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Posts: 4,046
18:59 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats why im suggesting that the other team picks your subs at the start. Those subs still play their own games but may be called to complete others as well. Huts for instance isnt gonna name Seb and Crazy greg as subs for FPD is he? Your not going to name rapid_pot or legend_pot as Ash's subs are you. It makes the captain put his 8 or 6 (depending on format) most reliable players in. After a pre arranged time the subs becomes active. It push's players to get their games done for fear of being subbed out by the opposing side.
If their are ways to manipulate this system then im all ears and it might need tweaking but it covers a few of the bases that have caused us the most hassle
Posts: 38,097
19:08 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats why im suggesting that the other team picks your subs at the start. Those subs still play their own games but may be called to complete others as well. Huts for instance isnt gonna name Seb and Crazy greg as subs for FPD is he? Your not going to name rapid_pot or legend_pot as Ash's subs are you. It makes the captain put his 8 or 6 (depending on format) most reliable players in. After a pre arranged time the subs becomes active. It push's players to get their games done for fear of being subbed out by the opposing side.
If their are ways to manipulate this system then im all ears and it might need tweaking but it covers a few of the bases that have caused us the most hassle

Sounds interesting, could you explain more in fixture format mate, i read it but confused me a bit (can happen if i don't understand something) so at times need things explaining in a basic language.

ty mate
Posts: 4,046
19:50 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
So if the fixture is FPD VS DFE

Kleins team selection is


and he choses epicshot and kris as subs from DFE

allypunk 8

and you choose hustler1987 and ric_flair as subs

All the subs are active players and not the best from the opposing team. Its now equally important for both teams to get their players to play or Seb for example could be swapped with ric_flair ect or dvz with kris. Not that any of these players mentioned are bad, its just for the example.
Posts: 14,736
19:54 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No chance - No one is telling me who I can sub in.

When we submit team lists we should just list 2 subs available ONLY and they be the ones allowed to help out the fixture...if absolutely necessary.

When we post the fixtures on threads, the 2 players (subs) should be posted too - so everyone is fully aware from the beginning of any fixture.
Posts: 2,588
20:18 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont mind this idea. TBH I trust my original 8 players that I put in to get the game done, therefore this wouldnt effect FPD too much. We very rarely sub out players in the FCL.
Posts: 4,046
20:26 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No chance - No one is telling me who I can sub in.

When we submit team lists we should just list 2 subs available ONLY and they be the ones allowed to help out the fixture...if absolutely necessary.

When we post the fixtures on threads, the 2 players (subs) should be posted too - so everyone is fully aware from the beginning of any fixture.

No one is telling you who to sub in. Put in 8 eligible players at the start and you won't have to worry about it will you? And that's the problem. You ain't got 8 players you can rely on so you go defensive. By having the oposing team pick them you are guaranteed few defaults,especially if you and friendyboy are picked as subs.
Posts: 38,097
20:28 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont mind this idea. TBH I trust my original 8 players that I put in to get the game done, therefore this wouldnt effect FPD too much. We very rarely sub out players in the FCL.

Same, all about trusting your players and if you choose active players over quality ones (both are a bonus) then shouldn't be any issues with subs.

No chance - No one is telling me who I can sub in.

You would be able to pick two from other teams so both teams would be at a disadvantage.

When we post the fixtures on threads, the 2 players (subs) should be posted too - so everyone is fully aware from the beginning of any fixture.

That's a given however the only players who should know are the two Captains and the League Runner, except the Subs no one else needs to know really but does help possibly with preventing arguments if posted.

When we submit team lists we should just list 2 subs available ONLY and they be the ones allowed to help out the fixture...if absolutely necessary.

Thats reverse of Jamies idea, may work but whats stopping Captains picking Quality over Activity?

Jamie's idea is the opposite as they want active subs so would be bad to pick Roxbury for example (Used a DFE Example).

I'm not participating next season but would be interesting to see how this would go
Posts: 4,046
20:50 Mon 10 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
James got it in one. Im not looking to put teams at a disadvantage unless they pick in-active players. Then its their hard luck aint it. The other thing that occurs to me is teams like uprising and pheonix would not be that disavantaged anyway as they hardly have a bad player on the teamsheet. All anyone would be doing is guaranteeing the game is played by someone and not just the select 3 best on the team.
Posts: 7,297
22:14 Mon 24 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 19:36 Mon 24/10/16 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
23:28 Mon 24 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If that match is 6-0 then me vs Veyron is 6-0. I know the other match would be 0-0 so it doesn't really matter how lenient or strict the default is.
Posts: 859
13:31 Tue 25 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think ash needs to make his own life 1st choice,,,, not a pool game online
Posts: 1,714
15:08 Wed 26 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think ash needs to make his own life 1st choice,,,, not a pool game online

You're here as well? as well as everyone else.
Posts: 1,714
15:08 Wed 26 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Opposing teams choosing the sub? I'd never get to play then because people would just be too intimidated.
Posts: 4,046
02:30 Tue 1 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
So thats it then isnt it.Uprising gone and now B.S. B.S. is what it is as well.Did you notice how that selfish p.o.s has mentioned nothing of packing up for the past month whilst i am trying to get a team together to help the league continue? Dont get me wrong i wouldnt give that aswipe the credit for the league disapearing but selfishness like his wont help.

I will leave more intelligent people salvage whats left and tell me what happens next. I havent the inclination to persuade people to do what needs doing. I will just help out where i can
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:59 Tue 1 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
In fairness m8 huts did post a bit ago that he would be folding, you'll be fine bud. I'm sure horse and rich will join you and maybe zante will as well.
Posts: 14,736
06:46 Tue 1 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
28 Days ago on their Thread he posted!
- Guess you just missed it!

Edited at 05:05 Tue 01/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
15:18 Tue 1 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
28 Days ago on their Thread he posted!
- Guess you just missed it!

Edited at 05:05 Tue 01/11/16 (GMT)

Yes i did miss it so thanks for clearing that up you little thread troll.

Apologies to _huts24_ for my outburst. Just disapointed i guess.

As for your message Ash. I did what i always do with your messages, i printed it out took it to the washroom and wiped what needed wiping. Muppet
Posts: 2,588
19:08 Tue 1 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
The only way for clans to survive is to have two teams in each clan...

if not, then we need to find a fifth captain
Posts: 38,097
19:53 Tue 1 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think Keith does plan to split it down the middle in FCL from our talk a month ago, reminds me i have work to do (not today tho) as got GC on All Leagues to do, Copy FCL, Cut out the Fat then edit the Code from that Fat. Just no motivation to do it atm haha.

Sure would de-credit the FCL but only possible way to survive, Only other option is folding and that is only when no alternatives.

Pool for me still has the player base but lack of Captains (credit bucky for stepping up), regardless of what state it is in, i have to leave for my own reasons but i'm hoping the league survives
Posts: 14,736
20:16 Tue 1 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It would be good to hear what ideas or plans there are for next season, none of this secret chat transparent and let everyone know. The sooner the better so we can try to retain some interested players.
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