The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner
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20:43 Wed 21 Oct 15 (BST)
FCL - 5 of US, 9, UK
Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015
Phoenix 38 vs 37 Professionals
_fresh_ 4 vs 11 dvz
miss_harriet 12 vs 3 silent_hill
legend_pot vs _wales_lad_ (Friday)
davybaumers 7 vs 8 andyw1
2pac786 vs crazy_greg (Can play Friday and Saturday, vixen_xox or triple_b is an eligible sub)
friendyboy 3 vs 0 bigcjl2 (Must Finish)
_payback_ 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
joeyy 8 vs 7 lateo1993
FPD 51 vs 39 Professionals
scottyjr 11 vs 4 vixen_xox
whocares8x8 9 vs 6 andyw1
the__saint 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
_jesus_ 6 vs 9 triple_b
klien 8 vs 7 _wales_lad_
king8ball 7 vs 8 lateo1993
watchinawe vs crazy_greg (Greg can play Friday and Saturday)
ric_flair vs bigcjl2
Revolution 40 vs 35 Professionals
kris vs triple_b
tinie_v17 vs _wales_lad_
mikeybboy 7 vs 8 lateo1993
tip_doctor 10 vs 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird 10 vs 5 andyw1
lolumadbro 9 vs 6 silent_hill
fasteddie_ vs crazy_greg (Friday and Saturday)
mrmagic 4 vs 11 dvz
^ not added Incomplete to scores
Edited at 20:18 Wed 21/10/15 (BST)
Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015
Phoenix 38 vs 37 Professionals
_fresh_ 4 vs 11 dvz
miss_harriet 12 vs 3 silent_hill
legend_pot vs _wales_lad_ (Friday)
davybaumers 7 vs 8 andyw1
2pac786 vs crazy_greg (Can play Friday and Saturday, vixen_xox or triple_b is an eligible sub)
friendyboy 3 vs 0 bigcjl2 (Must Finish)
_payback_ 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
joeyy 8 vs 7 lateo1993
FPD 51 vs 39 Professionals
scottyjr 11 vs 4 vixen_xox
whocares8x8 9 vs 6 andyw1
the__saint 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
_jesus_ 6 vs 9 triple_b
klien 8 vs 7 _wales_lad_
king8ball 7 vs 8 lateo1993
watchinawe vs crazy_greg (Greg can play Friday and Saturday)
ric_flair vs bigcjl2
Revolution 40 vs 35 Professionals
kris vs triple_b
tinie_v17 vs _wales_lad_
mikeybboy 7 vs 8 lateo1993
tip_doctor 10 vs 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird 10 vs 5 andyw1
lolumadbro 9 vs 6 silent_hill
fasteddie_ vs crazy_greg (Friday and Saturday)
mrmagic 4 vs 11 dvz
^ not added Incomplete to scores
Edited at 20:18 Wed 21/10/15 (BST)
20:46 Wed 21 Oct 15 (BST)
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Pocket Dynamos 8 v 4 The Professionals
8US jasonb 0 v 2 triple_b
8US _siber_man_ v crazy_greg
9US re_rack_jack 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US bulletzzzz 2 v 0 silent_hill
8UK the__priest 2 v 0 andyw1
8UK ang3l v lateo1993
STR w_hoolahan 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 dvz
FPD 0 v 6 The Professionals
8US blackcabman7 0 v 2 crazy_greg
8US ric_flair v lateo1993
9US fr34k_pot 0 v 2 vixen_xox
9US watchinawe v toluca_is_bk
8UK whocares8x8 v triple_b
8UK bonfireheart v bigcjl2
STR klien 0 v 2 silent_hill
STR the__saint v dvz
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Pocket Dynamos 8 v 4 The Professionals
8US jasonb 0 v 2 triple_b
8US _siber_man_ v crazy_greg
