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Deleted User
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22:10 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Surely Uprising can survive without faust ? - (they do when he's on holiday 5 times a year (allegedly) ).

They don't need him to hold their hand etc, I'm sure they have plenty of players who can remain active and keep the team afloat.

Edited at 19:54 Wed 02/11/16 (GMT)

Have you not noticed that most of uprising have no interest anymore and only log in when Stu gets them online, why do you think they've been struggling get 5 on for killer in most games? It's not 2 hard to work out really is it....
Posts: 38,097
22:14 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Surely Uprising can survive without faust ? - (they do when he's on holiday 5 times a year (allegedly) ).

They don't need him to hold their hand etc, I'm sure they have plenty of players who can remain active and keep the team afloat.

Edited at 19:54 Wed 02/11/16 (GMT)

Have you not noticed that most of uprising have no interest anymore and only log in when Stu gets them online, why do you think they've been struggling get 5 on for killer in most games? It's not 2 hard to work out really is it....

and clans moaned at Uprising as when Stu went away their was little or no progress (especially last time) and games got defaulted because of it.

Stu has direct contact with most of his team, Zante and Keith may not so Stu can contact them, bit like myself if i have them on Facebook.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:18 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash is to stupid to work it out. If players have no interest in playing the game anymore then without someone nagging at them to come online all the time they are never gonna log in.

I'm sure it would be a different story next season when they are playing against his team and he's crying for subs cause they are never online.
Posts: 14,736
22:33 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I disagree, I'm not the one who should be categorized as 'stupid' thanks all the same. The players i have at Phoenix Reapers are perfectly capable of looking after themselves. I am only there to help as and when they require it.

IF a team can function and operate or show willing, effort or any application ONLY when their Captain has to mollycoddle them then I say more fool him. A Captain and his players should show equal commitment and effort in just trying to get games done/completed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:37 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your players are still interested in playing hence why they keep logging in, most of uprising are not interested anymore and haven't been for sometime hence why they don't log in unless Stu gets them on, try working it out jeez...
Posts: 6,417
22:40 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It isn't Uprising without Stu though, Just like no FPD without Bucky, no SS without Seb, no MVP without Keith/Ab, no Phoenix without Ash.

If Stu left and they continued then no longer Uprising.

Take Pros, Rich left, Matty left, I was left in charge, Our top players left because of a change in leadership except Dvz which i appreciated, This would be just the same thing.

We would have stayed even without faust (he never plays anyway ) but the problem is that our guys arent active enough to keep a clan going. Even this season proved it was difficult for us to manage some of the games being played. So better fold at the end of the season than during it.
Posts: 10,109
22:40 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Reapers can easily survive without me not a problem, whether the team and it's players would want to is another thing. So no one is indispensable to any team, that's just nothing but a myth and a false belief.

I'm afraid you're the only purveyor of nonsense here Ash, as per usual. I am indispensable to uprising, and they wouldn't last a season without me. Unlike you and your make belief "friends" I actually meet up in real life with these people, and have plans to meet up with the ones I haven't yet. Most of the likes of Chris Gibson etc only came on for the last 4 seasons purely because of me. You'll see that when I go, maybe 4 - 5 Uprising players max will stick playing clan pool.

You're desperate for clans to stay together so your failed project can finally be the dominant force by default, because there won't be any other strong clans left. I'll enjoy watching you win a 3 team league and then making 1000000 posts on how glorious it is, and how AMAZING you've all done! Safe in the knowledge that whilst Uprising existed, we were always your superiors!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:41 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It isn't Uprising without Stu though, Just like no FPD without Bucky, no SS without Seb, no MVP without Keith/Ab, no Phoenix without Ash.

If Stu left and they continued then no longer Uprising.

Take Pros, Rich left, Matty left, I was left in charge, Our top players left because of a change in leadership except Dvz which i appreciated, This would be just the same thing.

We would have stayed even without faust (he never plays anyway ) but the problem is that our guys arent active enough to keep a clan going. Even this season proved it was difficult for us to manage some of the games being played. So better fold at the end of the season than during it.

