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19:46 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
Is this the reason why you don't stick to them is it mich
It has never been a secret that i inherited the leagues and website from chris, I have limited ability when it comes to updating the website, so i have been doing enough to allow the clans to continue. Every rule change has been posted on all clans threads if any have been changed and apart from the odd occasion nearly everyone apart from a select few can play within them quite easily.
The majority of captains on here have played in clans every season when i have been in charge and seem to know the rules fairly well.
Maybe the problem is that the captain in charge of phoenix seems to be the one who struggles most with the rules and even now has taken your post as another chance to claim i am now moses with my own funkypool commandments, really is boring this biased card
If anyone wishes to write up a full new set of rules and if dgeneratio can update the website they are more than welcome to do so, but i have no interest or time as i have more important things to be doing with my time than that, the leagues take up enough of my time as it is.
And for the record faust has had a reply regarding imran, he has to play by the same rules as everyone else. Yes in instances like this it is unfortunate but when others continue to try and abuse the rules we cannot allow any special dispensation which is a pity as we are all adults and in an ideal world common sense would be allowed
I think the sensible thing to do would be to actually have a set of rules, publicisedo so everyone can see and stick at them. After all rules are there to be adhered to.
Whether I agree with the wait til last week til we sub rule (which I dont) or not is completely beyond the point.
I'd like nothing more for all clans to be able to make subs at most times past the first week or 2 without removing a player from a team who could possibly contribute later in the fixture.
It's just making it less likely games will be played and more likely that defaults will be the outcome.
Even a change of rule now would be welcomed by most I would imagine, I just wanna know what all the rules are so I have a clear understanding of everything. If the rules have been changed for w seasons then surely there has been ample time to post them on the site.
If you wanna send me brief versions the rule updates I'll type it all up for you so they can be put up.
Whether I agree with the wait til last week til we sub rule (which I dont) or not is completely beyond the point.
I'd like nothing more for all clans to be able to make subs at most times past the first week or 2 without removing a player from a team who could possibly contribute later in the fixture.
It's just making it less likely games will be played and more likely that defaults will be the outcome.
Even a change of rule now would be welcomed by most I would imagine, I just wanna know what all the rules are so I have a clear understanding of everything. If the rules have been changed for w seasons then surely there has been ample time to post them on the site.
If you wanna send me brief versions the rule updates I'll type it all up for you so they can be put up.
Is this the reason why you don't stick to them is it mich
It has never been a secret that i inherited the leagues and website from chris, I have limited ability when it comes to updating the website, so i have been doing enough to allow the clans to continue. Every rule change has been posted on all clans threads if any have been changed and apart from the odd occasion nearly everyone apart from a select few can play within them quite easily.
The majority of captains on here have played in clans every season when i have been in charge and seem to know the rules fairly well.
Maybe the problem is that the captain in charge of phoenix seems to be the one who struggles most with the rules and even now has taken your post as another chance to claim i am now moses with my own funkypool commandments, really is boring this biased card
If anyone wishes to write up a full new set of rules and if dgeneratio can update the website they are more than welcome to do so, but i have no interest or time as i have more important things to be doing with my time than that, the leagues take up enough of my time as it is.
And for the record faust has had a reply regarding imran, he has to play by the same rules as everyone else. Yes in instances like this it is unfortunate but when others continue to try and abuse the rules we cannot allow any special dispensation which is a pity as we are all adults and in an ideal world common sense would be allowed
19:48 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
Why should you be punished further if you have restrictions? If you're unable to get on and play you're removed from the fixture that's fair.
Why should someone be removed for being inactive if they're away in holiday for 3 weeks when the season could be 12 weeks or more?
It makes no sense. If someone is hospitalised after being put in and can only get on a couple weeks later to find they've been removed because of this rule how is that fair?
I understand what you say with the tactical subs thing but sometimes you have just gotta think logically about it and if both captains agree allow subs at any time.
Why should someone be removed for being inactive if they're away in holiday for 3 weeks when the season could be 12 weeks or more?
It makes no sense. If someone is hospitalised after being put in and can only get on a couple weeks later to find they've been removed because of this rule how is that fair?
I understand what you say with the tactical subs thing but sometimes you have just gotta think logically about it and if both captains agree allow subs at any time.
19:52 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
You can remove to sub out of all leagues and put back straight away for the next set, Huts has done it more then most. Its about a FOUR week fixture not a Twelve week season.
If you're inactive, remove, sub, add them back then eligible for future sets.
I'll happily type up the rules if i know what has changed.
If you're inactive, remove, sub, add them back then eligible for future sets.
I'll happily type up the rules if i know what has changed.
20:00 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
Keith I and my team would like nothing more than a sub from Uprising in sure Ash would agree here and in unfortunate circumstances I'm sure 2 captains conversing would sort this out.
If both captains agree coukd we get a sub?
And could this be a way forward in the future?
If both captains agree coukd we get a sub?
And could this be a way forward in the future?