9US re_rack_jack 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US bulletzzzz 2 v 0 silent_hill
8UK the__priest 2 v 0 andyw1
8UK ang3l v lateo1993
STR w_hoolahan 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 dvz
FPD 0 v 6 The Professionals
8US blackcabman7 0 v 2 crazy_greg
8US ric_flair v lateo1993
9US fr34k_pot 0 v 2 vixen_xox
9US watchinawe v toluca_is_bk
8UK whocares8x8 v triple_b
8UK bonfireheart v bigcjl2
STR klien 0 v 2 silent_hill
STR the__saint v dvz
20:52 Wed 21 Oct 15 (BST)
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Phoenix 8 v 2 The Professionals
8US friendyboy v crazy_greg
8US miss_harriet 2 v 0 silent_hill
9US _payback_ v vixen_xox
9US davybaumers 2 v 0 _wales_lad_
8UK _fresh_ v andyw1
8UK alex_lewis 2 v 0 lateo1993
STR legend_pot 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR joeyy 0 v 2 dvz
Uprising 3 v 3 The Professionals
8US strange_daze v triple_b (hows this going, think Johnny is morning player)
8US corsair v bigcjl2
9US fran_ 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US zantetsukenz v silent_hill
8UK _niall_ v _wales_lad_
8UK r1p0m4n_v2 1 v 1 lateo1993
STR erigert 0 v 2 thegame26
STR turtle1560 v dvz
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )
Phoenix 8 v 2 The Professionals
8US friendyboy v crazy_greg
8US miss_harriet 2 v 0 silent_hill
9US _payback_ v vixen_xox
9US davybaumers 2 v 0 _wales_lad_
8UK _fresh_ v andyw1
8UK alex_lewis 2 v 0 lateo1993
STR legend_pot 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR joeyy 0 v 2 dvz
Uprising 3 v 3 The Professionals
8US strange_daze v triple_b (hows this going, think Johnny is morning player)
8US corsair v bigcjl2
9US fran_ 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US zantetsukenz v silent_hill
8UK _niall_ v _wales_lad_
8UK r1p0m4n_v2 1 v 1 lateo1993
STR erigert 0 v 2 thegame26
STR turtle1560 v dvz
20:54 Wed 21 Oct 15 (BST)
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events
Phoenix B 5 vs 1 Pros A
legend_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ 5 vs 1 vixen_xox
2pac786 vs triple_b
slimeball vs _wales_lad_
FPD B 2 vs 4 Pros A
fr34k_p0t vs silent_hill
ric_flair vs vixen_xox
bonfireheart 2 vs 4 triple_b
_jesus_ vs _wales_lad_
Dynamos B 6 vs 0 Pros A
the__priest vs triple_b (the snooker rematch on pool )
w_hoolahan 6 vs 0 vixen_xox
re_rack_jack vs dvz
_siber_man_ vs _wales_lad_
Uprising C 2 vs 5 Pros A
cgibson92 vs dvz
corsair vs vixen_xox
dv8 vs triple_b (dv8 morning or early evening)
rubber_duck 2 vs 5 silent_hill
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Phoenix B 5 vs 1 Pros A
legend_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ 5 vs 1 vixen_xox
2pac786 vs triple_b
slimeball vs _wales_lad_
FPD B 2 vs 4 Pros A
fr34k_p0t vs silent_hill
ric_flair vs vixen_xox
bonfireheart 2 vs 4 triple_b
_jesus_ vs _wales_lad_
Dynamos B 6 vs 0 Pros A
the__priest vs triple_b (the snooker rematch on pool )
w_hoolahan 6 vs 0 vixen_xox
re_rack_jack vs dvz
_siber_man_ vs _wales_lad_
Uprising C 2 vs 5 Pros A
cgibson92 vs dvz
corsair vs vixen_xox
dv8 vs triple_b (dv8 morning or early evening)
rubber_duck 2 vs 5 silent_hill
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.