Ash is really struggling to work this out so could you explain it in better detail m8...
Posts: 10,109
22:44 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Ash is really struggling to work this out so could you explain it in better detail m8...

Ash hates to admit that I've done an outstanding job of forcing on disinterested players for a number of seasons now. And I've done it without gaining a reputation for being creepy, or <removed>! Hell....the entire sites gonna miss me!!

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 00:27 Thu 03/11/16 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:49 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol yes m8 your mollycoddling skills have been absolutely outstanding
Posts: 10,109
22:58 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol yes m8 your mollycoddling skills have been absolutely outstanding

You better believe it! I'll still pop on now and again to comfort my friends, and wind up my enemies! :P

Before I went to Cyprus, I even got Marty (irish_ninja) to log back in! lol

I like how the lonely, little, spiteful man keeps on doubting how often I go abroad - despite EVERYONE in Uprising seeing my pics everytime I go away on facebook! lol

Dublin, La Gomera then Vegas next! (Unless Leeds counts?) lol
Posts: 7,940
03:02 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Reapers can easily survive without me not a problem, whether the team and it's players would want to is another thing. So no one is indispensable to any team, that's just nothing but a myth and a false belief.

I'm afraid you're the only purveyor of nonsense here Ash, as per usual. I am indispensable to uprising, and they wouldn't last a season without me. Unlike you and your make belief "friends" I actually meet up in real life with these people, and have plans to meet up with the ones I haven't yet. Most of the likes of Chris Gibson etc only came on for the last 4 seasons purely because of me. You'll see that when I go, maybe 4 - 5 Uprising players max will stick playing clan pool.

You're desperate for clans to stay together so your failed project can finally be the dominant force by default, because there won't be any other strong clans left. I'll enjoy watching you win a 3 team league and then making 1000000 posts on how glorious it is, and how AMAZING you've all done! Safe in the knowledge that whilst Uprising existed, we were always your superiors!

I think someone forgets that Uprising only dominated because Pros folded, and Pros only existed and dominated because MVP folded lol
Clan leagues have been weak since great clans like MVP, Untouchables, Wipeout, Snooker Squad etc etc all folded.
I wonder how Uprising or Phoenix Reapers would have done in a league with them lot ?

Edited at 01:07 Thu 03/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 9,456
05:30 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Reapers can easily survive without me not a problem, whether the team and it's players would want to is another thing. So no one is indispensable to any team, that's just nothing but a myth and a false belief.

I'm afraid you're the only purveyor of nonsense here Ash, as per usual. I am indispensable to uprising, and they wouldn't last a season without me. Unlike you and your make belief "friends" I actually meet up in real life with these people, and have plans to meet up with the ones I haven't yet. Most of the likes of Chris Gibson etc only came on for the last 4 seasons purely because of me. You'll see that when I go, maybe 4 - 5 Uprising players max will stick playing clan pool.

You're desperate for clans to stay together so your failed project can finally be the dominant force by default, because there won't be any other strong clans left. I'll enjoy watching you win a 3 team league and then making 1000000 posts on how glorious it is, and how AMAZING you've all done! Safe in the knowledge that whilst Uprising existed, we were always your superiors!

I think someone forgets that Uprising only dominated because Pros folded, and Pros only existed and dominated because MVP folded lol
Clan leagues have been weak since great clans like MVP, Untouchables, Wipeout, Snooker Squad etc etc all folded.
I wonder how Uprising or Phoenix Reapers would have done in a league with them lot ?

Edited at 01:07 Thu 03/11/16 (GMT)

The crazzy clan was started before all this big headed clans nonsense!!! Way before the others, :-)
Posts: 10,109
11:22 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think someone forgets that Uprising only dominated because Pros folded, and Pros only existed and dominated because MVP folded lol
Clan leagues have been weak since great clans like MVP, Untouchables, Wipeout, Snooker Squad etc etc all folded.
I wonder how Uprising or Phoenix Reapers would have done in a league with them lot ?

