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Posts: 2,327
07:11 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^ I can't imagine Ash accepting a swap that was played and lost just because both players 'agreed to it'. I certainly wouldn't either.

I thought it was only vice/captains that had any say in swaps/subs and had to be united in the decision.
Posts: 38,097
12:18 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
On Snook any player can do a sub and done on behalf of the team but theirs no real politics or manipulation on Snooker and usually only Capts/Vices normally make Subs but if their not around a temporary captain is found and they take over. Snooker usually runs itself although we are struggling massively now since we had the Transfer Window. Only exception is Cup games where both teams must agree to Swap.

On Pool, I know the SL is that anyone can do a sub as i remember chris doing it when he was runner but not sure on the FBL/FCL Subs/Swaps but in my opinion with politics and manipulation being apart of the leagues now, i think Capts or Vices should do Swaps. Might help if you message your team just in case not to accept a Swap unless you approve it.

At DFE we don't need to as all our Swaps (particularly one team) goes through Noob or Dee as feel that Dee can see past the Swap and at times can see motives where as i couldn't usually (learning though) hence not accepting Swaps.

Long as you message your team (or they automatically know) that Swaps should only go through you or your vices then should be fine if rule changes or not. I think it should however heard Uprising may fold at end of season, i'm leaving too (DFE should be ok without me next season, if their is one), i don't think Keith will change the rule as a couple request it however.
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14:41 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
So you have no issue with swaps in the FCL even tho there's still 3 weeks till deadline and only 2 in the FBL, yet swaps in the FBL seem to be a big problem even tho there's a week less left till deadline, are you not working a bit backward there?

If Buck had of won the FBL game then there wouldn't of been any issues at all, and I think kliens post to buck saying he knows he can make swaps whenever he wants after his FCL win backs this up perfectly.

Obviously the only reason he agreed to the FCL swap is because he thought scotty would stand a much better chance against legend than buck, why else would you be ok with a swap when there's still 3 weeks to go till deadline...
Posts: 2,588
14:55 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I have no problem with swaps in the FCL and SL as its the exact same type no matter who you play

I would never accept a swap in the FBL when buckjam is clearly better in 8uk and quickshot is better in 9us ... Absolutely no way would I accept a swap in the FBL that played into Phoenix's strengths. It would be utter stupidity.

The swaps were not even posted in the correct channels, had buckjam won ash would have had every right to refuse the swap also considering he never even posted the swap anywhere!

Absolutely stupid rule, if the result stands in brings into question the point of vice captains and even bothering to choose a team for fixtures. Why not just let anyone play anyone?
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15:01 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think your post to buck is more stupid than anything else tbh, and you say he's not even a vice?

If you say to any of your players that they know they can make swaps whenever they want then they are going to think it's perfectly ok having been given permission by their own captain.

Maybe tell your players in future that they are not to accept any swaps or subs without your permission to avoid it happening again.
Posts: 2,588
15:06 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think your post to buck is more stupid than anything else tbh, and you say he's not even a vice?

If you say to any of your players that they know they can make swaps whenever they want then they are going to think it's perfectly ok having been given permission by their own captain.

Maybe tell your players in future that they are not to accept any swaps or subs without your permission to avoid it happening again.

I've already spoken with Buck (who is muted) and he has explained what has happened, he has also spoke to horse who I expect will make his decision shortly because it is clear Bucky was messed around yesterday by ash.

If the swap had been made the fixture should have been played in 8uk and not 9us. Bucky played a full FCL game against letsgochamp and won 9-6.. Ash then voided this result claiming he meant the swap to be in the FBL.
Posts: 2,588
15:08 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^ I can't imagine Ash accepting a swap that was played and lost just because both players 'agreed to it'. I certainly wouldn't either.

I thought it was only vice/captains that had any say in swaps/subs and had to be united in the decision.

No.. The truth is I could literally persuade your worst player to play FCL against seb, not post the sub or swap anywhere on the forums and as long as you didn't find out before the first frame is played, the result stands because your player accepted. No matter what I told your player. Interesting loophole right?
Posts: 2,327
18:56 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^ I can't imagine Ash accepting a swap that was played and lost just because both players 'agreed to it'. I certainly wouldn't either.

I thought it was only vice/captains that had any say in swaps/subs and had to be united in the decision.

No.. The truth is I could literally persuade your worst player to play FCL against seb, not post the sub or swap anywhere on the forums and as long as you didn't find out before the first frame is played, the result stands because your player accepted. No matter what I told your player. Interesting loophole right?

It certainly is.
I'm glad I don't tell any of our players that they can make swaps whenever they like! Although common sense usually prevails among our bunch
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(IP Logged)
19:03 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^ I can't imagine Ash accepting a swap that was played and lost just because both players 'agreed to it'. I certainly wouldn't either.

