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Posts: 8,940
07:35 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
1_eye said:

I don't think you do understand m8, you won't be pulled over by the police for doing that speed as they let you go a certain percentage over the limit (think it's 10% of what the limit is)

Sorry 1_eye, but this is complete and utter urban myth rubbish. I work closely with the Police and there is a speed gun sitting here under my desk awaiting calibration.

That fact was invented so people can convince themselves its ok to speed a little and you wont get caught.

If it were true, then why not just increase the limit by 10% instead!

1_eye said:

As for multi accounts, as long as your not multi-using whats the problem, does it really affect you and spinner that much?

Having more than one account IS multi-using. Period. And its not that it bothers us, its against the rules and most of all against plain old common sense since its totally unecessary!
Posts: 8,940
07:36 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
1_eye said:
And as for cliches:
Rules where made to be broken!

Yep - rules where made to be broken, can be. But the rules here aren't!

1_eye said:
Rules in all walks of life are there only as a guideline, you and spinner take them to literal at times!

By that anaology then its perfectly ok to speed at 120mph on the wrong side of the road through a 20mph side street, since its only a "guideline" to drive on the left and stay under 20.

No, i dont think so! Rules are rules, guidelines are guidelines. If 98% of the people obey the rules its insulting to them and plain stupid to break them.

Edited at 13:42 Wed 10/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 40
07:39 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm just trying to clarify that this is a rule! I read the rules of the site before joining up and yet i see people multi using regularly, so if you are saying that its ok to multi use then basically thats saying the rules mean nothing and everyone can do as they please! Somehow i dont think that your opinion of the rules is going to save you in a court of law
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07:45 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I give in with you both, your just being obtuse to facts (and i also suspect just for the sake of it). As i said earlier, rules in walks of life are there as guidelines for us to follow!

Sorry 1_eye, but this is complete and utter urban myth rubbish. I work closely with the Police and there is a speed gun sitting here under my desk awaiting calibration.

Maybe in your part of town, but as i have some friends who are policemen and i am going on what they have told me, and also the fact that me and my father-in-law have passed a police car doing 85 i feel i may be right. But this doesn't really matter!

Edited at 13:46 Wed 10/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 8,940
07:50 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL 1_eye mate, you know i like a good debate, but serendipity just did what i have done before and quoted the rules of the site we all agree to by signing up.

Its not rocket science!

As for the cops, yeah, i admit there are dodgy ones everywhere. Something you truely do find in all walks of life Apologies for the rant, those who know me will know road safety is my red rag!

But as for the subject matter, you will have noticed before that despite my not agreeing with multiple accounts, please note that the suggestions that have come about as a result of this thread have been to improve both the delete and reset functions, but to change nothing for those happy with them as they are now.

Edited at 13:52 Wed 10/01/07 (GMT)
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07:51 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
By that anaology then its perfectly ok to speed at 120mph on the wrong side of the road through a 20mph side street, since its only a "guideline" to drive on the left and stay under 20.

This is what i mean by literal!

As humans we know the difference between right and wrong, i know it's ok to have 2 accounts as i know i will not do anything wrong with them and can easliy justify having them!

I think maybe you 2 should go and work on some goverment scheme, perhaps you should fine smokers for throwing there fag butts on the ground, even though there is no where else for them to put them!!

Posts: 8,940
07:54 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
1_eye said:
By that anaology then its perfectly ok to speed at 120mph on the wrong side of the road through a 20mph side street, since its only a "guideline" to drive on the left and stay under 20.


I think maybe you 2 should go and work on some goverment scheme, perhaps you should fine smokers for throwing there fag butts on the ground, even though there is no where else for them to put them!!

As you know, i already do! LOL!

Why not put the butts in thier pockets or eat them? They cant be too intelligent if they smoke anyway so i doubt it would bother them..

Deleted User
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07:57 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bites lip! (me not smoke for 4 years)

But wouldn't be refreshing if you didn't take things so literal you little blaireites?

(Me non pc)
Posts: 40
08:16 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jeeez this is exhausting, remind me never to ask a question again...
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08:21 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
serendipity said:
Jeeez this is exhausting, remind me never to ask a question again...

Welcome to the forum!! This is nothing compared to some of the debates we get into! You should post more often, any feedback is good feedback (again though not literally)
Posts: 40
08:28 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks 1_eye... Are you part of the staff?
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08:45 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
serendipity said:
emma_85 = forever_pure, as admitted on this thread... Multi user yes? Banned, No?


as i have pointed out i hardly use emma_85 anymore however i do have a friends list i really cba copying over. i was seeing if any of my friends were only online and accidently posted on the wrong name as i said to spinner if u feel that i have abused the system feel free to bring it up wit admin, however it was a drunken mistake when i wasnt paying attention
Posts: 40
08:52 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
It wasn't a dig at you, just an example because i was very confused as to what the rules were, but it seems that multi using is a big issue here. Though some clarification from the staff on the site might stop these debates from repeatedly coming up?
Deleted User
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08:54 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]

You are not officially ment to however if you are not breaking any other rules the mods and admin will not ban you.

give me two mins and ill find other thread i want
Deleted User
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09:07 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
grr any1 find that huge debate thing on multiusing? iv done search forum and looked up to posts from august... and cant find it anyone had better luck?


i lie found it

Edited at 15:08 Wed 10/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 40
09:37 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks forever_pure, that helped alot, so just to check... My original statement is true then? That if you are a good girl/boy you can have as many accounts as you wish...

But then how do we know which rules are ok to break and which are considered severe rule breaking and not allowed at all... Man this is confusing

EDIT: No don't answer that I dont want to know it ends up getting way to political for my liking

Edited at 15:38 Wed 10/01/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:38 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
serendipity said:
Thanks 1_eye... Are you part of the staff?

No i don't think they would be stupid enough to put me in charge of anything!

Just another friendly handsome face, (btw i'm the one on the left!)
Posts: 40
09:39 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Know how i can get the one on the rights phone number, hes hot!
Deleted User
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09:40 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
serendipity said:
Thanks forever_pure, that helped alot, so just to check... My original statement is true then? That if you are a good girl/boy you can have as many accounts as you wish...

But then how do we know which rules are ok to break and which are considered severe rule breaking and not allowed at all... Man this is confusing

EDIT: No don't answer that I dont want to know it ends up getting way to political for my liking

You soon catch on, as long as your nice to the other members, (and martin_balnk cause he's an assassin you know), you will be fine m8!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:42 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
serendipity said:
Know how i can get the one on the rights phone number, hes hot!

That's me! I'm black and white, my mum was pure white and my Dad was brindle! I'm into any kind of b*tch (female dog), although i wanna be quick before this idiot next to me chops it off!
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