas
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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)

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