I thought it was only vice/captains that had any say in swaps/subs and had to be united in the decision.

No.. The truth is I could literally persuade your worst player to play FCL against seb, not post the sub or swap anywhere on the forums and as long as you didn't find out before the first frame is played, the result stands because your player accepted. No matter what I told your player. Interesting loophole right?

Very interesting, will this work against any of your team then?
Posts: 9,926
03:55 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 2

Default information for

thegame26 v bigcjl2


w_hoolahan v friendyboy

By midnight tomorrow as the league positions are all set so will make no difference really.
Posts: 6,417
00:13 Wed 5 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Golden Cue

These are the final standings of the Golden Cue. Players must have played at least 5 games to qualify for it.

Congratulations to legend_pot for winning it!

Posted Image
Posts: 9,926
13:53 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 2

Default information for

thegame26 v bigcjl2


w_hoolahan v friendyboy

By midnight tomorrow as the league positions are all set so will make no difference really.

Default scores are as follows:-

thegame26 (10) v (5) bigcjl2


w_hoolahan (10) v (5) friendyboy
Posts: 9,926
14:07 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Season 28 Final Table

Posted Image

Congratulations to Uprising on retaining the FCL league again
Posts: 14,736
14:40 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well Done Uprising.

Still very pleased with 2nd and we pushed all the way. The default score is fair upon reflection, I do however stand by the subs Permitted allowance mirroring the not Permitted amount of days in order to be more balanced and equal.

It was a good season...shame politics played their part a little too much but that's what happens when you're playing vs potentially 3 weeks versus 1. I tried to select only active players as much as possible. The only thing imo I did wrong was to hesitate to remove anyone I considered a friend over their actual availability at times as their removal also had implications on other fixtures already released.

Thanks Keith and hopefully we can go again for at least another season...maybe it is time to shake things up a bit and maybe the remaining teams could split down the middle and have two teams in the FCL (8-10 players max each side).
Posts: 38,097
15:02 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done Uprising, on reflection of the table its about what i would have predicted, Close between BS and FPD other than that, other three seemed clear but was odd in DFE 2nd run that FPD didn't use Seb or other valuable players.

Default seems fair on reflection and happy its accepted all round as was expecting Round 2 when defaults was announced. Thanks to Phoenix for accepting the result.

Yep politics does play a part now and its a shame, On Snooker it won't become that bad but it will fold (again) soon. But we always had Frame Count and Completion Bonus. Pool made the mistake of doing a Football System as a "No Play, Just Win" scenario came about into politics today.

I understand that if a team goes undefeated that they should win the league but i think frames count with a 20 frames of completion bonus means you get clans trying to complete games for 20 points rather than default for 15 points. I think its the way forward personally.

This next bit is constructive criticism and not meant to start a fight or digs etc but only problem i saw with Phoenix was they put Fresh in too many fixtures when he had no time to play when more active alternates could have played. As said not a dig but hope Phoenix accepts this and can learn from it if Pool has a new season as think half the problems revolved around that. Other clans are guilty too though.
Posts: 38,097
15:04 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
maybe it is time to shake things up a bit and maybe the remaining teams could split down the middle and have two teams in the FCL (8-10 players max each side).

^ unless a new clan forms that would be the only way you could continue the league but still three clans so i think bare minimum, you need 4 clans to run a league.
Posts: 4,046
16:14 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll try and start up a clan. I know there ain't much about but I will give it ago.
Posts: 38,097
16:27 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
nice one
Posts: 4,046
19:19 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok . Have started a new clan. Now in a calm and pleasant manner we need to discuss how we change the team sizes to give us 5 sustainable clans. If we dont it goes down the drain.

The subs issue is the main reason for rows on here. So. I suggest that when we send the teamsheet in the opposing captain gets to pick 2 players from the other team as subs. These are the only subs that are available. The opposing capt would be silly if he picked players that were hardly online as his mission would be to pick the two worst but active players. If after 2 or 3 weeks (if its a 4 week set) the subs become active and can be drafted in.

eg. Lets say the fixture is Seb vs Dvz. Seb hasnt been online but Dvz has been active. DFE selected ferretlady and itapool as the subs for that fixture. Its in FPD's interest for Seb to play or we could be looking at heavy loss. So we are pushing like hell to get Seb to play. At the start of the 4th week DFE have every right to insist we play either ferretlady or itapool. If Seb turns up during week 4 and the match hasnt been done FPD can ask if he can play it still but DFE can refuse.

No one will submit players that are in-active if they are penalized in this way and we all know where we stand. No last minute subs and less defaults i would have thought.

Just an idea anyway.
Posts: 38,097
19:29 Sat 8 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Keith does plan to reduce sizes for leagues survival but hes unsure of the format
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