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call pocket for 9

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10:22 Mon 31 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont think it is a good idea
Posts: 32
10:44 Mon 31 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Nick were im from you do have to call the 9 ball in us 9 ball and , you also have to call 8 ball in us 8 ball so , why not make it good for everybody , not just us benifit from it will keep everybody happy its a better challege for newbies to learn and were all happy im in for it 100% Thanks Aceinawhole
Posts: 8,940
11:51 Mon 31 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ace, i'm curious as to where you're from, since i have played US 9Ball as my game of choice since i was a wee kid, literally all over the world, and neither I nor anybody at my club have ever heard of calling the pocket in 9ball! Nor has it ever been in any rules i can find. Indeed it goes against the core principle of the game!

US 8 Ball did have the rule briefly but it was quickly scrapped, dunno why, but the more dedicated US 8ball players will no doubt explain!

In UK 8 ball, on the other hand, the pocket is always called..

It would be a nice feature, but far from essential!
Deleted User
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12:03 Mon 31 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
he is from the u.s.a and seeing as some people agree and some dont y not b able to choose how u want to do it wen u create a game so u select if u av to call pocket or not then people who dont agree they can join or create games tht dont av the pocket called and same for the people who agree
Deleted User
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18:38 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Im still in agreement, this should happen to this game.Will make it alot better of a game.....Im tired of flukes knocking me out of tourny games then they say stuff like they ment to pot 9...well this make it were there is no question weather or not they ment to pot 9....the selection of weather or not its a called game is very good idea for all games accept tourny games...Should be mandantory on tourny games to call pot on 9 and 8 in both UK and US games...
Posts: 8,940
18:46 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Whats the difference between loosing to a fluke, and loosing because you foul after nominating?

Both are simply bad/good luck!
Posts: 32
13:35 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner i dont know were your from but i played the best 9 ball players there is i played 9 ball 8 ball , snooker all my life i skipped school just to play in pool haul
keeps the men seperated from the boys m8 thats what it does , bythe way i live in the us all my life and a good player can call every pocket why must you be against it if your good spinner , something bothering you maybe your affraid your rank might lower
Thanks Aceinawhole
Deleted User
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13:59 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
why must the men be seperated from the boys? why cant evry1 just play anyone regardless of rank or ability, its much more fun that way
Posts: 8,940
14:05 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well said Ison!

This has nothing to do with my ability, or anyone's ability. Whilst in many cases, the real rules have to be modified for the online game, in this case, the same reasons for calling/not calling apply as in real life.

I was just curious what state you were from Ace, not digging for an argument, just curious as i never miss the chance of a game against a US player! (in real life)

However, there is a simple solution - as you said Ace, a good player will cal every pocket all through the game, so, why not do so!

Before you take your shot, simply say "Top Middle" or whatever...

Deleted User
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14:18 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
no dont change it, as plenty of people have said...

its FUNKYpool.
it would be too realistic, at the end of the day people are just here to play pool, not take it seriously.
Deleted User
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20:05 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well for those of us that do take the game serious its a good idea.For the ones just to play pool, thats why it should be a option in the game weather or not its a called game..accept in tournaments...
Deleted User
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20:43 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
like spinner said the rules in us 9 ball have never been to call your pocket and neither should it now.
i think if your gonna make a game make it to its true standars.
Posts: 8,940
03:02 Thu 3 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
First of all, i stand corrected on US 8-Ball, the international rules currently in force (as of 1st January this year) DO state the pocket must be marked for the black ball.

Apologies for passing on incorrect info before!

9-Ball however remains the same, the rules on how to win stating simply : "The game ends at the end of a legal shot which pockets the 9-ball, or when a player forfeits the game as the result of a foul."

However, some have overlooked the fact that there is nothing stopping you from calling the pocket as i said above..

Simply type "Top Middle", or whatever, in the game window before taking the shot.

Posts: 4,347
06:16 Thu 3 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
One of the reasons I like 9ball is that you can just let go and try all sorts of ways to win. Screw-backs, doubles, trebles, glance-offs - all ways to attempt a spectacular win without risking instant loss.

It's fast and furious, as well as extremely tactical, and to start stating that the 9's pocket must be called will put high levels of caution into the game, make any daring shot too risky, and so ultimately slow it down and ruin it.

Caution and defence belongs in US8 and especially UK8, but 9ball is a breath of fresh air because it DOESN'T have it
Posts: 8,940
08:36 Thu 3 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well said Martin!

(and apologies - i realise i mentioned the reasons many times without saying what they were! LOL!)
Posts: 32
11:47 Thu 3 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well spinner i havent got the slightiest idea how old you are but im from what they call the old school. I played very very good players in my life lost a bit of money also playing but my my my isnt it funny how that rule on 8 ball just surfaces haha its been that way for 45 years And as far as 9 ball calling it sinply choose the game you want call or no called pocket game , like 2plus 2 is 4 That simple Its like choosing ranked or none ranked games Aceinawhole Thanks
Deleted User
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02:32 Sun 13 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
it should work out i have lost a lot of rank here this last week from people slaping hte balls around that aint right you aint a good player getin lucky cj right we got to do something

Deleted User
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03:12 Sun 13 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I say no to calling the pocket.

I see people upest about losing to flukes, but i bet you've fluked a good few times yourself and praised the lord in the process.

It's Funkypool...

Edited at 08:14 Sun 13/08/06 (BST)
Posts: 3
06:51 Sun 13 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
aceinawhole always acuses people of flukeing whenhe loses
so it wil still be the same you fluked the 2 or whatever he just likes to cry
Deleted User
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13:17 Sun 13 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I have given aceinawhole a few games and he has never accused me of getting flukes...even when I have fluked a game or to. We recently played and he went 5-0 up and I came back to 5-4 and I was knocking in flukes all over the place.

It's all part of the game. Flukes make it that little bit more interesting.
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call pocket for 9

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