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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
SL vs bulletz

4-2 to me

He tried very hard in his Jagpanzer E-100 to damage my angled E-100 he got a few bounces then gets a penetration for 1,200 damage, My gun penned 2 shots for around 1500 damage, he then loads a special shell which my tank couldn't dodge for 1,250 damage. My health is now on 350 so one shot and i'm down and managed to finish him off.

I played well for a change, only missing one pot up the rail, another a pot didn't go and tried to make it, no safety play in these games and usually (except 2nd 8us) the first man in lost, unfortunately that was him 4 or 5 times.

good player, good games pal
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
SL vs bulletz

4-2 to me

He tried very hard in his Jagpanzer E-100 to damage my angled E-100 he got a few bounces then gets a penetration for 1,200 damage, My gun penned 2 shots for around 1500 damage, he then loads a special shell which my tank couldn't dodge for 1,250 damage. My health is now on 350 so one shot and i'm down and managed to finish him off.

I played well for a change, only missing one pot up the rail, another a pot didn't go and tried to make it, no safety play in these games and usually (except 2nd 8us) the first man in lost, unfortunately that was him 4 or 5 times.

good player, good games pal

The ric_flair of world of tanks. I have seen everything now i think
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Posts: 529
9 years ago  [Link]  
you left me needing 11-4 win to draw vs fpd (thanks)

crazy_greg 12 - 3 watchinawe

Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
class pal, got out of a jam there.

speaking of jam, i think this results proves how far FPD has come nearly beating Pros, Albeit not the Pros everyone used to know and fear but still well achieved. Buckjam has a lot to do with that so great work mate
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
you left me needing 11-4 win to draw vs fpd (thanks)

thats what we are here for well played though

it gets worse though, whoever plays 2pac needs a 15-0 to draw, probably 100/1 shot but who knows.
Posts: 4,231
9 years ago  [Link]  
SL vs bulletz

4-2 to me

He tried very hard in his Jagpanzer E-100 to damage my angled E-100 he got a few bounces then gets a penetration for 1,200 damage, My gun penned 2 shots for around 1500 damage, he then loads a special shell which my tank couldn't dodge for 1,250 damage. My health is now on 350 so one shot and i'm down and managed to finish him off.

I played well for a change, only missing one pot up the rail, another a pot didn't go and tried to make it, no safety play in these games and usually (except 2nd 8us) the first man in lost, unfortunately that was him 4 or 5 times.

good player, good games pal

The ric_flair of world of tanks. I have seen everything now i think

gotta love this
Posts: 4,231
9 years ago  [Link]  
class pal, got out of a jam there.

speaking of jam, i think this results proves how far FPD has come nearly beating Pros, Albeit not the Pros everyone used to know and fear but still well achieved. Buckjam has a lot to do with that so great work mate

thy really have improved massively, havnt they.

well done, Jamie!
Posts: 4,231
9 years ago  [Link]  
been in contact with Sarah, she was here told me tht she has lag. havnt heard anything since.

id say she will b bk soon so I will keep an eye open for her
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
keep me updated pal, can swap Aled in or even play myself if needed.
Posts: 1,169
9 years ago  [Link]  
Disaster, my laptops pretty dead, white screen and a crack in corner, don't know how it's happened

Will try to borrow one when possible so hopefully be able to get on tonight, just may not be on during the day much now til I can get another laptop
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
overkill mate you need subbing at all? will wait until third week though as i won't remove you (partly dislike that rule as too much messing on last week ).
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
class pal, got out of a jam there.

speaking of jam, i think this results proves how far FPD has come nearly beating Pros, Albeit not the Pros everyone used to know and fear but still well achieved. Buckjam has a lot to do with that so great work mate

Well done guys. Was never happy with Greg still to play. Was hoping watchinawe might have to play dvz lol.
Congrats to you and good luck for the rest.
Posts: 1,169
9 years ago  [Link]  
overkill mate you need subbing at all? will wait until third week though as i won't remove you (partly dislike that rule as too much messing on last week ).

Meant to play ang3l by end of week but she's offline 20+ days, it's ok bud il get on, il find a way
Posts: 1,617
9 years ago  [Link]  
triple b vs dv8

8us 1-1
9us 0-2
8uk 0-2

he played very well , i had some lag at start of the first frame of 9us tho and through rest of the frames , ggs wp sorry
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
don't worry, results aren't important, completion is.

if your still lagging i can sub in if needed
Posts: 4,231
9 years ago  [Link]  
fcl sub
was kingdadcool- _wales_lad_

is now welshnow18 vs _wales_lad_
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
fcl sub
was kingdadcool- _wales_lad_

is now welshnow18 vs _wales_lad_

now welshnow18 vs dgeneratio
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  

2pac786 vs crazy_greg
2pac786 vs _wales_lad_
Posts: 203
9 years ago  [Link]  
lost 5-2 to siber

gifed 2 8us , he hit fluke snooker to win the 9us game and i sunk white twice in uk


waited 50 mins past arranged time for 2pac with a no show
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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