Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)
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07:06 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Huts - as mentioned by pm - yes I forgot to reply to your second message (I wrote the first), BUT I did go online to play the game Sat morning UK time, you were not online - so I went out..??
can slimball be subbed ? was told he just came online to play killer no reply from my offline message deadline approching , if it goes default then i will win due to me trying to get it played , hoping either capt ang or vice reply's to this message or even better slimeball himself
2 fixs left in that so would be good to get it completed
Edited at 10:10 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
2 fixs left in that so would be good to get it completed
Edited at 10:10 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
Huts - as mentioned by pm - yes I forgot to reply to your second message (I wrote the first), BUT I did go online to play the game Sat morning UK time, you were not online - so I went out..??
16:27 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
slimeball vs huts24 FBL
3-3 fair result, he was v ul the last and jawed the 9 for 4-2.
To hope FP becomes the fun FP again and not some ridiculous serious game. Huts said nothing all the games aside of gg. Also attempted snookers all the way through. But if thats the tactic then fine, just its not for me.
3-3 fair result, he was v ul the last and jawed the 9 for 4-2.
To hope FP becomes the fun FP again and not some ridiculous serious game. Huts said nothing all the games aside of gg. Also attempted snookers all the way through. But if thats the tactic then fine, just its not for me.
17:19 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Team Angry (19) v (23) Shooters
8 ball avicii v mdj
8 ball badger2 (2) v (4) its_me
9 ball mrmtp (3) v (3) mrflibble
9 ball slimeball (3) v (3) huts24
8 uk wales_lad (3) v (3) w_hoolahan
8 uk poolbiird (4) v (2) blueberry
straight scott7a (4) v (2) eggfriedrice
straight mattywellie (0) v (6) lethal_lures
deadline 25/3/2012 good luck angries
Shooters (6) v (2) Team Angry
8us : huts24 (3) v (1) pool_king
8us : _armsrace_ v wales_lad
9 ball : mrflibble v chalkie35
9 ball : mdj v slimeball
8uk : its_me (3) v (1) poolbiird
8uk : w_hoolahan v crazzymadman
str8 : lethal_lures v mattywellie
str8 : eggfriedrice v scott7a
4 Games of either 8us /9 ball / 8uk or 2 games of straight
Deadline is midnight 1/4/12
Good luck Angries
Team Angry (19) v (23) Shooters
8 ball avicii v mdj
8 ball badger2 (2) v (4) its_me
9 ball mrmtp (3) v (3) mrflibble
9 ball slimeball (3) v (3) huts24
8 uk wales_lad (3) v (3) w_hoolahan
8 uk poolbiird (4) v (2) blueberry
straight scott7a (4) v (2) eggfriedrice
straight mattywellie (0) v (6) lethal_lures
deadline 25/3/2012 good luck angries
Shooters (6) v (2) Team Angry
8us : huts24 (3) v (1) pool_king
8us : _armsrace_ v wales_lad
9 ball : mrflibble v chalkie35
9 ball : mdj v slimeball
8uk : its_me (3) v (1) poolbiird
8uk : w_hoolahan v crazzymadman
str8 : lethal_lures v mattywellie
str8 : eggfriedrice v scott7a
4 Games of either 8us /9 ball / 8uk or 2 games of straight
Deadline is midnight 1/4/12
Good luck Angries
17:20 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Team Angry (14) vs (16) Shooters Revenge
_egotistical (10) v (5) its_me
avicii v eggfriedrice
chalkie35 (4) v (11) w_hoolahan
mattywellie v lethal_lures
pool_king v jame2010s
scott7a v _armsrace_
