Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!
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01:13 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
SL Fixture Set 1
Deadline: 14th February 2016
Phoenix Revenge A
Phoenix Revenge A (10) Vs (9) FPD A
apples_back (3) vs (4) whocares8x8
_fresh_ vs scottyjr
shadows (4) vs (2) klien
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) crazy_greg (s)
Phoenix Revenge A (7) Vs (5) Uprising Originals
_fresh_ vs corsair
2pac786 (3) vs (3) miss_harriet
apples_back (4) vs (2) w_hoolahan
(s) rapid_pot vs clifton188
Phoenix Revenge A (5) Vs (1) Dragon Flame A
_knightmare_ vs red4eva (s)
rewill vs northman
apples_back (5) vs (1) poolbiird
(s) rapid_pot vs asdfghjk
Phoenix Revenge A (4) Vs (2) Pocket Dynamos A
2pac786 vs _siber_man_
_fresh_ (4) vs (2) _takeiteasy_
jamesmcgarry vs the__priest
rewill vs davyb0207
Phoenix Revenge A (6) Vs (0) Phoenix Revenge B
apples_back vs legend_pot
_fresh_ vs joeyy
rapid_pot vs tinie_v17
2pac786 (6) vs (0) friendyboy
Edited at 00:28 Tue 02/02/16 (GMT)
Deadline: 14th February 2016
Phoenix Revenge A
Phoenix Revenge A (10) Vs (9) FPD A
apples_back (3) vs (4) whocares8x8
_fresh_ vs scottyjr
shadows (4) vs (2) klien
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) crazy_greg (s)
Phoenix Revenge A (7) Vs (5) Uprising Originals
_fresh_ vs corsair
2pac786 (3) vs (3) miss_harriet
apples_back (4) vs (2) w_hoolahan
(s) rapid_pot vs clifton188
Phoenix Revenge A (5) Vs (1) Dragon Flame A
_knightmare_ vs red4eva (s)
rewill vs northman
apples_back (5) vs (1) poolbiird
(s) rapid_pot vs asdfghjk
Phoenix Revenge A (4) Vs (2) Pocket Dynamos A
2pac786 vs _siber_man_
_fresh_ (4) vs (2) _takeiteasy_
jamesmcgarry vs the__priest
rewill vs davyb0207
Phoenix Revenge A (6) Vs (0) Phoenix Revenge B
apples_back vs legend_pot
_fresh_ vs joeyy
rapid_pot vs tinie_v17
2pac786 (6) vs (0) friendyboy
Edited at 00:28 Tue 02/02/16 (GMT)
01:14 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Phoenix Revenge B
Phoenix Revenge B (5) Vs (1) Uprising Strawberries
tinie_v17 vs dv8
joeyy (5) vs (1) horse10000
legend_pot vs zantetsukenz
andyw1 vs erigert (s)
Phoenix Revenge B (12) Vs (8) Dragon Flame B
tinie_v17 (6) vs (1) __start__
legend_pot vs dvz
hunter (4) vs (3) dgeneratio
joeyy (2) vs (4) i_am_noob
Phoenix Revenge B (2) Vs (4) Pocket Dynamos B
friendyboy vs walktall
hunter (2) vs (4) punkpoet
andyw1 vs james_h
legend_pot vs jasonb
Phoenix Revenge B (8) Vs (4) Black Scorpions B
_gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) scallo
joeyy (5) vs (1) sinkemall
hunter vs callaway40
friendyboy vs _flukez_
Phoenix Revenge A vs Phoenix Revenge B (Same as post above)
Phoenix Revenge B
Phoenix Revenge B (5) Vs (1) Uprising Strawberries
tinie_v17 vs dv8
joeyy (5) vs (1) horse10000
legend_pot vs zantetsukenz
andyw1 vs erigert (s)
Phoenix Revenge B (12) Vs (8) Dragon Flame B
tinie_v17 (6) vs (1) __start__
legend_pot vs dvz
hunter (4) vs (3) dgeneratio
joeyy (2) vs (4) i_am_noob
Phoenix Revenge B (2) Vs (4) Pocket Dynamos B
friendyboy vs walktall
hunter (2) vs (4) punkpoet
andyw1 vs james_h
legend_pot vs jasonb
Phoenix Revenge B (8) Vs (4) Black Scorpions B
_gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) scallo
joeyy (5) vs (1) sinkemall
hunter vs callaway40
friendyboy vs _flukez_
Phoenix Revenge A vs Phoenix Revenge B (Same as post above)
01:14 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
FCL Fix Set 2: 31/01/2016 >>> 21/02/2016
Phoenix Revenge (3) Vs (12) Uprising
legend_pot vs cgibson92
_fresh_ vs w_hoolahan
apples_back vs corsair (swp)
2pac786 vs miss_harriet
joeyy vs clifton188
rapid_pot vs r1p0m4n_v2
tinie_v17 (3) vs (12) dark_chocco
shadows vs dv8 (swp)
Phoenix Revenge (19) Vs (11) Dragon Flame
apples_back vs i_am_noob
hunter vs __start__
(s) tinie_v17 vs dvz
friendyboy vs allypunk
andyw1 vs dgeneratio
rewill (9) vs (6) re_rack_jack
_fresh_ (10) vs (5) lateo1993
legend_pot vs northman
Phoenix Revenge (20) Vs (10) FPD's
rapid_pot vs ferretlady
_gerardddd_ (13) vs (2) blackcabman7
joeyy vs _psmon_
tinie_v17 (7) vs (8) count_raven
hunter vs watchinawe
2pac786 vs _magic_
apples_back vs fr34k_p0t
rewill vs im_crap_adam
* I'll refrain from member tags for the time being - Week 2 they will be added as a gentle reminder.
