The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner
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18:18 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
cool, ty, dee, ill wait until Monday to play Alex if its ok with him, 3 clan games today + fcl more important
18:22 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
FCL - 5 of US, 9, UK
Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015
Phoenix 38 vs 37 Professionals
_fresh_ 4 vs 11 dvz
miss_harriet 12 vs 3 silent_hill
legend_pot vs _wales_lad_ (Friday)
davybaumers 7 vs 8 andyw1
2pac786 vs crazy_greg (Can play Friday and Saturday, vixen_xox or triple_b is an eligible sub)
friendyboy 3 vs 0 triple_b/vixen_xox (sub from 3-0 as bigcjl2 left)
_payback_ 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
joeyy 8 vs 7 lateo1993
FPD 51 vs 39 Professionals
scottyjr 11 vs 4 vixen_xox
whocares8x8 9 vs 6 andyw1
the__saint 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
_jesus_ 6 vs 9 triple_b
klien 8 vs 7 _wales_lad_
king8ball 7 vs 8 lateo1993
watchinawe vs crazy_greg (Greg can play Friday and Saturday)
ric_flair vs silent_hill
Revolution 40 vs 35 Professionals
kris vs triple_b
kingdadcool vs _wales_lad_
mikeybboy 7 vs 8 lateo1993
tip_doctor 10 vs 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird 10 vs 5 andyw1
lolumadbro 9 vs 6 silent_hill
fasteddie_ vs crazy_greg (Friday and Saturday)
mrmagic 4 vs 11 dvz
^ not added Incomplete to scores
Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015
Phoenix 38 vs 37 Professionals
_fresh_ 4 vs 11 dvz
miss_harriet 12 vs 3 silent_hill
legend_pot vs _wales_lad_ (Friday)
davybaumers 7 vs 8 andyw1
2pac786 vs crazy_greg (Can play Friday and Saturday, vixen_xox or triple_b is an eligible sub)
friendyboy 3 vs 0 triple_b/vixen_xox (sub from 3-0 as bigcjl2 left)
_payback_ 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
joeyy 8 vs 7 lateo1993
FPD 51 vs 39 Professionals
scottyjr 11 vs 4 vixen_xox
whocares8x8 9 vs 6 andyw1
the__saint 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
_jesus_ 6 vs 9 triple_b
klien 8 vs 7 _wales_lad_
king8ball 7 vs 8 lateo1993
watchinawe vs crazy_greg (Greg can play Friday and Saturday)
ric_flair vs silent_hill
Revolution 40 vs 35 Professionals
kris vs triple_b
kingdadcool vs _wales_lad_
mikeybboy 7 vs 8 lateo1993
tip_doctor 10 vs 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird 10 vs 5 andyw1
lolumadbro 9 vs 6 silent_hill
fasteddie_ vs crazy_greg (Friday and Saturday)
mrmagic 4 vs 11 dvz
^ not added Incomplete to scores
18:23 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Pocket Dynamos 8 v 4 The Professionals
8US jasonb 0 v 2 triple_b
8US _siber_man_ v crazy_greg
9US re_rack_jack 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US bulletzzzz 2 v 0 silent_hill
8UK the__priest 2 v 0 andyw1
8UK ang3l v lateo1993
STR w_hoolahan 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 dvz
FPD 2 v 6 The Professionals
8US blackcabman7 0 v 2 crazy_greg
8US ric_flair v lateo1993
9US fr34k_pot 0 v 2 vixen_xox
9US watchinawe v toluca_is_bk
8UK whocares8x8 2 v 0 triple_b
8UK bonfireheart v dgeneratio/_wales_lad_
STR klien 0 v 2 silent_hill
STR the__saint v dvz
Edited at 16:21 Fri 23/10/15 (BST)
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Pocket Dynamos 8 v 4 The Professionals
8US jasonb 0 v 2 triple_b
8US _siber_man_ v crazy_greg
9US re_rack_jack 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US bulletzzzz 2 v 0 silent_hill
8UK the__priest 2 v 0 andyw1
8UK ang3l v lateo1993
STR w_hoolahan 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 dvz
FPD 2 v 6 The Professionals
8US blackcabman7 0 v 2 crazy_greg
8US ric_flair v lateo1993
9US fr34k_pot 0 v 2 vixen_xox
9US watchinawe v toluca_is_bk
8UK whocares8x8 2 v 0 triple_b
8UK bonfireheart v dgeneratio/_wales_lad_
STR klien 0 v 2 silent_hill
STR the__saint v dvz
Edited at 16:21 Fri 23/10/15 (BST)
