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call pocket for 9

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Deleted User
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23:36 Mon 24 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i think you should have to call the pocket for nine in 9 ball except golden breaks
Posts: 963
04:34 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Nope, because thats not in the official rules of the game so no need for it on here.
Deleted User
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04:52 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah, well said krauser sorry mate there is not need
Posts: 8,940
11:36 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
However... remember this is Funkypool and not real pool, and since we dont get to call the pocket on 8-ball, why not apply the same logic and have to nominate on 9-ball!

Edited at 16:36 Tue 25/07/06 (BST)
Posts: 963
11:38 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Nah 9 balls fine the way it is. I think Cj5353 is just fed up of having the 9 ball potted by a fluke against him.
Deleted User
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11:45 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I remember lars suggested something like this a while back, but got the same response. It would take some of the fun out of the game and that's what it's all about (to most people at least).
Deleted User
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13:34 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree with spinner its nt real pool, hence the name funky

Edited at 18:35 Tue 25/07/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
13:45 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
That's not me you're agreeing with, thats what Nick has said many times when the rules of real pool have been asked for...

Thats the thread about calling the pocket in 8-ball, which i do think would be excellent and can only add to the fun of the game.

Without saying too much, it works in most other online pool games so why not this one!

Anything that keeps FunkyPool the best of the best has to be a good thing for everybody!
Deleted User
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13:57 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
So what if someone flukes? It's a game! Get over it!
Posts: 8,940
14:17 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Flukes are not really the issue here, its about adding to the gameplay and overall fun!

However, regarding flukes, what it does do is remove the possibility of accusations of flukes when you have a bit more fun and go for doubles/trebles etc on the black..
Deleted User
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18:36 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well my opinion is it should be a rule.I am soooo tired of loosing to ppl that slap the 9 every chance they get to try to fluke it in a pot.Thats not skill thats desperation...Learn to play the game ppl not just slap balls around.Same for 8 ball it should be called before the 8 is potted...very easy to do a game called queclub its only off line but when you get to the 8 it wont let you shoot untill you select with ur pointer witch pocket u plan on potting it in..Same thing could be done here with 9 ball and 8 ball....US games...I 100000% agree the 9 and 8 should be called ...but maybe only on rank and tourny games , friendly games not to big a issue, i know its just a game but it really sux to get knocked out of a tourny by a player desperatly slaping the 9 .........when u play with skills and still loose......
Deleted User
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18:43 Tue 25 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
buck is right. i been trying to get my score up and every oncen a while someone comes and slapes the 9 around and win then says they are better then you or something they are just lucky. 1000% with the idea.

Deleted User
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05:02 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
1000% with the idea. Typical Yank
Deleted User
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05:22 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
flukes happen in real pool aswell but they dnt change the rules do they
Deleted User
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05:46 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I bet all these ppl moaning about flukes are happy when they get 1 though.
Posts: 8,940
08:07 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
There is no pocket nimination in any form of US 9-ball. So it ISNT a rule!

Posts: 963
12:05 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Exactly so there is no need to introduce it on here.

Flukes are part of the game so if you cant accept them, then you're playing the wrong game.
Deleted User
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18:26 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link] all got to be kidding me, you cant honestly tell me you havent lost a game and were upset cause u lost to a newbie that fluked the 9 by smacking it every chance they get.It is just a game but some of us play with skills not ignorence......I totally agree on US pool the 8 and 9 should be pocket selected before u can pot it. especially on tourny and rank games, you pot it in wrong pot 9 gets reset, pot the 8 wrong u loose.........

Edited at 23:28 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
19:03 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd be delighted for the newbie! Lets face it they need all the help they can get...

But on the subject of real-life pool rules - Neither US games have nominations.. Pocket nomination is a UK only rule.

Just checked the international BCA rules, updated January 2006, and they back this up.

Also, a foul on the black is no longer a loss unless the black is pocketed or leaves the table in the course of that shot.
Deleted User
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17:48 Thu 27 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
well thats just great........just because the BCA rules don't have it there does not mean we cant have it here...also if you want this to be exactly like real pool u need to make it were we can change the angle on the stick insted of just straight on ball...lets face it this is not real pool so the rules shouldnt matter if there same as BCA.. i still agree its a very good idea to call shots on 8 and 9 in rank and tourny games...
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call pocket for 9

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