slimeball v mdj
wales_lad v doubted2
Top Pool Aces (14) vs (16) Team Angry
_dntbmad_ (6) v (9)badger2
fleetwood (6) v (9) chalkie35
greyhound v crazzymadman
jpenny3 v no1hustl3r
rustybmf v ipotalot
yetti v mattwellie
cannibals v mrmtp
chanel (8) v (7) poolbiird
Deadline is midnight 1/4/12
Good luck Angries
Team Angry (14) vs (16) Shooters Revenge
_egotistical (10) v (5) its_me
avicii v eggfriedrice
chalkie35 (4) v (11) w_hoolahan
mattywellie v lethal_lures
pool_king v jame2010s
scott7a v _armsrace_
slimeball v mdj
wales_lad v doubted2
Top Pool Aces (14) vs (16) Team Angry
_dntbmad_ (6) v (9)badger2
fleetwood (6) v (9) chalkie35
greyhound v crazzymadman
jpenny3 v no1hustl3r
rustybmf v ipotalot
yetti v mattwellie
cannibals v mrmtp
chanel (8) v (7) poolbiird
Deadline is midnight 1/4/12
Good luck Angries
17:21 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Super League Fixtures Set 7 & 8
Team Angry (11) vs (13)Shooters Revenge
chalkie35 (3) vs (3) w_hoolahan
mattywellie (2) vs (4) mdj
poolbiird (3) vs (3) playa87
pool_king (3) vs (3) its_me
scott7a vs doubted2
2 games of 8UK US9 US8 (extra Point for GB and runout)
Deadline for these games is Midnight 28/3/12
Good Luck Angries
Team Angry (11) vs (13)Shooters Revenge
chalkie35 (3) vs (3) w_hoolahan
mattywellie (2) vs (4) mdj
poolbiird (3) vs (3) playa87
pool_king (3) vs (3) its_me
scott7a vs doubted2
2 games of 8UK US9 US8 (extra Point for GB and runout)
Deadline for these games is Midnight 28/3/12
Good Luck Angries
17:21 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Clan Grand Slam - The Players Championship
Round 3
(TA) no1hustl3r v (TA) scott7a
(VIP) funky_fluke v (TA) ipotalot
(VIP) blackcabman7 v (TA) mrmtp
Deadline is Midnight UK 30th March 2012
oooooh hustler v scotty!! ding ding!!
Round 3
(TA) no1hustl3r v (TA) scott7a
(VIP) funky_fluke v (TA) ipotalot
(VIP) blackcabman7 v (TA) mrmtp
Deadline is Midnight UK 30th March 2012
oooooh hustler v scotty!! ding ding!!
17:24 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Pffffffffft who was i kidding lol
Only 1 clan game played all weekend? Or did i miss any results amongst all the mess?
Im off to Amsterdam tomorrow until Sunday so hopefully you lot will behave while im gone. I dont wanna come back to riots lol
Pffffffffft who was i kidding lol
Only 1 clan game played all weekend? Or did i miss any results amongst all the mess?
17:35 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
saying gg is all thats needed to say as he doesnt know u being on a computer and snookers r allowed
slimeball vs huts24 FBL
3-3 fair result, he was v ul the last and jawed the 9 for 4-2.
To hope FP becomes the fun FP again and not some ridiculous serious game. Huts said nothing all the games aside of gg. Also attempted snookers all the way through. But if thats the tactic then fine, just its not for me.
3-3 fair result, he was v ul the last and jawed the 9 for 4-2.
To hope FP becomes the fun FP again and not some ridiculous serious game. Huts said nothing all the games aside of gg. Also attempted snookers all the way through. But if thats the tactic then fine, just its not for me.
saying gg is all thats needed to say as he doesnt know u being on a computer and snookers r allowed
17:53 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Thx Tratter for that quote of pure genius
I just hope you all get over yourselves and let the game be what it should be.
I just hope you all get over yourselves and let the game be what it should be.