20:07 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
If the mistake was exactly that and it's very easily done (which I believe it was) plus the replaced player is active as is my own then yeah I have no issues with a wrong being rectified immediately.
I don't appreciate all these ridiculous and continuous garbage about being tactical as every team does the exact same. It's just so easy to target one person who in the past has openly admitted and accepted his wrongdoings publicly.
Sub out r1p0m4n_v2 and let's try get all fixtures arranged ASAP.
No problem
I don't appreciate all these ridiculous and continuous garbage about being tactical as every team does the exact same. It's just so easy to target one person who in the past has openly admitted and accepted his wrongdoings publicly.
Sub out r1p0m4n_v2 and let's try get all fixtures arranged ASAP.
No problem
20:12 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
No you take tactical to a whole new level, You did vs Greg almost did it to Scorpions before subbing Mich in. On those two occasions Phoenix was at fault but you wanted to sub in Ryan who arguably is your best player, nothing wrong if he was active but was on a field trip both times so you was willing to let Ryan play knowing he is only free 2-3 days in the fixture.
Credit where it is due, You subbed in Mich who is more active and has a better opportunity to play.
If the mistake was exactly that and it's very easily done (which I believe it was) plus the replaced player is active as is my own then yeah I have no issues with a wrong being rectified immediately.
I don't appreciate all these ridiculous and continuous garbage about being tactical as every team does the exact same. It's just so easy to target one person who in the past has openly admitted and accepted his wrongdoings publicly.
Sub out r1p0m4n_v2 and let's try get all fixtures arranged ASAP.
No problem
I don't appreciate all these ridiculous and continuous garbage about being tactical as every team does the exact same. It's just so easy to target one person who in the past has openly admitted and accepted his wrongdoings publicly.
Sub out r1p0m4n_v2 and let's try get all fixtures arranged ASAP.
No problem
No you take tactical to a whole new level, You did vs Greg almost did it to Scorpions before subbing Mich in. On those two occasions Phoenix was at fault but you wanted to sub in Ryan who arguably is your best player, nothing wrong if he was active but was on a field trip both times so you was willing to let Ryan play knowing he is only free 2-3 days in the fixture.
Credit where it is due, You subbed in Mich who is more active and has a better opportunity to play.
20:36 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
No James the real problem is anything I do or say getting criticised, ridiculed, investigated, evaluated & scrutinised by interfering people outside of my team...such as yourself. Who feels it was his place to post when my players away or available yet the fixture in question had no relevance to his own team.
The massive problem within Clans is the continual interference from others. I subbed in mich as I know legend_pot is away and don't think or felt he or my team deserved the apparent abuse we were getting and would still be receiving due to me subbing him in. Mich is active and not only that expressed a willingness to help his team out..as did rapid_pot. Thanks to them both.
We will continue to act as a team but do not need nor want any interference from others...especially when the fixtures have zero relation to their team.
The massive problem within Clans is the continual interference from others. I subbed in mich as I know legend_pot is away and don't think or felt he or my team deserved the apparent abuse we were getting and would still be receiving due to me subbing him in. Mich is active and not only that expressed a willingness to help his team out..as did rapid_pot. Thanks to them both.
We will continue to act as a team but do not need nor want any interference from others...especially when the fixtures have zero relation to their team.
20:50 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
I posted as you would have expected poolgod to play final weekend even though Phoenix was at fault. If poolgod wouldn't be free, you would have demanded a sub to play a player who was on vacation.
I was informing Huts of Ryans absence to let him know when Ryan is back and you butt in, As i said before if i want to post then i will. If i would get revoked then i can't post so i win either way, Their is no defeat as i can say what i think and if i would be revoked then i can't answer back which after the season i won't be in a clan so i'll have no reason to post except to maintain my events.
I used to be scared of revokes and standing up for myself a year ago as i cared about what people thought but you molded me into the person i am today so that's one thing i can thank you for.
I was informing Huts of Ryans absence to let him know when Ryan is back and you butt in, As i said before if i want to post then i will. If i would get revoked then i can't post so i win either way, Their is no defeat as i can say what i think and if i would be revoked then i can't answer back which after the season i won't be in a clan so i'll have no reason to post except to maintain my events.
I used to be scared of revokes and standing up for myself a year ago as i cared about what people thought but you molded me into the person i am today so that's one thing i can thank you for.
23:05 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
great effort that. could someone find out from how many games has he subbed himself out from
Hmmm. Theres no calculator who can count it.
I was going to look since his last match but not today, i found out when his last games was however and all against one team.
4 clan games in 2 years. Busy boy
great effort that. could someone find out from how many games has he subbed himself out from
Hmmm. Theres no calculator who can count it.
I was going to look since his last match but not today, i found out when his last games was however and all against one team.
23:18 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
great effort that. could someone find out from how many games has he subbed himself out from
Hmmm. Theres no calculator who can count it.
