Write a poem
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07:52 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)
PMFSL! Loony that was amazing..ha
Just a poem short and sweet
But hardly swept me off my feet
Just so i dont look so gloomy
So thanks for that Loony cloony
Just a poem short and sweet
But hardly swept me off my feet
Just so i dont look so gloomy
So thanks for that Loony cloony
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14:36 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)
omg were on page two
on page one, we need to be true
so just to save time
ive made up a rhyme
im sure u can all do one too
on page one, we need to be true
so just to save time
ive made up a rhyme
im sure u can all do one too
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15:00 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)
now come on paula
dont feel down
were all gonna write poem
so dont look so gloom'
boom boom
dont feel down
were all gonna write poem
so dont look so gloom'
boom boom
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16:35 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)
YAY!!! ty u 2 *hugs* Lmao..Stell, we WAS on page 3 till i "BUMPED" it. You all know this is my fave thread so come on ppl POEMS!!!!
(Ste are you ok?? am gettin worried now!!)
(Ste are you ok?? am gettin worried now!!)
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17:02 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)
Forums are quiet im here alone
Browsing round having a roam
I log in but no one there
So here i am sat on my chair
I wonder where the oldies are
Our laughing days seem so far
We'd all be here laffing loud
All together the FJ Crowd
Are they days of the past
How long will this forum last
Mins weeks months or years
Laughing crying or showing fears
Time will tell is all i say
But keep this thread forever and a day
Browsing round having a roam
I log in but no one there
So here i am sat on my chair
I wonder where the oldies are
Our laughing days seem so far
We'd all be here laffing loud
All together the FJ Crowd
Are they days of the past
How long will this forum last
Mins weeks months or years
Laughing crying or showing fears
Time will tell is all i say
But keep this thread forever and a day
20:34 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)
This thread is the coolest
The reason is clear
There's nowt that's not cool
When Clooneman is here!!!
The reason is clear
There's nowt that's not cool
When Clooneman is here!!!
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03:01 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
clooney is looney
and so bloomin funny
so come on hunnie
lets make this funny
and so bloomin funny
so come on hunnie
lets make this funny
17:21 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
You cheated! The word you used
At the end of the second line
Was the same as the word you used
At the end of the last line!!!
At the end of the second line
Was the same as the word you used
At the end of the last line!!!
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18:36 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
Ha Ha u 2..BUT we need more!! Have any of you read back on this thread?? ya shud do, some of Mr Guevaras are fab.....*sighs* Cant wait for some more from him...
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18:43 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
What YOU waiting for then? DO ONE lmao....pweeeze for likle meeeeee *puppy dog eyes*
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18:54 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
a lil poem you say
i always say no way
but i cant tonight
cos for you its right
that i write one today!!
i always say no way
but i cant tonight
cos for you its right
that i write one today!!
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19:12 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
hehe am glad u liked it wrote it in about 5 seconds lol *hugs* luv ya too xxxxx
20:06 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
I Knew ya wud do one for me hun thanks...*Hugs*
Ste, I miss ya! Come back!
Ste, I miss ya! Come back!
20:07 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
I'm watching TV
It's Crocodile TV
And The Naked Gun
Finished at 1
Now I'm watching Big Bro
It's an OK show
Jermaine's in the house
And quiet as a mouse
And H prefers men!
So tell me this then:
Before he came out
Did someone not shout
The startling reality
Of his sexuality?
And look at Shilpa!
She give you an ill Pa;
Yes, she'd send your father
Into a lather.
Now Russel Brand
Is coming on, and
He's had an "existence"
In some former contestants
Lea and Becki
Got some of his "fecky"
Imogen too
Received his God's glue.
Poetry's tough
So this is enough
Though I really felt at home
Writing this poem.
It's Crocodile TV
And The Naked Gun
Finished at 1
Now I'm watching Big Bro
It's an OK show
Jermaine's in the house
And quiet as a mouse
And H prefers men!
So tell me this then:
Before he came out
Did someone not shout
The startling reality
Of his sexuality?
And look at Shilpa!
She give you an ill Pa;
Yes, she'd send your father
Into a lather.
Now Russel Brand
Is coming on, and
He's had an "existence"
In some former contestants
Lea and Becki
Got some of his "fecky"
Imogen too
Received his God's glue.
Poetry's tough
So this is enough
Though I really felt at home
Writing this poem.
20:09 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
LOONY That was fab HAHAHHAHAHAH Can u do one if we leave you a title????
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20:11 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)
OMG LMAO that was Brill!!! MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!
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