20:55 Wed 21 Oct 15 (BST)
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events
Phoenix A 4 vs 8 Pros B
davybaumers 2 vs 4 andyw1
_payback_ 2 vs 4 lateo1993
joeyy vs toluca_is_bk
friendyboy vs dgeneratio
FPD A 2 vs 10 Pros B
klien vs crazy_greg
scottyjr vs bigcjl2
the__saint 0 vs 6 andyw1
im_crap_adam 2 vs 4 lateo1993
Dynamos A 2 vs 4 Pros B
jasonb vs toluca_is_bk (morning/early afternoon)
bulletzzzz vs bigcjl2
blueberry 2 vs 4 andyw1
marksmith vs lateo1993
Uprising A 5 vs 1 Pros B
fran_ vs crazy_greg
strange_daze vs lateo1993 (morning player)
turtle1560 5 vs 1 andyw1
_niall_ vs dgeneratio
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Phoenix A 4 vs 8 Pros B
davybaumers 2 vs 4 andyw1
_payback_ 2 vs 4 lateo1993
joeyy vs toluca_is_bk
friendyboy vs dgeneratio
FPD A 2 vs 10 Pros B
klien vs crazy_greg
scottyjr vs bigcjl2
the__saint 0 vs 6 andyw1
im_crap_adam 2 vs 4 lateo1993
Dynamos A 2 vs 4 Pros B
jasonb vs toluca_is_bk (morning/early afternoon)
bulletzzzz vs bigcjl2
blueberry 2 vs 4 andyw1
marksmith vs lateo1993
Uprising A 5 vs 1 Pros B
fran_ vs crazy_greg
strange_daze vs lateo1993 (morning player)
turtle1560 5 vs 1 andyw1
_niall_ vs dgeneratio
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 8th November 2015
Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.
23:10 Wed 21 Oct 15 (BST)
sorry i hadn't played for a few days and didn't have a practice frame
me 7 v 8 klien
1 runout in 9us & 8uk for me
1 runout in 9us for klien
i threw 3 frames away with careless play 1 in each type lol but v good frames throughout
ggs mate
me 7 v 8 klien
1 runout in 9us & 8uk for me
1 runout in 9us for klien
i threw 3 frames away with careless play 1 in each type lol but v good frames throughout
ggs mate
23:47 Wed 21 Oct 15 (BST)
Won't be on most of tomorrow afternoon as got a tanks update and bro won't be here for the weekend so going to take advantage of the xbox (same could apply for weekend also) but will come on to play if i get notice in the morning.
Should be on mornings and from teatime onwards as usual.
Should be on mornings and from teatime onwards as usual.
01:12 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
tomorrow and friday and sunday are big days at work so unlikely to be on until night time each day, saturday im going to portsmouth for the footy so probably around just for night then too, hopefully around during day next week for strange_daze game
private messaged marksmith online now, think hes afk though
private messaged marksmith online now, think hes afk though
01:52 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
i can do mornings where sarah can't and easier for her to catch pirate. I can't sub until Sunday but can do the swap.
8US strange_daze v triple_b
8US corsair v bigcjl2
8US strange_daze v bigcjl2
8US corsair v triple_b
I'll sub in from Sunday to play Johnny
8US strange_daze v triple_b
8US corsair v bigcjl2
8US strange_daze v bigcjl2
8US corsair v triple_b
I'll sub in from Sunday to play Johnny
01:55 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
triple_b vs whocares8x8
8uk 5-1 to him , hes very very good , ggs
8uk 5-1 to him , hes very very good , ggs
01:56 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
ul sarah, sebs on fire games wise, dunno how he plays so many on a night lol
02:07 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
hopefully playing strange_daze in a minute, tough match i have heard
02:36 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
Lateo1993 vs Strange_daze
8US: 1 - 1
9US: 1 - 1
8UK: 1 - 1
Overall 3 - 3
good games all round, nothing special from either player, just a game that just passed me by too be honest, absolutely knackered so just glad i didn't lose
Lateo1993 vs Strange_daze
8US: 1 - 1
9US: 1 - 1
8UK: 1 - 1
Overall 3 - 3
good games all round, nothing special from either player, just a game that just passed me by too be honest, absolutely knackered so just glad i didn't lose
04:07 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
Fixture set 2 defaults have been completed and current table is as follows:-

04:09 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
Lets go Pro B's decent position in top half of table, not bad for a team thats apparently going downhill huh
10:33 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
true could be better but glad to see FPD up there for a change and no surprise from Uprising
21:32 Thu 22 Oct 15 (BST)
Should be playing Seb on Snooker tonight then Friendyboy if he is on, Tomorrow night i arranged to play my early bird bogey player, Niall
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner
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