18:24 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Phoenix 8 v 2 The Professionals
8US friendyboy v crazy_greg
8US miss_harriet 2 v 0 silent_hill
9US _payback_ v vixen_xox
9US davybaumers 2 v 0 _wales_lad_
8UK _fresh_ v andyw1
8UK alex_lewis 2 v 0 lateo1993
STR legend_pot 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR joeyy 0 v 2 dvz
Uprising 3 v 3 The Professionals
8US strange_daze v dgeneratio
8US corsair v triple_b
9US fran_ 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US zantetsukenz v silent_hill
8UK _niall_ v _wales_lad_
8UK r1p0m4n_v2 1 v 1 lateo1993
STR erigert 0 v 2 thegame26
STR turtle1560 v dvz
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Phoenix 8 v 2 The Professionals
8US friendyboy v crazy_greg
8US miss_harriet 2 v 0 silent_hill
9US _payback_ v vixen_xox
9US davybaumers 2 v 0 _wales_lad_
8UK _fresh_ v andyw1
8UK alex_lewis 2 v 0 lateo1993
STR legend_pot 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR joeyy 0 v 2 dvz
Uprising 3 v 3 The Professionals
8US strange_daze v dgeneratio
8US corsair v triple_b
9US fran_ 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US zantetsukenz v silent_hill
8UK _niall_ v _wales_lad_
8UK r1p0m4n_v2 1 v 1 lateo1993
STR erigert 0 v 2 thegame26
STR turtle1560 v dvz
18:25 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events
Phoenix B 8 vs 4 Pros A
legend_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ 5 vs 1 vixen_xox
2pac786 3 vs 3 triple_b
slimeball vs _wales_lad_
FPD B 6 vs 7 Pros A
fr34k_p0t 4 vs 3 silent_hill
ric_flair vs vixen_xox
bonfireheart 2 vs 4 triple_b
_jesus_ vs _wales_lad_
Dynamos B 6 vs 0 Pros A
the__priest vs triple_b (the snooker rematch on pool )
w_hoolahan 6 vs 0 vixen_xox
re_rack_jack vs dvz
_siber_man_ vs _wales_lad_
Uprising C 2 vs 5 Pros A
cgibson92 vs dvz
corsair vs vixen_xox
dv8 vs triple_b (dv8 morning or early evening)
rubber_duck 2 vs 5 silent_hill
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Edited at 17:15 Fri 23/10/15 (BST)
Phoenix B 8 vs 4 Pros A
legend_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ 5 vs 1 vixen_xox
2pac786 3 vs 3 triple_b
slimeball vs _wales_lad_
FPD B 6 vs 7 Pros A
fr34k_p0t 4 vs 3 silent_hill
ric_flair vs vixen_xox
bonfireheart 2 vs 4 triple_b
_jesus_ vs _wales_lad_
Dynamos B 6 vs 0 Pros A
the__priest vs triple_b (the snooker rematch on pool )
w_hoolahan 6 vs 0 vixen_xox
re_rack_jack vs dvz
_siber_man_ vs _wales_lad_
Uprising C 2 vs 5 Pros A
cgibson92 vs dvz
corsair vs vixen_xox
dv8 vs triple_b (dv8 morning or early evening)
rubber_duck 2 vs 5 silent_hill
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.
Edited at 17:15 Fri 23/10/15 (BST)
18:26 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events
Phoenix A 4 vs 8 Pros B
davybaumers 2 vs 4 andyw1
_payback_ 2 vs 4 lateo1993
joeyy vs toluca_is_bk
friendyboy vs dgeneratio
FPD A 6 vs 12 Pros B
klien vs crazy_greg
scottyjr 4 vs 2 dgeneratio
the__saint 0 vs 6 andyw1
im_crap_adam 2 vs 4 lateo1993
Dynamos A 8 vs 5 Pros B
jasonb 6 vs 1 toluca_is_bk
bulletzzzz vs dgeneratio
blueberry 2 vs 4 andyw1
marksmith vs lateo1993
Uprising A 5 vs 1 Pros B
fran_ vs crazy_greg
strange_daze vs lateo1993 (morning/late evening player)
turtle1560 5 vs 1 andyw1
_niall_ vs dgeneratio
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Edited at 16:30 Fri 23/10/15 (BST)
Phoenix A 4 vs 8 Pros B
davybaumers 2 vs 4 andyw1
_payback_ 2 vs 4 lateo1993
joeyy vs toluca_is_bk
friendyboy vs dgeneratio
FPD A 6 vs 12 Pros B
klien vs crazy_greg
scottyjr 4 vs 2 dgeneratio
the__saint 0 vs 6 andyw1
im_crap_adam 2 vs 4 lateo1993
Dynamos A 8 vs 5 Pros B
jasonb 6 vs 1 toluca_is_bk
bulletzzzz vs dgeneratio
blueberry 2 vs 4 andyw1
marksmith vs lateo1993
Uprising A 5 vs 1 Pros B
fran_ vs crazy_greg
strange_daze vs lateo1993 (morning/late evening player)
turtle1560 5 vs 1 andyw1
_niall_ vs dgeneratio
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.
