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Deleted User
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13:55 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
Here at, we understand that quite a bit of the new content doesn't appeal to the users.
We are not too pleased to hear this as we've spent ages discussing new features and what not. Especially for web programmer and site owner nick, who has spent the last few months purely updating the pool site integrating new features.
So anyway, after deleting the petition, which turned more into a bomb destruction zone, we have decided to open up a thread where users can post their **constructive criticism**.
One line sentences such as 'i hate it cos its rubbish' are not considered as constructive. It does not inform us how we could improve it.
We hope you understand.
Please keep posts as detailed as possible. It is more likely to be changed if posts are detailed and explain the ins and outs of why it's not very good.
Thanks, nicknax.
Edited at 18:56 Thu 13/10/05 (BST)
We are not too pleased to hear this as we've spent ages discussing new features and what not. Especially for web programmer and site owner nick, who has spent the last few months purely updating the pool site integrating new features.
So anyway, after deleting the petition, which turned more into a bomb destruction zone, we have decided to open up a thread where users can post their **constructive criticism**.
One line sentences such as 'i hate it cos its rubbish' are not considered as constructive. It does not inform us how we could improve it.
We hope you understand.
Please keep posts as detailed as possible. It is more likely to be changed if posts are detailed and explain the ins and outs of why it's not very good.
Thanks, nicknax.
Edited at 18:56 Thu 13/10/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:00 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
please use this thread as the main thread for discussion. Any posts containing vulgor language will be removed without warning.
14:09 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
Just do what runescape did, leave the old version up and call it 'classic' mode, then the users can simply choose which they prefer. Keeps everyone happy.
Deleted User
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14:10 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
hmmm, maybe there'd be out of sync problems?
14:11 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
Then do what runescape did when they got greedy for money, set it so only premium members can play classic. But don't host tournys on their and leagues and stuff just make it so people can play each other. Also guests can't use classic, they can only use normal mode.
Deleted User
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14:13 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
hmmm, Nick's the site owner and programmer, not me.
Keep the discussion rolling folks, will definitely help ensure all users are happy!
Keep the discussion rolling folks, will definitely help ensure all users are happy!
14:14 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
I'll take credit, 200 bucks will be fine with me. (/sarcasm)
14:15 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
Why on earth was my post deleted now? Pretty lame now
Deleted User
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14:18 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
It's alright, i prefer the "classic" version, which it's seemed to be called now. Shame the side spin and sound changes couldn't just have been added to the previous "look".
The speed makes it harder to snooker, but i guess that will be something i'll need to adapt to, but the rest of it seems pretty decent, i love the spin, bit aggressive, but good.
The speed makes it harder to snooker, but i guess that will be something i'll need to adapt to, but the rest of it seems pretty decent, i love the spin, bit aggressive, but good.
Deleted User
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14:27 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
I don't really think it needs an explanation...
Deleted User
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14:28 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
i feel that i need 2 explain 2 every1 y funkypool has changed. its become commercialised. i see no reason why it had 2 change. the old version had a certain balance 2 it. this version seems unbalanced and so is less enjoyable. this seems to have a interesting similarity to what has happened in football over the last decade. it has become commercialised and therefore become unbalanced with only the top 3 or 4 teams in with a chance of success. if you really believe that this has improved funkypool then give me ur reasons. if youve done it 4 other reasons theres no need 2 give me ur reasons because they are only ones tht involve money and not the game and players.
Edited at 19:29 Thu 13/10/05 (BST)
Edited at 19:29 Thu 13/10/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:30 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
I'll leave this to nick to explain for the 'for' side. Basically, it has been a neater code and been easier to allow updating of both websites, snooker and pool, at the same time.
Nick was saying something about this anyway....
Nick was saying something about this anyway....
14:31 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
Yeah, it'll be like what happened to runescape. All the 'old school' players won't like the new version so they'll bring it back but make you pay for it. Then aload of new people come to the game and they'll enjoy the new verison more.
Deleted User
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14:33 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
i dont know why some users have gone so mad about this, nick has done a lot, its not as if you have to pay for it (unless u upgrade to premium when available). whats the problem?
Edited at 19:34 Thu 13/10/05 (BST)
Edited at 19:34 Thu 13/10/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:36 Thu 13 Oct 05 (BST)
one more thing. where is the time limit? its extremely useful 2 hav it displayed on the screen. i cant understand the logic of getting rid of this.
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