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Posts: 2,062
15:54 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
God Phoenix and shooters in the same season.. not sure we could have two teams that you just naturally have to hate

Well we had to put up with FPD A and FPD B already....
Posts: 404
17:03 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
2 confirmed so not to many more to find


No good luck with this really.
Posts: 172
17:25 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well I was going to sort this
But with the usual fools why bother

Good luck with clans , you wonder why clans are dying
Posts: 404
19:02 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clans arn't dying.

There are more then enough people still interested in clans. The numbers on the site are the problem.

I'm sure you could build a clan from scratch, but from poaching off other clans. There isn't enough regular players that come online on a regular basis for another clan.

Look how crazy 8's turned out when Jay tried to bring it back. Simply just not enough interest to get the clan underway.

You'd think people who have been around since Crazy 8's first developed like me for example and some others i can think of, would be biting Jay's hand off to join. But most are settled in another clan
Posts: 38,097
19:10 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the replies you got are the reason you quit trying then probably the right choice as it does get worse (trust me) and if you quit now, who's to say you won't do it throughout the season?

Yup Phil, Bit like me and Untouchables, Back when Mich brought it back, i would have joined and still would in a sense (minus politics and manipulation) but i was Co-Capt of Snooker Squad who are stats wise the Best SL Team and we gave MVP, Pros and Uprising a run for their money too.
Posts: 14,736
19:16 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 18:49 Wed 02/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 404
19:29 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
How's your team going Phil....gonna get up off the ground this time around? Be good if you do. Good Luck.

As for Wacko Jacko - Think he's asked a fair few from Phoenix yesterday (I've been made aware) so less of his preaching about why 'clans are dying' when he assists with their continued demise.

I'll post my list on Phoenix' people can see who's staying and who isn't.

I have no problem or issue with anyone asking any of my's complimentary - but i do with anyone who wants to try the moral high ground and preach about clans dying when their actions (behind the scenes) are so hypocritical and 2 faced.

Edited at 17:22 Wed 02/11/16 (GMT)

My clan? Oh The Default Squad? That was just a wind up. I laughed myself silly when i saw that you took it seriously. And with what you said to Ray aswell. (Yes he told me what you said on skype)

But if ever I was to start my own clan, i'd sign someone only you could dream of officially signing. And that person is w_hoolahan.

Came so close to signing him a few times right? Well with a few words from me on skype, he never has done so.
Posts: 404
19:37 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
And in relation to what i said above. I could be wrong! There is a lot of fake newbies joining as of late. Whether or not they are all the same person. I do not know! But they can most certainly pot.

I said as soon as the java problem was fixed. (Yes i know it isn't permanently fixed) But as soon as nick fixed the tournament issue, were people were getting kicked out when their opponent broke with some kind of security warning. A lot of people would be back on new usernames.

Still its nice to see some friendlier faces back. Kev04 the cobras captain being one. Welcome back mate
Posts: 404
19:38 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I really do miss Owen. The 10 year old dude creating clan after clan after clan.
Posts: 14,736
19:45 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
After a while of being messing me about I decided to NOT ask him any longer, so if you think your little contribution mattered one iota then think again. He's a very good player, not as active as he used to you're welcome to him. Anyone who wants to count the amount of offers they get before making any decision on an online game, or expects many then they go down in my estimation.

As for you running a team.....go for i think you could?...yes and no. Yes, as you're online every minute of every day, you can play every game type and I think you'd do a good job. Also I say no as well due to the fact, I don't think you have much patience or the right temperament for the role. You'd probably throw a tantrum or get extremely personal with others just like you have done in the past.

Still - good luck if you change your mind and your affiliation/association with w_hoolahan was one of the main key factors I decided to stop asking him.

Edited at 17:49 Wed 02/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 404
19:58 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

As for you running a team.....go for i think you could?...yes and no. Yes, as you're online every minute of every day, you can play every game type and I think you'd do a good job. Also I say no as well due to the fact, I don't think you have much patience or the right temperament for the role. You'd probably throw a tantrum or get extremely personal with others just like you have done in the past.