Edited at 16:30 Fri 23/10/15 (BST)
18:35 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
bonfireheart vs bigcjl2
bonfireheart vs dgeneratio/_wales_lad_
^ soz guys forgot to sub for this one
preferably i would like Aled to play as i subbed in 3 games but i can play also.
bonfireheart vs bigcjl2
bonfireheart vs dgeneratio/_wales_lad_
^ soz guys forgot to sub for this one
preferably i would like Aled to play as i subbed in 3 games but i can play also.
19:20 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
SL vs scottyjr
I made too many mistakes and could have lost all 6, some unexpected angles, poor position but 1-4 down and took a 1/10 risk and i got a touch of luck in UK but i deserved it as i was brave.
Liam didn't play well either but made less mistakes except the other frame i won where he missed a sitter.
ggs mate
I made too many mistakes and could have lost all 6, some unexpected angles, poor position but 1-4 down and took a 1/10 risk and i got a touch of luck in UK but i deserved it as i was brave.
Liam didn't play well either but made less mistakes except the other frame i won where he missed a sitter.
ggs mate
20:11 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
fr3ak_pot vs silent_hill
0-2 8us
1-1 9us
3-0 8uk (gb for him)
4-3 to him overall.
fr3ak_pot vs silent_hill
0-2 8us
1-1 9us
3-0 8uk (gb for him)
4-3 to him overall.
23:03 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
Lateo1993 vs Marksmith
8US: 0 - 2
9US: 1 - 1 (run out for him)
8UK: 2 - 0
Overall 3 - 4
sorry guys, played poor, my first games of the night but not alot i could do, he played well, not bad from 4-0 down though
Lateo1993 vs Marksmith
8US: 0 - 2
9US: 1 - 1 (run out for him)
8UK: 2 - 0
Overall 3 - 4
sorry guys, played poor, my first games of the night but not alot i could do, he played well, not bad from 4-0 down though
23:14 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
silent_hill vs ric_flair
4-1 8us
3-2 9us
3-2 8uk
10-5 to me overall.
Dominated 8us apart from the frame where I potted the black, 9us starts and ouch! I was on a run out in first frame, had a pretty tough double for the 9 ball, missed it, left him an easy tap in, he hit it slightly to hard an white followed, then I missed the penalty shot, was a funny but frustrating game, he went 2-0 up in 9us before I pulled it back to win 3-2. Best play from him came in 8uk he potted some sweet shots, I was trying to stay in it for the majority, few mistakes from us both cost us both frames. Fair score i'd say ggs mate
silent_hill vs ric_flair
4-1 8us
3-2 9us
3-2 8uk
10-5 to me overall.
Dominated 8us apart from the frame where I potted the black, 9us starts and ouch! I was on a run out in first frame, had a pretty tough double for the 9 ball, missed it, left him an easy tap in, he hit it slightly to hard an white followed, then I missed the penalty shot, was a funny but frustrating game, he went 2-0 up in 9us before I pulled it back to win 3-2. Best play from him came in 8uk he potted some sweet shots, I was trying to stay in it for the majority, few mistakes from us both cost us both frames. Fair score i'd say ggs mate
23:34 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
dgen 3-3 niall in SL
made a mistake in 1 frame which cost me but niall did the same in the other so fair result.
ggs mate
made a mistake in 1 frame which cost me but niall did the same in the other so fair result.
ggs mate
23:43 Fri 23 Oct 15 (BST)
Lateo1993 4 - 4 Ric_flair
good games all round, deserved result from both players, couldn't be seperated, love this guy
Lateo1993 4 - 4 Ric_flair
good games all round, deserved result from both players, couldn't be seperated, love this guy
00:14 Sat 24 Oct 15 (BST)
legend_pot vs _wales_lad_
legend_pot vs triple_b
up to sarah if she plays, gl if they do play
legend_pot vs _wales_lad_
legend_pot vs triple_b
up to sarah if she plays, gl if they do play
00:22 Sat 24 Oct 15 (BST)
I possibly won't be able to get on tomorrow night now, b ut available tonight instead. Would it be better if I played legend pot and Sarah played Alex?
00:24 Sat 24 Oct 15 (BST)
either is fine, i can pm alex on fb if hes free
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner
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