18:09 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
shooters v team angry
(8 ball) ipotalot v mdj
is now
silencer2k12 v ipotalot
shooters v team angry
(8 ball) ipotalot v mdj
is now
silencer2k12 v ipotalot
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18:37 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
FBL vs shooters
8 ball
ipotalot 3-3 silencer2k12
ggs m8 wp
8 ball
ipotalot 3-3 silencer2k12
ggs m8 wp
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21:50 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
FBL cup vs shooters
scott7a vs eggfriedrice
scott7a vs eggfriedrice
22:46 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
Shooters v Team Angry subs
8us _armsrace_ v wales_lad
is now
8us : playa87 v wales_lad
9 ball : mrflibble v chalkie35
is now
9 ball silencer2k12 v chalkie35
Shooters v Team Angry subs
8us _armsrace_ v wales_lad
is now
8us : playa87 v wales_lad
9 ball : mrflibble v chalkie35
is now
9 ball silencer2k12 v chalkie35
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23:42 Sun 25 Mar 12 (BST)
FBL Notice
Fixture set 2 has now been released , all games can be found on either :
Good Luck Everyone,
Head League Runner
Fixture set 2 has now been released , all games can be found on either :
Good Luck Everyone,
Head League Runner
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00:17 Mon 26 Mar 12 (BST)
FBL Fixture Set 2
Team Angry () vs ()Top Pool Aces
8 Ball
chalkie35 vs fleetwood
ipotalot vs chanel
9 Ball
wales_lad vs _dntbmad_
no1hustl3r vs great_player
8 UK
pool_king vs pennyarcade9
poolbiird vs cannibals
scott7a vs greyhound
mattywellie vs dementedmind
Team Angry () vs () Latin Legends
8 Ball
avicii vs bonkerss17
badger2 vs barbaycue
9 Ball
slimeball vs chalkey_84
mrmtp vs champof9ball
crazzymadman vs red4ever
_egotistical vs vladimir
scott7a vs joker86
mattywellie vs king8ball1
Deadline for fixute set 2 ~ Sunday 8/4/12 @ Midnight(gmt)
6 games of either 8us/ 9 ball / 8uk or 3 games of straight
Good Luck Angries
Edited at 21:53 Sun 25/03/12 (BST)
Team Angry () vs ()Top Pool Aces
8 Ball
chalkie35 vs fleetwood
ipotalot vs chanel
9 Ball
wales_lad vs _dntbmad_
no1hustl3r vs great_player
8 UK
pool_king vs pennyarcade9
poolbiird vs cannibals
scott7a vs greyhound
mattywellie vs dementedmind
Team Angry () vs () Latin Legends
8 Ball
avicii vs bonkerss17
badger2 vs barbaycue
9 Ball
slimeball vs chalkey_84
mrmtp vs champof9ball
crazzymadman vs red4ever
_egotistical vs vladimir
scott7a vs joker86
mattywellie vs king8ball1
Deadline for fixute set 2 ~ Sunday 8/4/12 @ Midnight(gmt)
6 games of either 8us/ 9 ball / 8uk or 3 games of straight
Good Luck Angries
Edited at 21:53 Sun 25/03/12 (BST)
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00:33 Mon 26 Mar 12 (BST)
Penultimate fixtures (Fixture Sets 9 & 10) now released as per...
(hopefully this format should make copying and pasting into threads much easier )
Deadline for games is Midnight BST 8/4/12
(hopefully this format should make copying and pasting into threads much easier )
Deadline for games is Midnight BST 8/4/12
01:02 Mon 26 Mar 12 (BST)
Team Angry v Fighting Eagles
badger2 v pintofshandy
chalkie35 v gordo
crazzymadman v __anaconda__
poolbiird v flash_is_bac
slimeball v vegas
Team Angry v Latin Legends B
mattywellie v toluca321
mrmtp v king8ball1
no1hustl3r v zantetsukenz
pool_king v shady09
wales_lad v skiller10
Deadline is Midnight 8/4/12
Good Luck Angries
Team Angry v Fighting Eagles
badger2 v pintofshandy
chalkie35 v gordo
crazzymadman v __anaconda__
poolbiird v flash_is_bac
slimeball v vegas
Team Angry v Latin Legends B
mattywellie v toluca321
mrmtp v king8ball1
no1hustl3r v zantetsukenz
pool_king v shady09
wales_lad v skiller10
Deadline is Midnight 8/4/12
Good Luck Angries
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01:33 Mon 26 Mar 12 (BST)
21 days my oppo been offline worst thing is if it goes to default they would most prob still win
13:04 Mon 26 Mar 12 (BST)
Team Angry vs Shooters Revenge
pool_king v jame2010s
is now
pool_king v playa87
scott7a v _armsrace_
is now
scotta v mrflibble
pool_king v jame2010s
is now
pool_king v playa87
scott7a v _armsrace_
is now
scotta v mrflibble
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(IP Logged)
16:06 Mon 26 Mar 12 (BST)
should be on more than usual this week so can get any games played that im in and will be around if you need me to sub in any games. slowly finding some form as well
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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)
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