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20:30 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hmmm, maybe perhaps... Although I made the lines too short and had to squeeze rhyming words in everywhere.

I've strained my brain!
And it's quite insane
Posts: 1,572
20:36 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok Then..cos way back on this thread..Ste aka Mr guevara was here lots..and hes fab at these! We wud leave titles and hey presto he'd produce a fab thats how we

Title: JSG

(Lets see how gud u are lol)
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20:38 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
ooooooo good title
Posts: 31,220
20:48 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Justsumgirl is anything but
Look at the way she glides her foot
She is a bit of a forum junkie
Here on the pool site that is funky
And... if anyone can give me a word that rhymes with Paula
I'll do my best to enthrall ya
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20:51 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wooooooooo I love it!! LMAO
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20:54 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
YAY!!!! *Claps* very good hahah.....

Title Steph
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01:02 Sat 6 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

Steph is so friendly, kind and sincere
When u have troubles she'l lend u her ear!
She's helped me alot these past few days
Without her around i'd have lost my way!
So i wana say Thank You to Steph cos shes gr8
A huni, A darlin but mostly my m8!!

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13:00 Sat 6 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awwwwww PW *hugs* bless ya that was Brill hun thanks.

Like i sed tho anytime
Posts: 1,572
16:38 Sat 6 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Claire that was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab

Im getting mad now Guevara and ya wont like me when am mad *Grrrr's* Gizza poem!!


Edited at 22:39 Sat 6/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 3,731
11:02 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Liverpudlian

Paula, my little dear
What would i do if you werent here
Cheering me up when im down
Always make me laugh like a clown
There for me when i need help
Sometimes even giving me a skelp
The meff that we all adore and love
Just as precious as a white dove
Eeeeee shurrup i hear you call
Liverpool phrases, i learn them all
So to our darling from liverpool
Sometimes making yourself a fool
Please dont leave us you meff
As we want you here forever, even little jeff

If you can make sense of that then woo

Little Jeff is the man in the corner who doesnt speak and only thing i could get to rhyme with meff
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11:05 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
STEVO! Thankyou sooo much I luv it ya meff *hugs*
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17:39 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Stevo done a poem for me...
Was very good, as you see
And if i was a ref,
Id say he won..The big fat Meff!

PMSL *hugs* again stevo...
Posts: 3,731
18:55 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao thanks

*hugs* Paula, do another one soon
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22:22 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who Me??....Okies ill try!
We Defo need Guevara here tho

Ste we miss ya
Ste we do
Ste we need
A poem from you!

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05:33 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
so come on people
get ur fingers tappin
dont let this slip
because paula,
will be very sick
Posts: 31,220
22:25 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've drunk a little bit too much
And so I'll write a poem like such:
This poem will not be too articulate
As surely some of you can speculate.
And though those last lines didn't rhyme
I hope my drunkenness will climb
And offer itself as a reason
For my accidental treason
That I've done against this thread
By writing poems not easily read.
So I hope each fellow forum junkie
(Apart from those who think I'm hunky -
I know there's one or two of you!)
Will hopefully decline to sue
My poor drunk self for crimes committed
By leaving proper rhymes omitted
And leaving you to read this waffle
Which I know you think is awful.
But sh*t happens, I am drunk
And cos of me, the standard's sunk.
So: sorry that my poem's demonic
And tragically not laconic
(On the contrary, it's loquacious
And consequently very spacious)
But be lucky it's not vitriolic
Cos I'm turning into an alcoholic.
Posts: 31,220
22:26 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well I'm not really... but it's the first time in 2007 I've gotten properly(-ish) pi$$ed, so happy days!
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08:47 Thu 11 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Woooooo Good Poem Cloony
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14:51 Thu 11 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Last nite as i lay on my bed
A thought of u was in my head
Of all the times we used to share
Wondered if u really did care

My instinct told me that u had
Surley it couldnt of been that bad
Then i thought if that were true
You'd think of me as i do you

Maybe you dont, u just let go
Maybe you do, i just dont know
No hints no clues for me to see
Its a guessing game just for me

The thoughts by now running deep
As i lay there and try to sleep
Off my mind, you i try to shake
But no your there keeping me awake

So what now is what i think
Then it hits me in a blink
I'll just wait until one day
You can finally have your say

You can tell me if u feel the same
Or was it just a little game
No matter what i need to know
no matter what I'll love you so.
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09:09 Fri 12 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awwwww hun *hugs* that was amazing! it really was *hugs*
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