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Write a poem

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13:06 Wed 18 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_guevara said:
I cant believe what you did last night,
You knew'd i'd find out and cause a fight.
And so you say you were going to tell,
But i heard about it from a friends as well.
You knew we were mates, but you didn't care,
And i know you would of wanted me there.
To witness the kiss, to feel sick inside.
I never thought that you could be so sly.
And you blame it on beer, oh what an excuse.
Tomorrow it should all be yesterdays news.
You had to get there first, as you knew you would,
And you knew deep inside that i really could.
So the arguments over, you look the fool,
I played these childish games back at school.
You'll regret it tomorrow, down drops your face,
When you see me dazzle, to the girls i'l give chase.
Popular in more ways, you'll feel so down,
And so jealous too, babe your a clown.
Anyways unlucky, i couldnt care anymore,
Your in the room behind me, and I've shut the door

Thats true isnt it? You ok Hun? *hugs*

Sunshine one is fab
Posts: 1,572
04:17 Thu 19 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
OI GUEVARA! Got a hangover??? Ohhhh thats ya title hun HANGOVER/S
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09:26 Thu 19 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i wrote a poem
its in 'about me'
in my profile
so this is not a poem
so dont expect it to rhyme

Posts: 31,220
17:31 Thu 19 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyone here is writing poems
I'm going to do one on this occasion

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17:47 Thu 19 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
The Exam

I sat there and looked around,
I looked at everyone and only found
They were all writing and scriibling crap
I would have give up but I'm not that sort of chap

So I got my head down and started to write
I wore my pen down with all my might
I didn't know what I was writing it just came out
Like a boxers punch comes out in a bout

I had done all I could but it wasnt enough
That exam was just to tough
So it come back, I got a U
I looked at that result and whispered "POO"

Posts: 31,220
22:48 Thu 19 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Everyone here is writing poems
I'm going to do one on this occasion

I meant not, sorry......
Posts: 1,572
04:06 Fri 20 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Good Poem Cuey...and LOONY ive been waiting to read yours u duuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr

Ste, dont go A.W.O.L again hehe Poems Poems!!!!
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09:43 Fri 20 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
omg no poems,
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12:10 Fri 20 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
STEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on hun
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15:54 Fri 20 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
lol was true paula but sound now everythings hunky dory

Promise will write one on hangovers tmoz (when i have one) but for now need to get ready so will see ya's tmoz!
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21:08 Fri 20 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok Mate..(that Pik DOESNT luk like you!!).
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13:48 Sun 22 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
OMG this is on page 2
What the hell am i to do?
Page 2, this will upset someone.
But never mind now, its back on Page 1.

Posts: 31,220
14:09 Sun 22 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
There's never a problem with stuff on page 2
One little post and it's as good as new
Some threads see no action for what seems an age
Some even spend time stranded on the third page.
But there's nothing to fear, dedicated FJs;
For even if poems don't get written for days
There'll always be someone to uncloud the sun
And put "Write a poem" to the top of page 1*.

*Not counting that sticky 'all about me' facility thread

Edited at 19:10 Sun 22/04/07 (BST)
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12:27 Mon 23 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
(it is me paula lol)

Gloomy day today, down falls the rain,
Landing softly on your window pane.
Your laid on ya bed, hair tied right back,
The days getting late, and the skys turning black.
The scene is set for such a slow show,
The voices of neighbours are heard down below.
In your head love, is the man that you lost,
Such a silly mission with such a great cost.
You shut your curtains, lay down on the bed,
And run through the situation inside your head.
You took a vow, to stay in touch,
But really you know you dont love him as much.
Look inside yourself, theres things to achieve,
All you really need to do now is believe.
Carry on darling, we know your strong,
So take out your records and put on your song.
The lights fading now, there's no need to cry,
For i know that this wont be a last goodbye.

Edited at 17:27 Mon 23/04/07 (BST)
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12:32 Mon 23 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ste! *hugs* that was amazing!

Title: Lost
Posts: 870
12:36 Mon 23 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
wooo, wd lol great poem
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12:45 Mon 23 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
(lol ta hun)


On a lonely island, sat on the beach,
The next sane place is far out of reach.
No way to escape, i sit her alone,
How did I get here?I'm accident prone.
Stubble on the chin, dryness of eyes,
This same old place will be my demise.

Six months later, I've built a home,
My sanity's back, but i'm still alone.
Coconuts for breakfast, dinner and lunch.
Supper comes in the form of a banana bunch.
Small little insects chewing my skin,
Message in a bottle to my next of kin.
The island now mine,theres nobody here,
There's no proper food, and theres no beer.
Watching waves crash, whats a lives cost?
Is it worth anything when you are lost?
Maybe one day, I shall be found,
And swept up in the air off of the ground.
Although I miss it I couldnt go back,
The skills of society are what I now lack.
I shall die here, lost but content,
Many lonely days in my life have been spent.
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03:36 Tue 24 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
There was a young girl called Louise...

I'd better stop there i think

*winks at Paula*
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04:49 Tue 24 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
stellaman said:
There was a young girl called Louise...

I'd better stop there i think

*winks at Paula*

HAHAHAHHHAH Ive nearly bobbled with laughing HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Deleted User
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04:56 Tue 24 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
you can just imagine ste sat by his window with an outstretched arm reciting his poems and writing them down with his feather pen and dressed in fine medievil attire.....cant you?

Good poems mate

Edited at 09:56 Tue 24/04/07 (BST)
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Write a poem

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