Edited at 00:26 Tue 02/02/16 (GMT)
Phoenix Revenge (3) Vs (12) Uprising
legend_pot vs cgibson92
_fresh_ vs w_hoolahan
apples_back vs corsair (swp)
2pac786 vs miss_harriet
joeyy vs clifton188
rapid_pot vs r1p0m4n_v2
tinie_v17 (3) vs (12) dark_chocco
shadows vs dv8 (swp)
Phoenix Revenge (19) Vs (11) Dragon Flame
apples_back vs i_am_noob
hunter vs __start__
(s) tinie_v17 vs dvz
friendyboy vs allypunk
andyw1 vs dgeneratio
rewill (9) vs (6) re_rack_jack
_fresh_ (10) vs (5) lateo1993
legend_pot vs northman
Phoenix Revenge (20) Vs (10) FPD's
rapid_pot vs ferretlady
_gerardddd_ (13) vs (2) blackcabman7
joeyy vs _psmon_
tinie_v17 (7) vs (8) count_raven
hunter vs watchinawe
2pac786 vs _magic_
apples_back vs fr34k_p0t
rewill vs im_crap_adam
* I'll refrain from member tags for the time being - Week 2 they will be added as a gentle reminder.
Edited at 00:26 Tue 02/02/16 (GMT)
01:14 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Ash if you keep Inactive players in Fixtures and Do not remove them then its your own fault that it leaves the fixture down to the last week so you cant complain Neither can you expect to win the default by claiming we made no effort in the last week , You cant expect a player to wait around 14 days doing absolute nothing in his fixture and messaging an inactive player . You had many chances to remove the player and sub in joeyy alot earlier and the match would of definitely get played as ego was Very active in the 2 weeks. But it all boils down to you being stubborn and thinking you know best insted your making many errors along the way and blaming Rules .
For some reason you feel keeping inactive players in fixtures will get matches played in hope of them returning eg shadows , andyw1 but all it does is hinda the match.
For some reason you feel keeping inactive players in fixtures will get matches played in hope of them returning eg shadows , andyw1 but all it does is hinda the match.
01:14 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Just seen. But Bruce is a great name, just thinking to change one of my parrots name to it. At the Moment my parrot is called Sam.
Has he got a mate that flies about after him called tinie
Lmao iT is named Sam seriosly and his female mate is called Sasha.
Just seen. But Bruce is a great name, just thinking to change one of my parrots name to it. At the Moment my parrot is called Sam.
Has he got a mate that flies about after him called tinie
Lmao iT is named Sam seriosly and his female mate is called Sasha.
01:15 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Can I just point out AGAIN that we have 2 Phoenix opponents that are yet to be subbed out, one is ineligible and the other is inactive. I think this situation tells the entire story.
01:15 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
rebumped to this page
Ang: Andy said he cant get his laptop fixed, something about not being able to find the bloke who was fixing it.
All rules talking aside a genuine question, Hey Ash, do you plan on removing Andy or keep him in for two weeks and sub in third week?
i don't mind either as i'm fairly flexible and dislike defaults
All rules talking aside a genuine question, Hey Ash, do you plan on removing Andy or keep him in for two weeks and sub in third week?
i don't mind either as i'm fairly flexible and dislike defaults
rebumped to this page
01:16 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Does anyone care derik and erigert - Leave the thread now please, go talk about your pet names offline....who cares!!!
01:17 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
madness that !