Hes only not active because the site is dying, he stopped entering tournaments because they became pointless to him. A few updates an a few patches here there and everywhere, and he'd be back.

Thanks for your judgement on whether i could cope captaining a clan. I didn't personally ask for it but still thanks! Opinions matter don't they? Okay heres mine.

Online every minute of everyday? No I sleep and I work nights. Wrong there. I could have captained a clan years ago, and I chose not to. Its far to much effort for such a little result. I have a lot of patience thank you. And i like how you put the last bit.

"You'd probably throw a tantrum or get extremely personal with others just like you have done in the past."

Like i have done in the past? I've never captained a clan, so how could i get extremely personal with others like i have done in the past? I don't like people, people don't like me. That's life

I don't come on here to chat, or be liked.
Posts: 14,736
20:00 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you want to carry this on then feel free to offline message me...let's not clog up this thread.

Posts: 404
20:06 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well I was going to sort this
But with the usual fools why bother

Good luck with clans , you wonder why clans are dying

If you've said that based on what i just said then don't quit. You do what you can to get a clan going.

I laughed at the idea of another clan being created. Because IMO its just impossible.

But i truly meant it when i said good luck.
Posts: 172
21:10 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the replies you got are the reason you quit trying then probably the right choice as it does get worse (trust me) and if you quit now, who's to say you won't do it throughout the season?

Yup Phil, Bit like me and Untouchables, Back when Mich brought it back, i would have joined and still would in a sense (minus politics and manipulation) but i was Co-Capt of Snooker Squad who are stats wise the Best SL Team and we gave MVP, Pros and Uprising a run for their money too.

id already got players james
not 10 but enough for the first 2 days

however, looking at the fools on here whats the point in putting myself
through a season of crap

ive been there as a player and a succesful captain for many years

reading back a few posts
i know why i quit clans in the first place, but i always seem to think things will change

thats the reason James please dont over think it
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(IP Logged)
21:28 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
There won't be any difference if you run a team or not anyway Craig. If you managed to get a team together then another one would end up folding, most of uprising are retiring so there just wouldn't be enough players for 5 clans to be successful again next season imo.
Posts: 38,097
21:31 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just saying, i dealt with worse when i was Captaining "New" Pros and even before then, DFE not been bad except when Keith asked me to help run League in his absence.

If you decided to continue then its likely you would come under fire as well and then the fixtures themselves.

Also those fools was here before you decided to go for it, You chose to do so, Okay got a couple of negative responses but it could have been worse. By posting then quitting the next day, you opened up more ammunition for the fools to fire instead of not posting, asking in secret (someone may have blabbed though as been the case) then doing one if you got the players. Less Ammunition then for the fools to fire.

Despite our differences i gave you my support as we need more clans and i've backed off arguing with Ash as well. If you can get the players (could ask some newbies too) then by all means resurrect Shooters.
Posts: 14,736
21:50 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Surely Uprising can survive without faust ? - (they do when he's on holiday 5 times a year (allegedly) ).

They don't need him to hold their hand etc, I'm sure they have plenty of players who can remain active and keep the team afloat.

Edited at 19:54 Wed 02/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
21:54 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It isn't Uprising without Stu though, Just like no FPD without Bucky, no SS without Seb, no MVP without Keith/Ab, no Phoenix without Ash.

If Stu left and they continued then no longer Uprising.

Take Pros, Rich left, Matty left, I was left in charge, Our top players left because of a change in leadership except Dvz which i appreciated, This would be just the same thing.
Posts: 14,736
21:57 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Reapers can easily survive without me not a problem, whether the team and it's players would want to is another thing. So no one is indispensable to any team, that's just nothing but a myth and a false belief.
Posts: 38,097
22:03 Wed 2 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It isn't nonsense, theirs always one person that keeps the coal together, sometimes two.

If that coal left then may as well be a B Team.

Soon as Rich left the last sole of Pros, it was no longer Pros, Sure the name was still Pros but it wasn't Pros at all. Stu leaves and Zante, it's no longer Uprising as they started it from ground up like you did with Phoenix.

But Stu's players are loyal to him as if he goes, they all go and clan folds.
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