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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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Posts: 14,736
03:26 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 1:
Deadline: 07/02/2016

Phoenix Revenge A

Phoenix Revenge A (6) Vs (2) Uprising Originals
8us: shadows (2) vs (0) miss_harriet (5-1)
9us: 2pac786 (1) vs (1) corsair (4-4)
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) w_hoolahan (4-4)
Str: apples_back (2) vs (0) clifton188

Phoenix Revenge A (5) Vs (1) FPD's A

8us: (s) rapid_pot vs scottyjr
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) the__saint (5-2)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) crazy_greg (5-1)
Str: apples_back (1) vs (1) whocares8x8

Phoenix Revenge A (6) Vs (0) Dragon Flame A
8us: (swp) (s) apples_back (2) vs (0) asdfghjk (6-2)
9us: _knightmare_ (2) vs (0) poolbiird (5-3)
8uk: (swp) rewill vs northman
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) cortez

Phoenix Revenge A (5) Vs (3) Black Scorpions A

8us: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) kingdadcool (4-4)
9us: (s) 2pac786 (2) vs (0) bigcjl2 (5-2)
8uk: rewill (0) vs (2) _egotistical (2-6)
Str: apples_back (2) vs (0) dark_chocco

Phoenix Revenge A (3) Vs (1) Phoenix Revenge B
8us: rewill vs tinie_v17
9us: apples_back (2) vs (0) _gerardddd_ (7-1)
8uk: _fresh_ vs hunter
Str: rapid_pot (1) vs (1) legend_pot
Posts: 14,736
03:27 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Phoenix Revenge B (4) Vs (4) FPD's B
8us: joeyy (1) vs (1) im_crap_adam (4-4)
9us: legend_pot (2) vs (0) kris (5-1)
8uk: (s) _gerardddd_ (0) vs (2) king8ball (3-5)
Str: tinie_v17 (1) vs (1) lolumadbro

Phoenix Revenge B (5) Vs (3) Dragon Flame B
8us: tinie_v17 (2) vs (0)_start_ (5-3)
9us: _gerardddd_ (2) vs (0) i_am_noob (5-1)
8uk: hunter (0) vs (2) dgeneratio (2-5)
Str: legend_pot (1) vs (1) dvz

Phoenix Revenge B (2) Vs (2) Pocket Dynamos B

8us: friendyboy vs punkpoet (s)
9us: _gerardddd_ (2) vs (0) james_h (6-2)
8uk: joeyy (0) vs (2) blueberry (3-5)
Str: (s) tinie_v17 vs jasonb

Phoenix Revenge B (4) Vs (0) Black Scorpions B
8us: joeyy (2) vs (0) askingfan (5-1)
9us: (swp) tinie_v17 (2) vs (0) sinkemall (5-2)
8uk: (s) _gerardddd_ vs callway40 (s)
Str: (swp) legend_pot vs _flukez_
Posts: 14,736
03:27 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 1
Deadline: 14th February 2016

Phoenix Revenge A

Phoenix Revenge A (10) Vs (9) FPD A
apples_back (3) vs (4) whocares8x8
_fresh_ vs scottyjr
shadows (4) vs (2) klien
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) crazy_greg (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (7) Vs (5) Uprising Originals
_fresh_ vs corsair
2pac786 (3) vs (3) miss_harriet
apples_back (4) vs (2) w_hoolahan
(s) rapid_pot vs clifton188

Phoenix Revenge A (5) Vs (1) Dragon Flame A

_knightmare_ vs red4eva (s)
rewill vs northman
apples_back (5) vs (1) poolbiird
(s) rapid_pot vs asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge A (4) Vs (2) Pocket Dynamos A
2pac786 vs _siber_man_
_fresh_ (4) vs (2) _takeiteasy_
jamesmcgarry vs the__priest
rewill vs davyb0207

Phoenix Revenge A (6) Vs (0) Phoenix Revenge B
apples_back vs legend_pot
_fresh_ vs joeyy
rapid_pot vs tinie_v17
2pac786 (6) vs (0) friendyboy
Posts: 14,736
03:28 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Phoenix Revenge B

Phoenix Revenge B (5) Vs (1) Uprising Strawberries
tinie_v17 vs dv8
joeyy (5) vs (1) horse10000
legend_pot vs zantetsukenz
andyw1 vs erigert (s)

Phoenix Revenge B (12) Vs (8) Dragon Flame B
tinie_v17 (6) vs (1) __start__
legend_pot vs dvz
hunter (4) vs (3) dgeneratio
joeyy (2) vs (4) i_am_noob

Phoenix Revenge B (2) Vs (4) Pocket Dynamos B
friendyboy vs walktall
hunter (2) vs (4) punkpoet
andyw1 vs james_h
legend_pot vs jasonb

Phoenix Revenge B (8) Vs (4) Black Scorpions B
_gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) scallo
joeyy (5) vs (1) sinkemall
hunter vs callaway40
friendyboy vs _flukez_

Phoenix Revenge A vs Phoenix Revenge B (Same as post above)
Posts: 14,736
03:28 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 2: 31/01/2016 >>> 21/02/2016

Phoenix Revenge (3) Vs (12) Uprising

legend_pot vs cgibson92
_fresh_ vs w_hoolahan
apples_back vs corsair (swp)
2pac786 vs miss_harriet
joeyy vs clifton188
rapid_pot vs r1p0m4n_v2
tinie_v17 (3) vs (12) dark_chocco
shadows vs dv8 (swp)