Can I just point out AGAIN that we have 2 Phoenix opponents that are yet to be subbed out, one is ineligible and the other is inactive. I think this situation tells the entire story.
madness that !
01:17 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Dont talk about my pets like that! They have a soul too.
Does anyone care derik and erigert - Leave the thread now please, go talk about your pet names offline....who cares!!!
Dont talk about my pets like that! They have a soul too.
01:19 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
SL: Phoenix Revenge A vs Uprising Originals
Was: jamesmcgarry vs clifton188
Now: rapid_pot vs clifton188
Was: jamesmcgarry vs clifton188
Now: rapid_pot vs clifton188
01:20 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Capped for an hour to allow Phoenix to get their thread back
02:20 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Uncapped let's leave Phoenix to their thread now, if we want to discuss anything please can we use the discussion thread.
02:23 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
FCL: _fresh_ 10 vs 5 lateo1993
SL: apples_back 5 vs 1 poolbiird
FBL: apples_back (2) vs (0) asdfghjk (8us:6-2)
Great results guys - very well played.
FCL: _fresh_ 10 vs 5 lateo1993
SL: apples_back 5 vs 1 poolbiird
FBL: apples_back (2) vs (0) asdfghjk (8us:6-2)
Great results guys - very well played.
02:25 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
_fresh_ 10-5 lateo1993
8us I played very well, clearing most chances I got well, the one he won was a fantastic clearance he made look easy.
9us I was very very poor, unusual mistakes and loss of concentration on simple pots, he played well but handed me the last couple.
8uk was even, 3-2 either way would have been fairer, again crucial missed pots allowed me chances to finish frames.
Ggs pal we can both play better, but really enjoyed it best of luck for the season mate.
Would like to say this is my 50th clan win for Phoenix in this my third season, dedi it to Ash and all past and present clan members here.
_fresh_ 10-5 lateo1993
8us I played very well, clearing most chances I got well, the one he won was a fantastic clearance he made look easy.
9us I was very very poor, unusual mistakes and loss of concentration on simple pots, he played well but handed me the last couple.
8uk was even, 3-2 either way would have been fairer, again crucial missed pots allowed me chances to finish frames.
Ggs pal we can both play better, but really enjoyed it best of luck for the season mate.
Would like to say this is my 50th clan win for Phoenix in this my third season, dedi it to Ash and all past and present clan members here.
02:33 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
Great result mate - lateo1993 is a very good player, sometimes underestimated I feel. Thanks for the Dedi - 50 Clan wins - great stuff mate.
Hopefully many other 50's to follow, someone said to me 'a team is only as strong as it's weakest player'...well having players like we have here like you to encourage my game I like to think the team's getting stronger...I'm improving gradually.
So thank you.
Keep them coming matey.
Hopefully many other 50's to follow, someone said to me 'a team is only as strong as it's weakest player'...well having players like we have here like you to encourage my game I like to think the team's getting stronger...I'm improving gradually.
So thank you.
Keep them coming matey.
02:37 Tue 2 Feb 16 (GMT)
well done on the 50 wins mate and yeah, on another day could of been a much tighter scoreline, disappointed to lose like that, but to a quality player so il allow it this time definately had the chances to take the win, but all night my long pots have been off, feel free to hit me up if you ever need any practise games or anything, good luck with rest of the season
_fresh_ 10-5 lateo1993
8us I played very well, clearing most chances I got well, the one he won was a fantastic clearance he made look easy.
9us I was very very poor, unusual mistakes and loss of concentration on simple pots, he played well but handed me the last couple.
8uk was even, 3-2 either way would have been fairer, again crucial missed pots allowed me chances to finish frames.
Ggs pal we can both play better, but really enjoyed it best of luck for the season mate.
Would like to say this is my 50th clan win for Phoenix in this my third season, dedi it to Ash and all past and present clan members here.
_fresh_ 10-5 lateo1993
8us I played very well, clearing most chances I got well, the one he won was a fantastic clearance he made look easy.
9us I was very very poor, unusual mistakes and loss of concentration on simple pots, he played well but handed me the last couple.
8uk was even, 3-2 either way would have been fairer, again crucial missed pots allowed me chances to finish frames.
Ggs pal we can both play better, but really enjoyed it best of luck for the season mate.
Would like to say this is my 50th clan win for Phoenix in this my third season, dedi it to Ash and all past and present clan members here.
well done on the 50 wins mate and yeah, on another day could of been a much tighter scoreline, disappointed to lose like that, but to a quality player so il allow it this time definately had the chances to take the win, but all night my long pots have been off, feel free to hit me up if you ever need any practise games or anything, good luck with rest of the season
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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!
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