I was going to look since his last match but not today, i found out when his last games was however and all against one team.
hmmmmmm I wonder which clan
4 clan games in 2 years. Busy boy
great effort that. could someone find out from how many games has he subbed himself out from
Hmmm. Theres no calculator who can count it.
I was going to look since his last match but not today, i found out when his last games was however and all against one team.
hmmmmmm I wonder which clan
23:20 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
Pahahahahahahahahaha you're so full of it James...go back to sleep and make sure you don't spill your milk carton in the process.
Pahahahahahahahahaha you're worse than a toddler.
Pahahahahahahahahaha you're worse than a toddler.
23:24 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
I was intrigued when you last played and checked for fun but one of the leagues it was when i was in Phoenix (i mean XV Man) early last year.
23:28 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
Last time he played i beat him 2-0 in Straight i think
23:32 Sun 4 Sep 16 (BST)
00:48 Mon 5 Sep 16 (BST)
FCL Fixture Set Two is released and can be found here:
Deadline is: 02/10/16 @ Midnight
Keith normally makes the announcements but he isn't around at the moment so i have released.
As usual any issues with fixtures, let me know immediately.
Good Luck Everyone
Deadline is: 02/10/16 @ Midnight
Keith normally makes the announcements but he isn't around at the moment so i have released.
As usual any issues with fixtures, let me know immediately.
Good Luck Everyone
02:04 Mon 5 Sep 16 (BST)
To be honest he was having personal issues while he was playing me so he couldn't concentrate
To be honest he was having personal issues while he was playing me so he couldn't concentrate
00:24 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)
did you know that if you can persuade a gullible player on the opposition to play your best player in any league, and the result stands?!!?
You could literally get blackcabman to play whocares8x8 and as long as the other captain doesnt find out about it.. the result stands..
Now you may be thinking, well doesnt their captain have to post the swap on the opponents thread or the FBL swaps page (useless name apparently).. well NO.. You dont even need to follow the proper channels, as long as the game is played apparently.. straight from the horses mouth (lol pun!)...
Yeah, so go out now and get the worst player from your opponents clan to play your best player and its an easy victory for your team!
did you know that if you can persuade a gullible player on the opposition to play your best player in any league, and the result stands?!!?
You could literally get blackcabman to play whocares8x8 and as long as the other captain doesnt find out about it.. the result stands..
Now you may be thinking, well doesnt their captain have to post the swap on the opponents thread or the FBL swaps page (useless name apparently).. well NO.. You dont even need to follow the proper channels, as long as the game is played apparently.. straight from the horses mouth (lol pun!)...
Yeah, so go out now and get the worst player from your opponents clan to play your best player and its an easy victory for your team!
00:35 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)
In my view Both captains or VC Need to agree on swaps as other certain captains like Ash can make up the fixtures to suit there needs and take full advantage if other captains are not currently online.
(not saying you would Ash just example)
I Agree with klien on this.
Subs are very different its purely up to any captain to make subs when they feel like it.
(not saying you would Ash just example)
I Agree with klien on this.
Subs are very different its purely up to any captain to make subs when they feel like it.
00:42 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)
Whats the point in captains when you can just exploit right past them and create your own fixtures up.. I dont spend hours choosing a teamsheet to have it ripped apart by Ash swapping my fixtures around without going through the right channels.
In my view Both captains or VC Need to agree on swaps as other certain captains like Ash can make up the fixtures to suit there needs and take full advantage if other captains are not currently online.
(not saying you would Ash just example)
I Agree with klien on this.
Subs are very different its purely up to any captain to make subs when they feel like it.
(not saying you would Ash just example)
I Agree with klien on this.
Subs are very different its purely up to any captain to make subs when they feel like it.
Whats the point in captains when you can just exploit right past them and create your own fixtures up.. I dont spend hours choosing a teamsheet to have it ripped apart by Ash swapping my fixtures around without going through the right channels.
07:07 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)
Whats the point in captains when you can just exploit right past them and create your own fixtures up.. I dont spend hours choosing a teamsheet to have it ripped apart by Ash swapping my fixtures around without going through the right channels.
Agreed, that's why James (who is a vice) won't accept a swap any longer without asking me. I don't think there's any particular point in Captains and or Vices if any player has the rights to make such decisions??
In my view Both captains or VC Need to agree on swaps as other certain captains like Ash can make up the fixtures to suit there needs and take full advantage if other captains are not currently online.
(not saying you would Ash just example)
I Agree with klien on this.
Subs are very different its purely up to any captain to make subs when they feel like it.
(not saying you would Ash just example)
I Agree with klien on this.
Subs are very different its purely up to any captain to make subs when they feel like it.
Whats the point in captains when you can just exploit right past them and create your own fixtures up.. I dont spend hours choosing a teamsheet to have it ripped apart by Ash swapping my fixtures around without going through the right channels.
Agreed, that's why James (who is a vice) won't accept a swap any longer without asking me. I don't think there's any particular point in Captains and or Vices if any player has the rights to make such decisions??
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