Phoenix Revenge (19) Vs (11) Dragon Flame

apples_back vs i_am_noob
hunter vs __start__
(s) tinie_v17 vs dvz
friendyboy vs allypunk
andyw1 vs dgeneratio
rewill (9) vs (6) re_rack_jack
_fresh_ (10) vs (5) lateo1993
legend_pot vs northman

Phoenix Revenge (20) Vs (10) FPD's

rapid_pot vs ferretlady
_gerardddd_ (13) vs (2) blackcabman7
joeyy vs _psmon_
tinie_v17 (7) vs (8) count_raven
hunter vs watchinawe
2pac786 vs _magic_
apples_back vs fr34k_p0t
rewill vs im_crap_adam

* I'll refrain from member tags for the time being - Week 2 they will be added as a gentle reminder.
Posts: 14,736
03:29 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Players Championship: Round Two
Deadline: 14/02/2016

apples_back vs dark_chocco
legend_pot vs re_rack_jack
tinie_v17 vs _fresh_

Good Luck
Posts: 124
03:40 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
'grats well done _fresh_ :)
Posts: 14,736
03:55 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix it stands

_knightmare_ (Co Captain)
friendyboy (Co Captain)
joeyy (Vice Captain)
_fresh_ (Vice Captain)
shadows (Away)
jamesmcgarry (Away)
andyw1 (Away)

We have 3 players currently away at the moment - so players will be subbed in as and when we can. We really could do with 2 more quality additions so keep a look out guys and let's add to the quality we already have.

Thanks and team is doing great.
Posts: 1,753
04:43 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 10,109
11:15 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fifth post on this subject.

We STILL have 2 Phoenix players that are unplayable. One is ineligible and one is offline 21 days.

May I ask why you're refusing to take action on this?

corsair v shadows
erigert v andyw1

Ourselves, PD's and Black Scorpions have so far been utterly frustrated by you making it impossible to complete fixtures. There really isn't any need for it.
Posts: 2,327
11:26 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh for Gods sake leave him alone, there's 3 weeks.
Posts: 14,736
12:52 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
IF and WHEN you stop harassing me and realise I'm only one person, I'll deal with your request. IF you want to continue to bombard me with similar posts and bump every message then I'll just ignore you.

It's your choice, I would appreciate some patience and respect. I have other things to deal with (online and offline) than put up and be expected to jump just when you or anyone else says so.

All I ask is for some consideration instead of the what appears to be constant nagging and unnecessary harassment.

Posts: 10,109
13:18 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
IF and WHEN you stop harassing me and realise I'm only one person, I'll deal with your request. IF you want to continue to bombard me with similar posts and bump every message then I'll just ignore you.

It's your choice, I would appreciate some patience and respect. I have other things to deal with (online and offline) than put up and be expected to jump just when you or anyone else says so.

All I ask is for some consideration instead of the what appears to be constant nagging and unnecessary harassment.


Under the current system, the only way to handle this situation is to post or message on a daily basis. I don't necessarily agree with it but it is within the guidelines that have been set. You are willfully stopping us playing fixtures and I have to point that out. I will continue to point it out on a daily basis until action is taken. If you don't take any action then you will continue to suffer the consequences and then rant on and on about how unfair it all is, despite the fact it will be a situation entirely of your own making.
Posts: 14,736
13:21 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You will get a sub and I'll take appropriate action when it's right and I'm able to do so. You're messages might appear to be ignored due to you not receiving replies each and every time but they are acknowledged and I'm sorting things out behind the scenes. Not all communication is determined through direct messaging each other.

I appreciate the lack of action is preventing a fixture being played but we are dealing with quite a depleted team at this present time. Not all your demands will be granted and I certainly will not ask anyone how high when you demand me to jump.

I'll keep you posted

Sent to dgeneratio too, same applies.

Edited at 11:25 Tue 02/02/16 (GMT)
Posts: 6,417
13:35 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I need a sub for andyw. He is offline for 21 days lol
Posts: 14,736
13:44 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have already posted:You will get a sub and I'll take appropriate action when it's right and I'm able to do so. You're messages might appear to be ignored due to you not receiving replies each and every time but they are acknowledged and I'm sorting things out behind the scenes. Not all communication is determined through direct messaging each other.

* andyw1 has been removed; subs will be made later when I have time. I'm busy at the moment.

Stop harassing me!!!
Posts: 14,736
16:37 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL: Phoenix Revenge B Vs Strawberries
Was: andyw1 vs erigert
Now: hunter vs erigert

SL: Phoenix Revenge B Vs Pocket Dynamos B
Was: andyw1 vs james_h
Now: _gerardddd_ vs james_h

Edited at 15:06 Tue 02/02/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
16:42 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 2 vs Dragon Flame
Was: andyw1 vs dgeneratio
Now: joeyy vs dgeneratio

(* just awaiting his reply first)
Posts: 14,736
16:45 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 2 vs Uprising
Was: shadows vs dv8
Now: rewill vs dv8
Posts: 14,736
16:56 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Now can people just leave me alone, I do not mind being asked to do something or anything just ask me once and not repetitively. Also it would be conducive to ask me nicely instead of preaching the damn rules at me every time. I do happen to know what I'm doing and will continue to operate as I do.

I haven't just built and gathered such a great team overnight it's been enduring many seasons and unfortunately having to put up with the constant and excessive crap along the way which has built my resolve and determination to want to succeed.

Correct respect works both ways and rightly so but keeping some common decency and manners also help. I am only one person. I'm trying my best, have a depleted team with relation to numbers available but we make up with that loss with top quality too.

(Just give me a break!)
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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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