We did very well against Pro's and Snooker Squad thanks very much. I am more than aware that the leagues were stronger before I entered clans, but Pro's, Snoooker Squad, Shooters, Team Angry, Latin Legends, T.F.S and many more had genuine quality. Uprising did very well when it wasn't a tin pot league, and I'm fairly sure we lasted longer for consecutive seasons than any of those aforementioned teams.

Off the top of my head, I'll pick 8 top players that have played for Uprising. You tell me which team they couldn't at least compete with?


Posts: 6,417
11:28 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well we won 2 Fcl titles, 2 Fbl titles, 2 GSC titles and i cant remember exactly how many SL titles we won while Pros were around.
Phoenix only got a GSC and a FBL so far, so the analogy doesnt make much sense.
Posts: 38,097
17:45 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think someone forgets that Uprising only dominated because Pros folded, and Pros only existed and dominated because MVP folded lol

Clan leagues have been weak since great clans like MVP, Untouchables, Wipeout, Snooker Squad etc etc all folded.
I wonder how Uprising or Phoenix Reapers would have done in a league with them lot ?

Agreed on first paragraph but it is the way of the land, MVP > Pros > Snooker Squad (SL Only, 2nd place otherwise) > Uprising. All four teams were quality in their own eras with the 2nd tier being Phoenix, Wipeout, Untouchables, and 3rd tier being teams like DFE, FPD and Scorpions.

Will always be a top team and a 2nd best who could compete with first but couldn't quite manage to do it, when MVP was around it was Wipeout/Untouchables and Snooker Squad (Partly in Pros era too), In the current era it is Uprising (After Pros which Uprising was 2nd until i took over) and Phoenix in 2nd but Phoenix hasn't quite managed it title wise except last 2 seasons but always considered them the 2nd best in the Current Era (Third counting Pros).

The 2nd paragraph i disagree, It was strong until 2015 when politics took over then manipulation, Since then the League hasn't been up to scratch (Not Keiths fault of course), Up to point now where next season FCL may be Halved which means the prestige of winning FCL will drop as it is easier to get to the total.
Posts: 172
19:14 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
you can only beat whats infront of you

Uprising have class players and would stand the test agaisnt any team
total rubbish to say they wouldnt or couldnt beat any team

sounds a little like the rubbish Shooters endured
when we won the FBL and FCL in the same season
and reached both the cup finals

and im sure it was the same old people bleating on

well done to Uprising, a class team, kills me id beaten alot of them over the last few seasons, its a true shame to miss out testing yourself agaisnt some of the best players the site has seen

to suggest some of those players wouldnt stand up to players of old is farcical
same as Shooters

its sad to see such a great team go
Posts: 38,097
19:55 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree its sad to see, Phoenix's closest rivals will have folded and their competition would be DFE or FPD (Misfits just forming so not included) so i tip them to become the New Uprising but their titles have been a bit disappointing (No Dig but One FBL this Season and One Grand Slam last Season) as been around for a few years and usually have some good players but shadowed by Uprising, like Uprising was with Old Pros (I call them MVP II as was based on MVP and they pretty much took over where MVP left), then MVP were my Originals and still believe them to be the best of all time then Pros then Uprising probably but as said, all three are quality.

Everyone starts struggling at the start except Pros (MVP II) as that had MVP's core players then the top team folds and the 2nd team takes that place (Never happened much though).

Problem next season is Phoenix will become Uprising (Nothing wrong with that) in a smaller league (Nothing wrong either but the FCL does lose a lot of its Prestige so not as important as it was) BUT who will become Phoenix as the 2nd best team? I think DFE potentially but i wouldn't count out FPD either.
Posts: 4,228
20:05 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix is the "new Uprising"...

the amount of people you managed to insult in this one message is huge
Posts: 38,097
20:22 Thu 3 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Uprising are #1 and then Phoenix probably be "New" #1
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